150W HPS Dinafem white widow (feminzed)


Active Member
Day 15

Looks like I have some nute burn. Flushed today hopefully she starts to look better. ph of runoff was 6.5-7.0.



Well-Known Member
no it aint.slowed down maybe,but not halted.
Slowed=halted to me once you get slowed down in flowering weeks can tack on to get them to finish . A plant that can finish in 7-8 weeks can take up to 13 wks to finish with several problems in flowering .That can really hault a perpetual grow. Just saying it's not something to over look . A 13 wk flower period sucks money balls !


Active Member
No unless you are not feeding them N . The PH in your soil could be shifting . What soil are u in ? Any ammendments? Dolomite LIme I hope?
DAY 19
I am using ocean forest. I have dolomite lime that was given to me but I don't know how much to use. I heard it doesn't take much to overdue it. I cut the N when i switched to flower.



Im growing a white rhino that has only gotten osmocote plant food and was topped early, Hopefully it ends up like that...I do need some nutes sometime here soon


Active Member
I've got some serious nute burn going on. I flushed. We will see the buds are looking tasty though for only being 1/2 way there. post pics tonight


Well-Known Member
The leaves drying out I,m not too familiar with but have seen this question many times , the usal responses are low humidity , fans blowing too much on the plants and such. There are many ways to add heat to a cab grow . Whats the specs on your grow areas ? Is energy cost a big concern for heat . I run my veg 24/0 to provide a constant temp up in my flower area .Split cab though .

That spotting in pic 3 ,and it's kinda haed to tell my immidiate thought was spider mites because they are small yellow spots.But it looks like the spots are near the fringes of the leave indicating mabey calcium def? Keep an eye on that to see what it does for a few days .

(Edit) I keep my humidity in flowering 30-40% to help ensure no mold or bud rot.[/QUOTE

Spider mites can be detected with a plain white piece of paper placed under the leaves...shake the plant a bit...some will fall off. they are very small so wipe your hand over the paper. if you see small blood streaks, then you know it's mites. a 10x loop will confirm this. look underneath where they hide.
curling cupping and irregularly formed leaves are def a cal deficit is easy to fix. buy a bottle of cal/mag which is easy to procure. brownish or yellowish small spots are most times a mag deficit. the answer to this is two tbsp epsom salts into one gallon of water. water every day if in soil. idk much about hydro solutions but their is a mag/cal bottle at any hydro store or on web. mag is a mobile element whereby the plant steals it from older leaves and puts into new leaves which is why only older leaves show spotting. peace.


Active Member
Hi mate, I use a snake tank heater, to keep em warm, the one iv got is 14w but they do different sizes cheap as!