Nothing Even Matters Anymore?


Well-Known Member
Well guys, thanks.. But, the meds, they help, so does the weed, I can honestly say that I am happy sometimes sober, with nostalgic feelings, or having sober times with friends, then just the fact of knowing you are doing something fun, sober, makes you happy.. The meds, they make me happy, but only when I take a lot, and I am sure as hell the doc won't up my dosage to as much as I need.. The only things that motivate me are drugs, music, and art. I suck at art, and am too shy to play my guitar in front of people.. Art being drawing pictures..

But I honestly don't think there IS anything that can fix my laziness, 'I' can't even do it.. Thats the only answer to my problem and its still wrong.. Like I said, I have tried my ass off my whole life to not be lazy, made straight A's once, but even feeling THAT acomplishment, I was miserable doing the homework, and figured that if I had to be succesful I would be more pissed all the time than I already am..

I wish I was old =/
Yo, ninjam, googlle that shit and plug in your ax! play with people millions of miles away in "faketime" ninjam , google that shit and spark one up, fire up the ol fender! Reaper with the ninjam plugin is best!Lets go!


Well-Known Member
But what he probably really did was spend his time trying to survive, any action was because of the fuckers trying
To kill him all fuckin day, day after fucking day.


Well-Known Member
But did you kill anybody?
I hate when people ask this question, its not really anybodies buisness! I was in Iraq twice saw plenty of shit but, the only people I share that info with is myself and the people who were there with me. Not trying to be an a-hole its just unless you were there you will never understand it fully. As a kid I asked my Pops the same thing(he fought in panama and dealt with the Iran/Contra affair.) I know he did shit, saw shit but he never shared it with anyone and now that I have been there I understand why.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure it does! But your right, I was just in a bad mood, and decided to just say my "fucking answer it dude" post.. Sorry man lol
I'm sure you know how it is, you scream at someone you like a lot for no reason because you are pissed off..

Like going to the grocery store when you are starving and then going when you are full.. Its seriously a difference of like a hundred dollars every time, if you are doing some big grocery shopping


Active Member
But what he probably really did was spend his time trying to survive, any action was because of the fuckers trying
To kill him all fuckin day, day after fucking day.
Are those "fuckers" wrong for doing that?! I mean, their country was invaded for no particular reason! What would you do?

And to the fella who acually went to these wars. While I think it is totally important to not regret anything. Surely you must regret your government's desicion to send you there in the first place? I like your mentality on not wishing war on anyone though, if an actual ex-soldier feels this way, I don't really understand what is going on in the world these days. It's all pretty fucked up.

And to High hgih, my wife has had on and off depression for as long as I can remember, and she goes through many of the same things as what you have been explaining. What has been said is true, doctor's or more so, psyciatrists know almost nothing about depression, they just take in the information you give them (symptoms and what not) and prescibe the drug that their little text book tells them to. You should go see a psycologist man. Do some therapy, it can teach you a lot about yourself, and maybe get you thinking on a different wave length.

Also, educate yourself a little, some authors I can recomend to you that deal with psyco-analysis and psycology: Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Friedrich Nietzsche, there are many more obviously. But these guys are the kings of the psycological world. Anyway get reading, the human mind and how and why it works the way it does is incedible, there is so much to learn that most people have absolutely no idea about (including doctor's). Honestly after knowing my wife, it opened my eye's so, so much. Don't be afraid to tackle this shit head on. It's worth it.

My wife no longer takes any drugs, she has the odd set back every now and then, but nothing in comparison to what she used to go through. She went to therapy, and still does once every 2 week for an hour or so, and she reads like a maniac! And it does help. I have read a lot aswell, even though I'm o.k, but it taught me of a world that more and more people are starting to experience, it can be pretty scary man, but your ultimate goal must be to surpass it, no?

Anyway man, that's my advice. Take it or leave it. Up to you!



Active Member
Hey thedoc08 why don't you shut the fuck up. Cadeneli did more then a few tours and ''saw combat'' what more do you want to know from the guy?

Have some sympathy for the man and others, he doesn't want to talk about it, why would he.... especially with some retard on rollitup.

greenplease..... i don't even know what to say to you... you liberal idiot. You probably think free health care is a great idea and Obama is just one of the best presidents of all time too.


Well-Known Member
Anger and depression do go hand in hand. But I am seeing a lot more anger, than depression.

Are you sure you smoke weed OP?

I found the best way to not get depressed or bored is to constantly mix up what I am doing. You need equilibrium.


Well-Known Member
Reading psych books certainly does help. I just wish I could find a reason to be interested in them again. I guess I've learned what I needed to learn (so far).

If I'm depressed I'm sure I will go back to them. Spiritual books helped me more though. Read some David Deida, he's a genius.


Active Member
Hey thedoc08 why don't you shut the fuck up. Cadeneli did more then a few tours and ''saw combat'' what more do you want to know from the guy?

