Have you guys seen this video?


Well-Known Member
i enjoyed that as much as the camera man did!!!!that was great and it looks like all of them got away......1FOR THE STONERS!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
got away from what? i don't get it. what were they running from/to? just looked like a bunch of fools. maybe i need different pot. :)


Well-Known Member
police officer? where? it was all blurry and jerky. i saw someone standing outside the chute. that guy? :confused:
my nigga, you blind as a bat.

they are smoking dope underneath the parachute on 4/20.

The cop (or rather campus security) dosent know what's going on and as soon as he lifts up a corner of it, everyone bolts.

watch the cloud of smoke puff up when they all run!

thats so awesome.


Well-Known Member
did i miss something? what i saw was pretty lame. and the dude laughing completely annoyed me.
Apparently you've never experienced the rush of running from the man....It's definitely a rush...As long as you get away.....If you don't it really sucks!!!! :)


Well-Known Member
i loved it...i ran from the man enough and your adrenaline is so high you can jump a six foot gate without touching the shit..its one helluva rush alright..


Well-Known Member
LOL I WATCHED IT AGAIN AND I Saw dat cop .. LOL he didnt get ne1... fuckin god dam there was like 30 ppl under that shit to... i expected like 10 at most