RC's for beginner in the field of psychedelics


I would like to experience this wonderful realm of hallucinogens i have red so much about. It is quite hard to get some known psychedelics (LSD, shrooms, mescaline) here (Baltic states), so i' am looking towards RCs. So, maybe you could success some for a total novice on psychedelics field (have done MDMA a few times and pot ofc.) ? 2C-E seems to be one choice but i am afraid it could be too overwhelming ? Also what may be some good RC's for more casual situations (fun time, with friend or in a party for example..2C-C maybe..) ?



Well-Known Member
Many lads don't mention 2c-c for there first expereince because they think it either doesn't work or have enough fuel to carry them to their psychedelia goal. But there wrong! Its clean and very deep... yet shallow enough to be peered at and analyzed in a comfortable enough setting. 2c-c and 2c-d are very good candidates. I would say 2c-b, but its strictly legal and possibly one of the best out there. 2c-e is considered the favorite as it works much like LSD but in an unique way. Every drug has its particulates, in which it induces a different state of mind or body reaction. The journey is long, stay with us, to find out :D

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Taavi ... look ... this is where you are .... close ... at the Door.
C u taste it ?
Stick around stranger.




Yeah, 2C-B is regulated here, so it is out.
But thanks for the feedback.
Let's see where my curiosity takes me. It is nice that there are so many places to receive information these days, if you are willing to search for it of course, and i am.
Hope i could be a non-stranger one day. :rolleyes:

(Nicholson is awesome.. 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest', just great. Book was inspired by LSD i heard (?).) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0073486/


Well-Known Member

Yeah, 2C-B is regulated here, so it is out.
But thanks for the feedback.
Let's see where my curiosity takes me. It is nice that there are so many places to receive information these days, if you are willing to search for it of course, and i am.
Hope i could be a non-stranger one day. :rolleyes:

(Nicholson is awesome.. 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest', just great. Book was inspired by LSD i heard (?).)
I feel your vibes touch my sphere ever so slowly. Gravity has a place and earth gives us that balance to judge those forces! I think you'll be on my "A" list soon :D


Well-Known Member
My eyes beseige me because I'm not even tripping... but my eyes are doin' the melbourne shuffle swirls ;)'

I love pioneers like these. I wonder if they ever set out for life like that or it was just an accident in the making :D


Well-Known Member
Ah Kesey, he found he didn't like me very much - is he still alive?
You met? does this mean you were on the bus, or rather off the bus? your not that guy from houston in electric koolaid acid tests are ya? haha

and he is dead

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Many lads don't mention 2c-c for there first expereince because they think it either doesn't work or have enough fuel to carry them to their psychedelia goal. But there wrong! Its clean and very deep... yet shallow enough to be peered at and analyzed in a comfortable enough setting. 2c-c and 2c-d are very good candidates. I would say 2c-b, but its strictly legal and possibly one of the best out there. 2c-e is considered the favorite as it works much like LSD but in an unique way. Every drug has its particulates, in which it induces a different state of mind or body reaction. The journey is long, stay with us, to find out :D
Still having trouble with your formulation... hangover? :D
'strictly legal'
I could pick at your words all day long. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Still having trouble with your formulation... hangover? :D
'strictly legal'
I could pick at your words all day long. :lol:
Likewise, I'll pick at your brain. Maybe find some boogers in there. No hangover. Mind sharp like an indians arrow dipped with a hush kissed tranquilizer :D

Everything is strictly legal but it still circulates. You know the # 1 foreign exchange of illegal things?..... :D

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
at what dose do you think 2cc becomes good? i have a gram tried i think a 25mg dose. havent touched it again sence found it kind of underwhelming


Well-Known Member
In my opinion, LSD is a great substance to start with. Just cut your blotter in half and take half man, or if your very scared just take 2/5 th of a blotter and the rest next weekend to get a feel for it. LSD is a very user controllable trip IMO and is easy to dose regulate.

First time I was going to take LSD I said I`d take half, then ended up taking 5/6th of it and the rest in 2 hours. I did not regret it at all and laughed all the way. I was alone too!

An important bit of advice is not to underestimate half a blotter of LSD, but rather respect it.

Unless your really not one for psychedelics, and by that I mean the worst person to take it, 1/2 blotter and nothing will go wrong IMO. But taking LSD is never safe as they say (bunch of bullshitters they are)

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
first time dosed was at school thats was fun. 2ce would be a good 1 to start off with ild say. get used to it with 5mg bumps at first till you get a feel for it. i find that the best way to get a feel for it without being over or under whelmed with am oral dose . after that ild say dont start higher than a 20mg oral dose


Active Member
First off.. RIP Ken Kessey.... Secondly if you like the movie One flew over, read the book its 1000x better!

And where on earth are people getting all of these fancy chemicals.... Im not asking for a speific source as i understand thats against the rules but im just curious...


Well-Known Member
You met? does this mean you were on the bus, or rather off the bus? your not that guy from houston in electric koolaid acid tests are ya? haha

and he is dead

For a very short time we had a woman "in common", and no I am not that guy. I got the woman by the way and I suppose that is why he didn't much enjoy my company. We never really manage to leave our egos behind for long, do we, Bwahahahahahahhaaa.