Have some sympathy for the man and others, he doesn't want to talk about it, why would he.... especially with some retard on rollitup.

greenplease..... i don't even know what to say to you... you liberal idiot. You probably think free health care is a great idea and Obama is just one of the best presidents of all time too.
Ouch man. I wasn't agreeing with the question that was asked by thedoc, I have just always been interested to know what the actual soldiers think of what is going on over there?! And in all honesty thedoc asked a simple question, and the guy replied, it was over after that, no need to bring it back up!

You're calling me a liberal idiot for what?! What are you basing that on? I think Obama is just as retarded as every other american president that has come to power in the last 25 years!

And free healthcare is almost a necessity! I, for example was 5 when I was diagnosed with diabetes, my parents were studying and poor as fuck!
How the fuck were they going to pay the once every 3 month medical consultation, my insulin, needles/syringes, blood testing equipment etc etc with absolutely no money??! Huh Einstein? But luckily for me, my government(I'm from New Zealand, you know where that is?) has a well implemented public health system, that is almost 100% subsidised. If it weren't for this "horrible" idea, I probably would have died of horrible implications, or atleast had a leg or 2 amputated or failed organs and even glaucoma! But yeah public FREE healthcare is retarded right. Because I puposefully put my pancreas into a dormant state, juuuuust so I could get my hands on tax payers money........all for me!!

I'm sorry, but I don't know what else to say to YOU buddy. Get your head out of your ass!

These wars in Iraq and Afganistan SHOULD NOT be happening. It is just a form of income for your greasy government this is obvious when you go back 20 something years and have a look at what your beautiful government did with Bin Laden during the russian invasion of Afganistan, much like the past 70 years of wars that your government has waged on many other countries in this world. Do you have any idea about the history of this world?!

Absolutely no offense intended to the guy that went to these wars, you are not at fault, you government is! I was asking a simple unoffensive question and then this retard (heavilymedicated) came in gun's blazing. So as I said, no offense intended.



Active Member
Reading psych books certainly does help. I just wish I could find a reason to be interested in them again. I guess I've learned what I needed to learn (so far).

If I'm depressed I'm sure I will go back to them. Spiritual books helped me more though. Read some David Deida, he's a genius.
Cool man for sure, I didn't really mention spiritual books because not everyone can get their heads around the psycology stuff let alone spirituality. But now that you've put it out there, Deepak Chopra is also very good. He has some cool theories on ego and spirituality. Among much, much more ofcourse.

Depression is hard though, or any mental difference that people may have. The brain is a fucking mystery man.


Active Member
Anger and depression do go hand in hand. But I am seeing a lot more anger, than depression.

Are you sure you smoke weed OP?

I found the best way to not get depressed or bored is to constantly mix up what I am doing. You need equilibrium.
I don't know if this relevant, but while I was talking with my wife some time ago, we brought up the idea of realising or atleast trying to discover the triggers of the sadness or anger or whatever other negative feelings you are having. And trying to recognise when this happens, so that you can distract yourself away from going deeper into the whole. It is probably way easier said than done, but it seems logical.

I guess, like justanother said, you gotta keep yourself occupied, and not let your mind wander back into it's depressive state.


Active Member
Also, JustAnother, have you read The Red Book by Carl Jung? If that doesn't spark some interest, then I don't know what will hahaha. That guy had some incredible theories!

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
sorry about the ribs brother :-P at least you are reaching out not trying to go through the tough times alone even if its as simple as an on line forum....


Well-Known Member
Damn dude you guys are going insane. I really don't think anyone meant to offend anyone.. I think free health care is good to an extent. Green your right, for people like you, its REALLy needed... But over here, people abuse it. When I was born, my mom and dad divorced, and I had to live with my mom. She had to apply about 10 times over and over again to get accepted into ANY kind of health care or welfare. They said that because her car was too expensive, that they wouldn't pay her if she succesfully pays for her car, because then 'she is making enough money for the child as well'. It was retarded, she literally had to live with her parents for a few YEARS before she got help because child support wasn't enough, and she worked full time, with a lot of debt. Of course the debt is her fault. But its bullshit if they will pay for a crackwhore and her 10 kids, for everything, while she drives an escalade, then not pay for my mom with a shitty station wagon and no home, AND no money... America is too set on fairness now and its stupid as hell. I am seriously thinking about moving to new zealand when my parents croak, just because I am sick of all the communist dumbasses who live heres, bullshit.. They are probably sick of mine as well, plus new zealand will pay you to live there? Hell yeah! Beautiful place anyways :)

Do I smoke weed? wtf? No, of course I am lying about that -.-

I haven't read many psych books except for the text books in school and I read a book called something like 'hynosis for begginers" I have also read tons and tons of books on out of body experinces and paranormal stuff, but I'll have to check some of those out, thanks :D

Well dude, its okay, I never knew my parents were cannibals so it all ended out good :3