Duchies Little Big Top. Under the 600!


Well-Known Member
Oh, man, I know the smell!
Was driving around with my parents near Wetaskawin, AB and drove through an area that was nothing but rapeseed (what it used to be called until Canada became kinder & gentler;-) ) as far as the eye could see, and it was that smell.
A pretty plant, but has a bite to the nose when it's mature, for sure.


Well-Known Member
Small world DB. I used to haul Anhydrous Ammonia to all the farmers around their, about this time of year. Talk about a dangerous job! Never take off your gas mask when working around that stuff, it'll knock you down and kill you faster thank you can think what's happening to you. Talk about instant N for the soil though, you could see some leaking out of the soil as it's ploughed/injected into the field. It's like a misty morning dew, or White Napalm! And yes, Rapeseed is farmers Black Gold with strictly protected genetics and closely monitored by Agriculture Canada.

This'll bring back some memories for ya then.


Well-Known Member
It's definitely got a beauty of it's own and 10 years I don't entirely regret. After a while though the winters were wearing on me and the culture was just a little not my style. Not that it was bad, just not me. I'm back home now and not going anywhere. Yes, that Texas of the North with all it's oil and cattle and cowboys. Don't ask me how a guys born and raised in the big smoke ends up there cause I still really don't know, but the life experience is priceless and irreplaceable.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, my uncle (now long passed) was one of the first of the old cowboys in the Battle River area. Amazing man in many ways.
And the family plot of land that they used to farm has been leased out for the last 40 years to pump natural gas.
If I was "stuck" there, I wouldn't mind it at all.
But I can't imagine living there too long for the some of the same reasons as you. Though I'm comfortable in a shack or cabin or tent, I prefer city life, and though Salem is kind of a small city, it's not quite a small town.
Plus the black flies are vicious in the summer time!

(*edit: Battle River, not Battle Creek)


Well-Known Member
Looking good duchie and I love the bunt pan, what a great idea.

Pictured it instantly when I saw it on the shelf. Told my wife if she comes across anymore to grab them. I just put a little peat moss on the bottom to level it off, insulate it and hold moisture for humidity. I'm going to look for a small metal reflector the same size so it sits right on top with a single cfl sitting right in the middle hole of the pan.

GeniusPots are on there way bro. :) Ladies are looking amazing, that extrema looks like it has no stretch whatsoever, lol.
Love that name man. It's.....well, Genius!

Watch out for the CBH i have been all over the place reading up on it and the one constant is they really take off big time once you flip 12/12 most people recomend flipping before 8 inch's yeah really 8" they say they easily tripple in size once fliped i seen a lot of pic's of grows on Grass City and another forum just thought id drop that info to you!! they look great by the way...
These guys went in after 7 days veg. The Jack Hammers I think only vegged for 3 weeks. Thank for the info, always looking for it any chance I can get. Lately its been hard to distinguish the smells I got going on lately but hovering over those CBH's the other day and I was hit with a nice big yummy smell.

Yeah, my uncle (now long passed) was one of the first of the old cowboys in the Battle Creek area. Amazing man in many ways.
And the family plot of land that they used to farm has been leased out for the last 40 years to pump natural gas.
If I was "stuck" there, I wouldn't mind it at all.
But I can't imagine living there too long for the some of the same reasons as you. Though I'm comfortable in a shack or cabin or tent, I prefer city life, and though Salem is kind of a small city, it's not quite a small town.
Plus the black flies are vicious in the summer time!
I definitely couldn't get back into a city environment now. I'm in a nice little town now but the region is very populous so it's like a bunch of Republicans being surrounded by Liberals and Socialists. You know, Culture?

So how bout a taste of spring boys. A shot of mine from last year. Pretty proud of this one.

Edit. Sure loses a lot of rez on RIU so here's a link to it. I'll get some more pic up there now that I have that set up.


Well-Known Member
Yeah kind of has to do with my forgetting that i scheduled a maintnance to be done on my A/C and it was performed without my being here to watch the cat doing it you know what i mean? not sure what he seen but not taking chances either had to do some moving abd chopping...
Hey dude, just went over to your new thread and read through it and saw no mention of this. So what's the deal, is the production line still up?


Well-Known Member
Incredible pics duchie! and entertaining read too :-)
Im just starting to use smart pots and want to see if I shoulda got me some genius pots :lol:

keep it up.


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks whodat, glad you like it. I'm actually just putting together a couple of pics right now. It's my male Jack Hammer, at least I'm pretty sure he's male but today I found myself second guessing myself. Didn't have a chance for a real good look but we'll see tomorrow. Anyway it show that goldleaf look I was talking about. Don't know if this is a good trait or not but I sure like it. The darker green at 10 o'clock is the female.



Well-Known Member
Well not any longer since i moved them in my paranoia once i got them back home they were not looking so well so i chopped them mainly to get them out the way got two other grows that im way more concerned with at this time..gonna get at least a ounce and a half off the RH once dry easy but it was chopped about 2 weeks early..


Well-Known Member
I was just over at your thread checking out your vids and you done got me all riled up! I was going to post this one on your thread to add you your collection but it's just too damn good. I could listen to these guys aaaaaalll night! Twice.


actually I think I will.


