Does Smoking Weed Kill Brain Cells?


Active Member
I've heard some shit about weed destroying brain cells and making you less motivated.

Is this true?


Well-Known Member
no its far from the truth.There are many articles that suggest cannabis may actually stimulate brain cell some research on google or watch documentaries such as "the union"


Active Member
no its far from the truth.There are many articles that suggest cannabis may actually stimulate brain cell some research on google or watch documentaries such as "the union"
i was just going to suggest them gettin on netflix and looking up "the Union" !

no, it doesnt destroy brain cells, thats booze. while it may impede some communications between the brain and the body..thats also the reason it gets us high.


pot doesn't make you a lazy piece of shit, if your lazy already, don't blame it on the
i know too many brilliant and successful people who love a good toke sesh. the stereotype of the dumb, lazy pothead is my most loathed.

i guess if you smoke blunts every waking hour of your miserable life then, yeah, your ass will be dumb and lazy.. but what % of potheads pursue cannabis to this extent?


Active Member
Ronald Reagan used to say marijuana kills brain cells. He was wrong. The study back in the 70s he based that on was flawed. The researcher strapped monkeys into chairs, put gas masks on their faces and pumped in the smoke so strong and for so long that animals got brain damage from the lack of oxygen. So, this Dr. Heath, the scientist who did the study, was he really that incompetent? I don't think so. He knew that the US government would only allow and pay for studies that told them what they wanted to hear - that marijuana was bad in some way - so he rigged the study. He purposely brain-damaged those animals to get his funding.

Oh, by the way. Alcohol, if over-used, *DOES* cause brain damage.


New Member
it does not kill brain cells that is actually propaganda as mentioned above, also mentioned is the study that shows that in fact marijuana actually creates brain cells.

it does effect memory but it is only memories that are not needed, the same memory that you lose when you go to sleep at night in the state of sleep that comes before R.E.M - your brain forgets unnecessary information such as the color of a strangers tie that you passed by in a busy train station - it is the natural way that our brain organizes thoughts.

so unless you are intoxicated at the time than there is no effect on your memory that isn't already happening naturally.


Well-Known Member
i know too many brilliant and successful people who love a good toke sesh. the stereotype of the dumb, lazy pothead is my most loathed.

i guess if you smoke blunts every waking hour of your miserable life then, yeah, your ass will be dumb and lazy.. but what % of potheads pursue cannabis to this extent?
Quite a few, actually.


Everything kills brain cells,you fart too hard and a few thousand die.Don`t worry about it mate,your bodies making new ones all the time.


Well-Known Member
There is some research out there that points to issues when used by developing young people so don't smoke till your in your 20's.... Now there is that song about" was going to go to school but instead I got high"