Your Worst Smoke..


Active Member
curious to see if anyones had a REALLY bad smoke, i can think of 2 for me.

once a friend one the way home from the pub asked if i wanted to swing by his for a spliff, so we did and the bastard had SPRAYED the outside of the plastic bag with aftershave because he thought it'd "hide the smell in his room" ... it soaked thru into the green .... .... tasted like crap... probably shouldnt of smoked it all...

AND another mate rolled me one that was with menthol tobacco, which is odd as i thought the menthol was allways in the filter.. anywayyyyy minty fresh green was not my style.. :o haha


Well-Known Member
Worst shit i think i ever smoked was when some assholes rolled up a blunt with my weed ( i cant roll a good blunt lol) and laced the shit with coke and didnt tell me...i dont do coke, let alone fucking smoke it. I was in the back seat of the car and he was in the passenger seat so i couldnt see what the fuck he was doing. Once he lit it it smelt kinda fucked up but it was some new blunt we were trying for the first time so in all honesty it just flew over my head. So it comes to me and i hit this shit one time and almost fucking throw up all over the backseat. I was just like "what the fuck is this shit, what did you put in there?" and they just start laughing and show me a little baggie of coke. Since i was so pissed that they just laced MY blunt with coke and wasted my weed I figured since im not gonna smoke this shit why should they? So I took the just lit blunt and threw it out the window while we were driving. They werent to happy, But i was way to pissed for them to even consider saying something slick to me cause i would have probably punched them in the face and they knew it lol.


Well-Known Member
Worst smoke for me was some DJ Short strain called Moonshine. Whoever grew it did a horrible job at every aspect and everything about it sucked.

Second worst was from the same vendor but AK47. There weren't even trichs, it was like smoking plant. Joint tasted like a cigg so 3/4 done I trashed it.

Least they were both free..

Jer La Mota

Well-Known Member
Smoked a J with a buddy working night shift, don't know what was in the weed, but was stones (energized) for atleast 4 hrs lolz
it wasn't the worst, but the most unpredictable ..


a friend of mine cleaned out an abandoned house a few years back and found a 1/2lb of swag in the freezer..... we dont know how long it had been there, as we didnt really get a story on the house, but the weed (if you'd call it that), was basically powdered, tasted like licking the frost out of a deep freeze, and DAMN SURE didnt get you high....

I ended up selling it to some highschool buddies for 150 :)


Well-Known Member
a friend of mine cleaned out an abandoned house a few years back and found a 1/2lb of swag in the freezer..... we dont know how long it had been there, as we didnt really get a story on the house, but the weed (if you'd call it that), was basically powdered, tasted like licking the frost out of a deep freeze, and DAMN SURE didnt get you high....

I ended up selling it to some highschool buddies for 150 :)
non organic grow poorly flushed, hate that taste.


non organic grow poorly flushed, hate that taste.

it goes deeper than that.... I'm sure the genetics left plenty to be desired in the first place.... and then it was stored in a freezer, and was x-amount of years old..... it makes me shudder to think about it:spew:

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I smoked some shit in Cabo, ahh man it sucked balls, but we were drunk as fuck and getting cross faded sounded nice... It got me high, for like 10 minutes :P

I think next time were down there were just going to get a SHIT tonne, and make some cannabutter, then eat a few brownies, get drunk, and hit the town.

THEN, my dumbass friend put some fine herb in a box WITH SOME DRYER SHEETS TO MAKE IT NOT SMELL.... Well, I was driving, DOWN THE FREEWAY, LOL, and I told my friend to milk the zong for me and pass it before it got to his mouth... Well I cleared it and almost threw up, gagging and coughing for like 5 minutes.... At least with that shit I got HIGH AS FUCK... I was laughing at him in the end telling him we don't want any of his, "Dryer sheet kush"

It was so nasty that I ended up having to CLEAN my entire bong and slide just to get the taste out!


Active Member
Worst shit i think i ever smoked was when some assholes rolled up a blunt with my weed ( i cant roll a good blunt lol) and laced the shit with coke and didnt tell me...i dont do coke, let alone fucking smoke it. I was in the back seat of the car and he was in the passenger seat so i couldnt see what the fuck he was doing. Once he lit it it smelt kinda fucked up but it was some new blunt we were trying for the first time so in all honesty it just flew over my head. So it comes to me and i hit this shit one time and almost fucking throw up all over the backseat. I was just like "what the fuck is this shit, what did you put in there?" and they just start laughing and show me a little baggie of coke. Since i was so pissed that they just laced MY blunt with coke and wasted my weed I figured since im not gonna smoke this shit why should they? So I took the just lit blunt and threw it out the window while we were driving. They werent to happy, But i was way to pissed for them to even consider saying something slick to me cause i would have probably punched them in the face and they knew it lol.
I would of definitly punched them then made them turn the car round and go buy me more weed lol


Well-Known Member
seen n smoked all kinds of spray, the sandy stuff, the glass stuff, the dipped stuff was a good few yrs ago n im still alive n kicking wouldnt recommend it tho lol


Well-Known Member
My friend got a really big bag for not a lot of money and brought it over for some rips. I took one hit and said I was done. It was so harsh and it tasted like absolute shit. He was going to toss it so I said that I would take it and water cure it.

Fast forward exactly 7 days. We smoked the same shit out of the same bong and it was so incredibly smooth that he thought it was different stuff. Ended up being a really nice high.

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
hmm as a kid i grew this 1 plant it was beautiful about a foot and half cola on top as big as my wrist smell great tasted great gave the worst fucking headach you ever had in your life i was bummed it was unsmokable i tried like 3 times same headach every time and i have ran into the dryer sheet thing b4 thats nasty to


Well-Known Member
Smoked some raw stuff in Mexico, after we found a good hookup tho. I have his business card somewhere lol..


Well-Known Member
bout a year ago some dude me an my friend knew sold us what he said was 'da chronic' but when we hit it it was like skank weed; that's another i smoked the whole year of '09 away (worst year EVER!).


Active Member
Ok so I moved to this town when I was sixteen and my buddy came with me. I didn't smoke at the time but anyway he wanted a bag so we went and found some guy who we gave $20 to. He came back amazingly and we rode to a ghetto gas station with a lot of rented rims on rusty Cadillacs and brown paper bags with big Pepsi's in them, Get the picture? The guy talked to some one and came back he lit a steam roller for us and put it to my face and I took a nice big long rip of crack cocaine! WTF