Well-Known Member
I was just over at your thread checking out your vids and you done got me all riled up! I was going to post this one on your thread to add you your collection but it's just too damn good. I could listen to these guys aaaaaalll night! Twice.


actually I think I will.
That is not fair at all how the hell did i forget SD thats real brain lock either you had a good buzz on or you cheated..lol well at least i know where to go to listen in!!!Thanks


Well-Known Member
So. Moving along nicely. Hey there stoner.barbie, thanks for the rep. Glad you like my sig, but not sure what part your referring to. Don't be shy, pop in and say hi.

I chopped the main top of the main bud of my Purp tonight, leaving just a few small buds at the bottom. They're still really green and I'm hoping to get a seed or two out of these buds. I spluffed em with some Jack Hammer pollen for fun. I'm not sure if they took and haven't really looked. These buds are solid, resembling the structure of broccoli, with huge fat calyxes with meaty white stems. Don't necessarily know if that is a good traits, but they are so solid I actually thought for a second that it was full of seed but nope, just bud. The smell fresh is kinda sour nutty but it's changing as it dries and I haven't quite figured it out yet. Harvesting it was not so overpowering as the Widows as far as odor goes. In fact it's not a big deal at all, great for stealth apartment grows. The weight of this bud trimmed wet is 40g, the other smaller bud and stuff is about 25 and guessing 15 left. I figure about a zip when it's done. So far what I've quick dried smokes well in the bong and pretty mild. I just actually took a pretty monster his and didn't cough too much at all. Nothing bothersome anyway. Taste is smooth but I'll wait for the cure on that one. The high is nice too. Very cerebral, kinda all over, and heavy in the eyes, but not couch lock at all. In fact very sativa like, maybe the early harvest but it's only by a week at the most, and I get busy on it. In fact, I think I just wrote my first smoke report and didn't even know it. :eyesmoke:


Well I need some good British classics for my next hit and I'll start with this.

Check out Jimmy Page in this one. Just after The Firm was born.


Well-Known Member
Duch man you are something else bro Great music nice buds harvest still to come and im here watering a bunch of babies!lol looks good bro i dont know if its just me or what but it really irritates the hell out of me whaen i grow a purp straing and get no f*****G purple these seed banks better get there shit together!!!but it still looks good as hell..rep if i could so i'll just like it for now..


Well-Known Member
Oh man, I've been sitting in that spot so long now, it's just starting to come around now for me and that's why I'm having such a blast. Almost a year to get my feet dug in and production actually producing. Building good foundations. I think I not only just eliminated the middle man, but I made myself The Man, and got rid of everyone else pretty much for good. Good for my pocket book. Good for product quality assurance and good for safety. Win, Win, Win....for everyone. I was just looking at your pics, there's one CBH in the group shot that's really sativa looking. I'll get back over there and comment when I can look at the pics again. I was going to ask you there, but thought I might as well ask here and share the info. First off I'm wondering your camera model? I'm gonna help you fix that orange light problem. What is going on there is that your cameras White Balance is off. In other words your camera is not balanced and in sync with the color temperature light in the shot/room. In other words, the ambient light. You know those color temp numbers associated with our lighting bulbs. 6500K, 2700K, etc. That is color temp. A lot of digital cameras have the balance to set custom white balances where you can set them up precisely, or they have a feature where you use a white card and take a pic of the card before taking the shot of your subject. That is in your manual and such, but the quickest way in to go into your settings and set it up for "incandecent" when taking pics under the HPS, and "florecent" for the obvious. Get it? Give it a shot when you can.

Oh, and even though it's bright in there, try using your flash. If it's too bright and blinds the shot, you may be able to compensate that, but that's another thing.


Well-Known Member
Well guys, and lurking lady :wink:, I chopped one of my WW's tonight. Again, like the first 2 WW's, I have 2 phenos, 1 shorter, more indica with a really nice sweet skunk smell. It's actually fairly mild and the buds a dense rock hard. The other is more sativa, looser fluffier buds with a more foul skunk smell and very potent and pungent. Last time I favored the sweeter one, and this time I do to, for taste, smell, denseness, and just overall but the high doesn't seem the same. Maybe too soon to tell yet, idk. I'm having a feeling the other is going to be the better plant this time. Anyway, I left 4 nice little nuggets, pointing straight up like christmas trees, in the middle of the plant, that I'm thinking of revegging for 4 clones. So not bad yield I'm thinking, with some already picked and what's left on the plant that brought me over 100g's. So anyone care to speculate my dry weight? Being as dense as it is, and also seeming somewhat on the dryer side already. I'm hoping to finish with 50%. Anyone think that stretching it?


Truth B Known

Active Member
Thanks very much TBK and thanks for stopping by. Am I reading your sig right, does that say 4000 watts? I'll have to stop by and check that out for sure. Hope you keep checking in
yessirrrr, you read it right.. maaan, lookin good bro.. i always enjoy trimmin up some nice nugs (except for outdoor season)

you end up with 30-50% from wet weight depending on a few things...


Well-Known Member
Whats up Dutchie, nice harvest on the WW. Billcollector told me about your thread so I am Sub'd.

