Words for being "high" in your area..


Active Member
High. lolz It gets confusing with all these names. Hell now days u walk up to a dealer and hell ask if u want some wreck, cheese, kik I meen fuck all the names! lolz if this keeps up everyone is going to forget its even called weed.


Active Member
back four or five years ago in high school, my friends and i called herb pizza. that way we could talk about it in school or in the house around parents without having to be weird about it.
got any pizza?
wanna eat pizza?
yo, I'm stuffed.......

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
If you're not high then you are likely "suffering from an underdose" and therefore may require medical attention immediately.

Lt. Dan

Well-Known Member
My friend Cheeto (fried to a crispy crunch) came over and said, "hey man, let's go out back and get countersunk................ I've got some of the sh*t that killed Elvis"