My First Aero Garden - My Journal


Well-Known Member
Flowering - Day 10

The girls are looking damn great, and smelling stanky!! I've uploaded some more pics. The yeast Co2 generator is doing its thang. Lemme know what you think. Thanks.



Well-Known Member

I did have a space saver 6 but the roots got way too big so I had to do a transplant. Very simple and inexpensive.


Well-Known Member
Sicc, I need your help. You had mentioned to me earlier about not cutting the fan leaves. My cabinet is somewhat crowded and woulf like to make some space. Any recommendations?


Well-Known Member
If you do any trimming of the leaves, do a couple at a time and try and space it out from when you cut them to lower the stress level.


Well-Known Member
I would just cut at the stem, but just try and do it sparingly you kno, dont wanna over do it.
And just cut the ones you truly feel will benefit the plant in the long run.


Well-Known Member

I had to cut more than I planned last night. Mr purple nice guy was being overtaken by sir and his flower leaves are all withered away. I had to cut a significant amount of nice guy so that it could breate again. I'm salty about it but had to do it. I'll upload pics at lunch.


Active Member
personal i would have just added some cfls to sides of the plant, by cutting your leaves you have cut back your yeild quite a bit! hopefully you didnt cut to much and stress the lady out!!


Well-Known Member
What up everyone....

Just an update. The girls are looking fantastic, and the cut I did only helped the girls out. :) crazy hairs are forming and I'll be putting up bud pics as they develop. There are crazy white hairs everywhere. Just wanted to let everyone know I'm not done posting, just waiting to show off my hard work.


Well-Known Member
Alright everyone, I figured might as well post up new pics.

Day 15 Flowering

There are numerous white hairs forming on both plants. The yeast Co2 recipe is kicking strong. I havent changed the mixture yet, and after a week bubbles are still being produced. As you look at the pics, Sir is on the left, and Purple Nice guy is on the right. Enjoy everybody!!



Well-Known Member
Alright everyone, I figured might as well post up new pics.

Day 15 Flowering

There are numerous white hairs forming on both plants. The yeast Co2 recipe is kicking strong. I havent changed the mixture yet, and after a week bubbles are still being produced. As you look at the pics, Sir is on the left, and Purple Nice guy is on the right. Enjoy everybody!!

Just an fyi, my tops are not yellow. The pH is not off. The way the LED's hit the plants and my flash give off that yellow contrast. They're bright green. And purple as well. (mr. nice guy).