Temp and humidity


Well-Known Member
i was wondering what the temp and humidity should be in the vegg stage.
my temp is 74.6 and my humidity is 28% is this ok.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering that myself. When i had low humidity I put containers of water in the grow area with the fans blowing across them. That seemed to help a little. A humidifier would work if you had a whole room.


Well-Known Member
I had the same humidity you had. I bought a cheap small room humidifier from target for 16 dollars. It holds a gallon of water and I fill it every night. Keeps my humidity about 60% or so.


Active Member
I keep my temp between 65-75 and let it drop no more than -+5 as for the Hum i have read (and use) 60-70% clone / 55-65% Veg / and 40-50% Flower. From what i understand the moisture is needed as a clone to help root, then as it gets closer to full flower you want the plants to get their H2O from the soil (where your nutes are) and not the air. **ALSO the dense kolas and flowers will get moldy if your humidity is too hight thus losing your crop, so another good reason to keep things in check. I run soil mix indoor and i also use a sulfur burner to prevent any unwanted pest and mold growth in my room. I am sure things may be different for Hydro users


Active Member
...your temps look fine. many people have problems with their temps being too high. low to mid 70's is considered perfect.

i have problems with humidity too, so i have a room humidifier in my cab, and it works hard to keep my humidity at even 45%.

- eyes88


Well-Known Member
If you wonna be cheap try and mop the floor with hot hot water and let it dry then do it again. Im sure it should help. haha


Active Member
if you'd like they also sell climate controlers that you can plug your dehum and AC into and program your parameters and it will tell each when to turn on and off so you can save power and $$. they have a few models availible and i was recommended to use one when my dehum was bringing the % too far down. As for Mopping the floor i wouldnt recommend that as you could possiblly cause water damage to your room and or invite growth of mold and nasty shit. i would look into a room humidifier with a digital setting that shuts it self off at the right %. If its not one thing its another thats the first thing i learned.


Well-Known Member
ok so i put a humidifier in my grow room and not the humidity is like 40-41% and the temp stays at 70.0-71.4 is this ok.
or should i turn down the fan to get the temp a little higher to like 73-74f.