Questions about trichs...


Ok, so I have finally started to see some Amber trichs... I am about 10 weeks into flower now and I have just now started to see Amber... How long does it take from the first signs of Amber until the rest of the trichs Amber up???


Well-Known Member
just so you know, amber is when the thc is degrading. I personally wouldn't wait, I would harvest now for maximum potency unless you are wanting sleep medicine.


Well-Known Member
About 2-3 weeks and you ill be near 100% amber. Not sure what strain you are growing. Some strains develop slower than others.

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Im not going to argue with something I already know,
but when the Trichs turn amber,
its After that.. they start to degrade.
They dont degrade when their that color.
Their still building up the THC,
its abit after that they degrade.
So that is MY conclusion..
He still has a week or two to go.
so what ever you read, your wrong.



Well-Known Member
You are arguing. :)

and whatever you think, you are wrong. :)

amber is when the thc is starting to degrade into cbn


Well-Known Member
when the Trichs turn amber,
its After that.. they start to degrade.
They dont degrade when their that color.
Their still building up the THC,
its abit after that they degrade.
This is false.

I personally harvest at 10-20% amber. You can harvest anytime.

Brick Top

New Member
There is a lot of confusion about trichome color. While in most strains it will begin clear in some strains it can be a clear-yellow or a clear-amber fight from the start. When you have a strain that has a clear-color trichome right from the start what you have to go by is clouding of the trichome and not color change.

When it comes to sativas, as in pure or almost totally pure, they reach peak THC levels while the trichomes are totally clear so in those someone would want to harvest at the very first sign of clouding.

Variations in the level of THC in the same trichome as it matures are the result of THC acid being broken down to CBN acid while CBD acid is being converted to THC acid. If the rate of THC biosynthesis exceeds the rate of THC breakdown, the THC level in the trichome rises; if the breakdown rate is faster than the rate of biosynthesis, the THC level drops. Clear or slightly amber transparent resin is a sign that the glandular trichome is still active. As soon as resin secretion begins to slow and THC production drops the resins darkens to amber color.


Well-Known Member
This is false.

I personally harvest at 10-20% amber. You can harvest anytime.

And whatd the high like when you harvest then kulong?
Im a heavy smoker and want a hard hitting high which means i dont have to smoke as much. What percentage of trichs are best for that?

Brick Top

New Member
And whatd the high like when you harvest then kulong?
Im a heavy smoker and want a hard hitting high which means i dont have to smoke as much. What percentage of trichs are best for that?

If you want heavy couch-lock you want to pick an indica or mostly indica strain that is high in both THC and CBD and low in CBN.

If you want a major soaring clear energetic motivational head high you want a sativa or mostly sativa strain that is high in THC and low in CBD and low in CBN.

If you want the same thing but want it to be a true rocket-sled ride you want to pick a sativa strain that also has THCV along with the rest mentioned, as mentioned.

CBN causes the toker to feel messed up and confused and many people mistake that for potency and CBN increases as THC oxidizes/degrades and trichomes turn from a very light colored amber to a true amber and the darker amber it becomes the more THC has been lost, oxidizes/degrades, and turned into CBN.


Since Im at week 10 and I am just now seeing amber, how long will it be until Im at about 50% amber??? The strain is unknown..


Well-Known Member
If you want heavy couch-lock you want to pick an indica or mostly indica strain that is high in both THC and CBD and low in CBN.

If you want a major soaring clear energetic motivational head high you want a sativa or mostly sativa strain that is high in THC and low in CBD and low in CBN.

If you want the same thing but want it to be a true rocket-sled ride you want to pick a sativa strain that also has THCV along with the rest mentioned, as mentioned.

CBN causes the toker to feel messed up and confused and many people mistake that for potency and CBN increases as THC oxidizes/degrades and trichomes turn from a very light colored amber to a true amber and the darker amber it becomes the more THC has been lost, oxidizes/degrades, and turned into CBN.
Im growing white dwarf and my trichs are 10-20&amber on some and 30% amber on one, when should i harvest for that maximum potential stone?:roll:

Brick Top

New Member
Since Im at week 10 and I am just now seeing amber, how long will it be until Im at about 50% amber??? The strain is unknown..
It is to a large degree strain dependent and since you are growing mystery genetics even a true estimate could not be made, and at best only a guesstimate could be made.

Just keep checking them and be patient. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither was Syracuse.


Hey irish,

From all the info I have gathered, I understand that if you harvest when less than 50 % of trichs are amber then you will get the uppidy, head like high... Since you say you want something "hard hitting" I think you may be looking for more of a "STONED" type of high, that type of high is achieved when more like 60%-80% of trichs have turned amber... As I said before, this is from the info I have gathered, not personal experience....

Brick Top

New Member
Hey irish,

From all the info I have gathered, I understand that if you harvest when less than 50 % of trichs are amber then you will get the uppidy, head like high... Since you say you want something "hard hitting" I think you may be looking for more of a "STONED" type of high, that type of high is achieved when more like 60%-80% of trichs have turned amber... As I said before, this is from the info I have gathered, not personal experience....

