whats with all the banning????

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Evil Buddies

Ganja King
where are the rules to the forum and banned people can re register under a diff name they might be on here already u never know. If u get banned temporarily will u lose all the pics in ur gallery.


New Member
where are the rules to the forum?
If we go around and start making rules this forum would lose it's attraction. I believe there is only one rule to this forum, and that is:

Don't shit on your own doorstep. This is a saying from my country (I know you in the US have one similar)... it basically means that no matter how you go out and earn your money you don't fuck with your own.

Family and friendship, loyalty and trust, are very hard qualities to find. Yet essential for survival.

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
yeah if u shit on ur doorstep one of these days u gonna tread in it. It relates to many things. Ive seen it happen many times before. If ur going to do something naughty or bad. Dont do in ur area where people know u. Coz it tends to catch up with u.

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
so basically there are know rules to the forum but if u act in a disrespectfull manner and be bad u could be banned then


New Member
so basically there are know rules to the forum but if u act in a disrespectfull manner and be bad u could be banned then
Yes... COULD being the operative word.

This is an adult forum, and we work hard to keep it that way. To my mind, this is the way it has always been.


Well-Known Member
yes were all grown ups here.
just cos where doing somthing not leagle, growing.
dosnt mean to say, we can act like a set of prison inmates.
or have a negative mentallity, just cos where growing shit.
i think we have to step up and show the world,
us growers, arnt a set of animals,and quite ok really.not a set of crazed druggies or drug dealers.


Well-Known Member
here here.....common sense and respect....evryone's gona disagree somewhere along the line.....that has to be ok....arrogance, taking things personal, becoming defensive, lashing back......this is all negative energy. lets keep it simple, share understanding, offer respect, and seek positive energy......:peace:


Well-Known Member
well said you hoe.lol
and while where sharing and being soo nice.
tahoe want to lend me that girl in you avitar.lol

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
i would be lost without this site im on my 2nd grow and ive learnt so much in the past year. Ive got good advice and bad more good than bad.


Well-Known Member
yeah i been a member for a good month and im not worried to try my firt batch cuz there is so much knowledge here..my drive to gro goes far beyond any iv other had..therefor i have a fondness for this sight and a genuine love for it and the safety of my "peers"...saying that peace needs be restored if not for that then for the fact that the more of us there are the closer we become to legalizing..and noone want to come to hostile environments where ppl get offended easily..fell me??i appreciate this shit.lets not take it for granted!!!


Well-Known Member
well until recently nobody hardly ever got banned on here. i guess maybe a couple got banned recently for breakin rules. i am not takin sides but just stating the obvious but on other grow forums the mods ban people like it is going out of style. one week you will see someone posting and the next you are like, hmm wonder why they are banned. it is pretty rare on riu to get banned using common decency and following the no selling or trading rules here as opposed to those places. and i am not cheating on riu cuz i have never posted on any other sites, just lurked even though i joined 2 others at the same time i joined here.

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
i would be lost without this site im on my 2nd grow and ive learnt so much in the past year. Ive got good advice and bad more good than bad. There are many clever experienced growers here that i respect and value thier knowledge. Yes people disagree but no need to get upset everyones entitled to their own opinions even if they are wrong. I dont feel like a criminal growing. I feel good looking after my babies. Could u imagine a world without weed. How many of us would go mad. How many people would lose there temper more easily, drink alcohol and take other drugs get into fights etc. I think the world is a better place with marijuana so im a proud happy grower. It is the peace maker of our society. There are roughly 6million people in the uk that smoke weed on a regular basis. Thats almost 10% of the countries population.


Well-Known Member
i agree i also joined 2 others and this site is well laid back, all the others i joined were full of know it alls.
there way or the highway, "if you know what i mean"
one thing with ngt.
he once pm'ed me, and said they was no point me posting on this site,
cos it would fall on deaf ears, cos i was from england, and the rollitup com. was all from cali, and wouldnt let me in, cos they didnt know me, and i was from england.
so after that i didnt come back for a bit.
but ive now found, this not to be so.
the site is great and id be lost without it.
thanks everyone.


New Member
here here.....common sense and respect....evryone's gona disagree somewhere along the line.....that has to be ok....arrogance, taking things personal, becoming defensive, lashing back......this is all negative energy. lets keep it simple, share understanding, offer respect, and seek positive energy......:peace:
wow, tahoe... if you're like this now what you going to be like when you finally get to smoke some of the good stuff?

I felt an immediate positive flow just at reading those words. ta very much.
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