we pick it uo where we left off...

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Well, if you are talking about the original Texada, yeah. It's really hard to get original genetics these days. You almost have to hike into some area to find a hermit living in cabin, who has been growing for 30 years.

Personally, I know an old boys network -- guys that have preserved the originals of some of these strains. Some have mothers that are 20 or so years old. The best seeds come from the non commercial, old boy networks. This is where you gain access to the land race shit and pure, unadulterated genetics. I have never bred with purchased seeds. Ever. And this is not to say that good genetics don't come from seed banks and stuff, they do. But what I want is to know that breeder on a personal basis, visit his rooms, see his stock ...and most of all learn what the breeder is all about and what work he has done to acquire his stock. People throw two things together nowadays and slap a catchy name on it then apply the company marketing. This is no breeding.

Support all the breeders with true breeding stock. They work hard over many years. I hate knockoffs -- they diss the original breeders. Breeding is complicated, tedious, and time honored. Imagine trying to create a plant with several desirable traits when the original may only carry one or two.


Well-Known Member
some of us come from places where the old boys network is not as full as it is in BC or northern cali. where i'm from a few growers have a very tight knit group but there is still alot of myths and bullshit ways floating around out here that need to be demistified. some guys still seed their ganja becouse thats the way they like it, so to use those thousands?? of seeds for next year. there is no good old strains floating around out here, your probly saying to yourself there is but i haven't found them. but no after many years and many stories about the dream bud strain someone has it's always someone else that has it and so on and on never to be found.
i've been a fan of yours for a few years and carry those compressed bails of sunshine mix the same hard ass way on my back a long ways. been doing that before i've heard of you though. but anyway fill me in on where i can purchase something of your stock or your recomendation and hopefully it's not sold through attitude or gypsy.
One thing should be understood, too. Each seed pack should have a disclaimer saying... results may vary. I have seen my genetics grown by lazy growers with no knowledge, And believe me, it is not a pretty sight. Growing is a craft that approaches art, really. You don't turn the ground, ad an amendment or two, and scatter seeds. One thing for sure though, a master grower can teach you how to do it in one season. This is where knowledge is really power.


Well-Known Member
One thing should be understood, too. Each seed pack should have a disclaimer saying... results may vary. I have seen my genetics grown by lazy growers with no knowledge, And believe me, it is not a pretty sight. Growing is a craft that approaches art, really. You don't turn the ground, ad an amendment or two, and scatter seeds. One thing for sure though, a master grower can teach you how to do it in one season. This is where knowledge is really power.
Could be the best genetics on the planet and somebody would find something to bitch about. :sad:


Well-Known Member
well there you go brown dirt. your the master and i've a little cash saved (and some bud) so i'll come over and stay with you for the season, you can boss me around and stuff, get all mad at times. but it will all work out. i'll tell the old lady right away i'm heading out, i've wanted to for awile anyhow. tell me what you think. either that or tell me where to send my loot for some good seed. i am a decent grower of everything not just ganja but grow some killer tomatoes and peppers, lots of perenials. well think about it, while i start packing.


Well-Known Member
get his grow dvd if u dont have it yet it is very through for gurrila growing shows you how to aceave such plants im shure there are tricks he left out thow will u be doing a secand master grow giude
Maybe you want to be on my Reality Show, Browndirt's Boot Camp? LOL

It'll be like Survivor for growers. See who can run the gauntlet and harvest the most pot at the end. Phuck, it should be a board game too.


Well-Known Member
yes that would be the reality show of dreams. i can envision how great it would be. day 1 the whinner would get it for not being able to walk through briars with 75lbs of soil on him. yes it would be awsome. count me in i'll send my video resume.
better than my idea for a not so reality but funny show. we would take some good old boys and go to city ghettos. go to a empty lot and bust out with the beers and good music and wait with hidden cameras to see how the native city dwellers react. maybe start a little fire, play the guitar. i always thought do it in a few famous ghettos and if the cops didn't get you then the hood rats would. but i figure it would sell.
anyway sorry rambling one of those nights.


Well-Known Member
video game,, board games leave exsacly that.....board meh i dont even play video games who am i kidding he did a wonderful job on his grow dvd thow there is alot of odds and ends that help alot u cant find online
yes that would be the reality show of dreams. i can envision how great it would be. day 1 the whinner would get it for not being able to walk through briars with 75lbs of soil on him. yes it would be awsome. count me in i'll send my video resume.
better than my idea for a not so reality but funny show. we would take some good old boys and go to city ghettos. go to a empty lot and bust out with the beers and good music and wait with hidden cameras to see how the native city dwellers react. maybe start a little fire, play the guitar. i always thought do it in a few famous ghettos and if the cops didn't get you then the hood rats would. but i figure it would sell.
anyway sorry rambling one of those nights.
That is funny, because i thought of one where a guy tries to survive in the urban jungle. Like you drop him in Watts or somewhere in LA or the Bronx
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