You are more or less right, but by 60% to 80% amber he will likely be losing a lot of THC to oxidation, but regardless, he said; "The strain is unknown.." and you have to factor that into any advice given.

The whole harvesting when clear or cloudy/milky or light amber of dark amber thing is only fine tuning the strain type, what the genetics hold and will give, at the end of a grow. He's 10 weeks into flower and just now starting to see a little amber. That pretty much tells you there is it is likely that there is at least a tad bit more sativa in his mystery strain than indica. Maybe not much, but at least a bit more. How much is impossible to tell, but it is still likely.

But then attempting to fine tune a harvest you cannot make a really big difference, only a slight one. Say it were a full indoca and he wanted a clear soaring head high of a sativa. Even if he harvested when some trichomes were cloudy and many were clear it would not turn the indica genetic mix for cannabinoids into a sativa mix. And if he had a full sativa and wanted couch-lock no matter how much amber he waited for he would not turn it into a heavy stone indica buzz.

As I said you can only fine tune and regardless of what someone wants it is not rational to go beyond peak potency time for harvesting trying to turn something into something it can and will never be.

For many years on many boards I have read messages where someone purchases a 'flavor of the month strain' and then planned to, and later attempted to turn it into something it was not and never would be by harvesting earlier or later. They pick the strain because it was the one most people were talking about, because it was the 'flavor of the month' strain but not because of it's genetics being what would give them the high or stone they best and most like. Still, come harvest time they would harvest an indica early going for a sativa buzz or harvest a sativa late going for an indica stone. In the process they ended up not making the most out of the genetics they were growing. They would play the part of a grower alchemist and harvest too early or too late trying to transform genetics they should never have picked in the first place, given their likes and dislikes, and attempted to overcome thousands and thousands of years of evolution and genetic coding in hope of giving them what they wanted.

That is why I will so often get on my soapbox and preach forget about the 'flavor of the month strain' that so many people are talking about and pick genetics that will give you what you want the most, even if it is a 10 or 15 or 20 year old strain instead of the new kid on the block that has become the 'flavor of the month.' strain.

Being a mystery strain, and highly likely a cross, and with the first signs of amber showing up at week 10 it might be more like a 60/40 sativa/indica and he could get pretty much of what he wants, but I would not go past the point where any trichomes became a darker amber. Once past a light amber THC is oxidizing, degrading, being lost at a faster rate than it is being replenished and it is turning into increased levels of CBN. At that point potency is on a downward slide and it will not reverse itself, it will only get worse and worse, or better said less and less or lower and lower.

My advice is make his mystery genetics the best they can be, regardless of that possibly not being what is wanted. Don't detract from the best it can be trying to play alchemist and trying to transform something into something else it cannot be transformed into.

If he wants a heavy hitting knock him on his butt and leave him there indica the best thing he can do is harvest his mystery weed when it will be it's most potent and then for his next run purchase something like Mr. Nice Seeds Medicine Man (the original White Rhino) and grow it right and harvest it when its at it's peak potency level and then have what he wants.

Mystery genetics are difficult to give sound accurate advice on because they are just that, mystery genetics. You do not know there specific needs. You do not know a general flowering time. You do not know their genetic makeup that would tell you at what trichome color it will give you the most potency it can possibly give.

Those are some of the reasons why I hate to see people growing from bagseed or using seeds friends gave them that they either did not know what they were giving or just didn't tell the person, or even the mixed seeds packs that either just say they are some combination of indica/sativa or sativa/indica mix (meaning the first name is predominant in the cross). It leaves you in the dark about things that are important to know and if someone accepts general information as being specific to what they are growing they can end up losing out, or at least losing some, in the end.


when does the flower stage actually begin? is it at the first sign of white pistols or what? im confused because i have heard of a period called pre-flower that can last for 2 weeks??? So does flower start when the lights go to 12/12 or when you see the first pistols or is it after pre-flower.... i ask because im trying to figure out exactly how many weeks of flower im in??? i say im in week 10, but i am counting from the day that i could postitively identify the plant as female....


Well-Known Member
when does the flower stage actually begin? is it at the first sign of white pistols or what? im confused because i have heard of a period called pre-flower that can last for 2 weeks??? So does flower start when the lights go to 12/12 or when you see the first pistols or is it after pre-flower.... i ask because im trying to figure out exactly how many weeks of flower im in??? i say im in week 10, but i am counting from the day that i could postitively identify the plant as female....
flowering stage starts the day you switch them to 12/12


Well-Known Member
i am counting from the day that i could postitively identify the plant as female....
me too, some strains like pure Sativas can take weeks to start blooming, comon sense says those weeks don't count.
Anyways trich color is all that matters. I think by this point in the thread we can ALL agree on that.