Problem with attitude

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Well-Known Member
No, leave him alone. I have no problem with Trapper's inquiry.

While I do NOT disclose anything that might be even in the slightest identifying or incriminating on a web site (hence no pics or journals), that is a fair enough question I suppose. All I will say is that I'm old enough to actually remember Woodstock and the war in Vietnam. beyond that I won't say.

And yes, I am well aware that my replies to the troll are quite immature in themselves. That is entirely intentional due to
A) If you'll read his previous posts directed towards me, it is evident that he is probably younger than 21 (and I'm being generous there) and he apparently cannot comprehend the English language spoken in adult terms, and..

B) I'm having fun jerking his chain. I made a legitimate, perfectly valid observation about his initial post (with no insult implied or intended) and he chose to take things into the gutter. Fortunately, I'm quite warm and comfortable in the gutter when need be, so I have no problem with adjusting my level to meet that of an attempted adversary. No anger involved at all, as I'm way too thick skinned to actually get upset by anything anyone says on the 'net, but I am enjoying fucking with him since he chose to take things to that level. Maybe another bowl will cure that, lol. I know not to feed the trolls, but sometimes the temptation is irresistable when I'm in the right frame of mind!!


Well-Known Member
Hey trapper, guess what? STFU... Your just as stupid as the OP.
no problem chronic,last thing i want to do is mess with really sorry,ok man.but please dont attack me any more,i cant sleep as it is,then when i get big burly bush wackers like you commin at me,well you know the feeling,so i am sorry,now please continue you guys were you left off,im outa here.i learned my lesson.


Well-Known Member
no problem chronic,last thing i want to do is mess with really sorry,ok man.but please dont attack me any more,i cant sleep as it is,then when i get big burly bush wackers like you commin at me,well you know the feeling,so i am sorry,now please continue you guys were you left off,im outa here.i learned my lesson.

No intention to flame ya here, friend! My beef is strictly with Dr.GreenBuds (actually, not a beef, I'm just enjoying the warmth of his outrage!).

Have a good one dude!!!


Active Member
Hell yeah I ordered a some Widow Females from Attitude and they got it here in 5 days wrapped in a bad ass shirt for stealth reasons, but honestly even the shirt was worth the 10$ stealth option, I wear it all the time lol. Has a picture of an AK47 on it, and says accept no subsitutes, its righteous. All Hail Attitude.

On a serious note though, I am sorry for your bad luck with the company, wish I could relate but like the others posted above. Bunches of us have gave them our hard eard money , and didn't get swindled. None the less, I wish you the best. DrChronic has always been legit. They were the sister site of HG420(was shut down a coupe years back following the Marc Emory mess :(, R.I.P. HG!), that actually dispensed the seeds, HG420 was just the forum side of it.



Well-Known Member
I did, but I fucked up and took some advice I read on forums, and put a fake name!! My seeds were here today but got returned because my dipshit mailman figured nobody lived here by that name. I got this message from usps:

Detailed Results:
Undeliverable as Addressed, December 14, 2009, 8:33 am
Inbound International Arrival, December 09, 2009, 11:39 pm, ISC NEW YORK NY(USPS)
Origin Post is Preparing Shipment

now what the hell should I do? It says:

"It is being returned if appropriate information is available. "

I think you are f'd. I did the same thing with my order of 100 dollars and had emailed them several times without getting a responce. Once i order my christmas speical I include with the order, and was told once they get the package back (can be a few weeks) they will try to resend it. But I am not holding my breath on it. Best you can do is try to explain to them what had happen.


Well-Known Member
well i have no idea if attitude is legit or not BUT from all the negative reports and constant pimping they seem really shady and i would never order from them just out of principle alone. i dont care if theyve got the most elite dank on the planet, theyre constantly spamming bullshit onto this forum, theyve got a mob of kiddies pimping their wares and hyping free shit.. its not cool at all and people see right through their smoke and mirrors. it just makes them look like desperate scammers. also after reading all the negative reports on them sending nonviable seed makes me even more skeptical now.. it is 100% their fault for sending out non viable seeds, they buy them in bulk from a breeder and they are responsible for properly storing them. maybe they need to pull their heads out of their asses and test germ rates before selling bunk or old stock. whatever the case i would recomend any growers to spend their hard earned money elsewhere.
Nothing like an opinion from somebody that has never ordered from them:dunce: Do you have an opinion on something that you are involved in.:?:


Well-Known Member
Have to say Never had any Issues with Attitude at all .. Fast shipping and the nice freebies .. Even Got My x.mas nuts already. bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie:bigjoint:


Active Member
Hmm... he hasn't replied yet. Must be trying to look up the meaning of what I said, lol.

I said I am done talking to you. Did you not get what I said. I guess not. So I will say it again I'm done talking to you. You are not worth my time. I have better shit to do than argue with you, like sleep. But, since you wanna cry like a little girl because someone made fun of your fav. seed distributor I'll treat you like one.

"Ok little lady, you win! Everything you say is awesome and your sooooooo cool and I'm a little cum-dumpster."

Do you feel better? Is the bunch in your panties starting to loosen? Oh shit I just figured it out, send me your addy and I'll send you a free box of tampons. I'll get the super ultra absorbent ones, I know its your heavy flow day.


New Member
this is a reply to everyone attitude did fuck mybuddy over and they gave him a shitty response and told him to send the seedsback butto were thereaddress isnt in the email we sentthem anotheremail and gotthe same response wellat least attach a 011 number or a fucking hard address to send shit back too.. my twocents fucku if u dont like it


Well-Known Member
And the winner is the little cum dumpster!!! lol...jk
i just love when people bash each other on a thread...
It was a fun read .....


New Member
323 haha i know but dr greenbuds wouldnt have this problem if attituide just gave us there address to send the stuff back like they stated to do butwhere the north pole? theystill havent gave him a address therejust fucking the us buyers because what r we gona do? if i lived by that shop iwould be gettnmy money backand thats a garuantee! but ilive on the other side of the pond so ill just stick to med clubs and keep bad mouth attitude there only in business becauseof there us clients


Well-Known Member
323 haha i know but dr greenbuds wouldnt have this problem if attituide just gave us there address to send the stuff back like they stated to do butwhere the north pole? theystill havent gave him a address therejust fucking the us buyers because what r we gona do? if i lived by that shop iwould be gettnmy money backand thats a garuantee! but ilive on the other side of the pond so ill just stick to med clubs and keep bad mouth attitude there only in business becauseof there us clients
I will help you guys out some, just go to there website, click the contact us button and you will find there address. If I had that promblem where I would send them. Also, I have notice if you go to the same page to send the email it seems to get answered more quickly.

So hope that helps you guys.


New Member
thats funny i search long and hard all i had to do was pull my ie over to the right a inch and i seen contact haha but they could have easily have responded back with an address but thanks now we can send there bunk back and hope they correct it..

Mr. GreenKUSH

Active Member
sup bro, im new to the site but i received my order from attitude within a week. Anyway i was shot 1 seed but how can you complain when your trying to do something illegal, dont make any sense. As far as my order 99% of my seeds arrived and have germinated so in my opinion the attitude is one pimp ass seed bank :)


Well-Known Member
Sorry I just get pissed when people don't show respect. Thats why I hate attitude and why all of this started is because they didn't show me any respect and that dude didn't either.
Respect is earned NOT given.

12 orders with attitude and NOT 1 problem.


Well-Known Member
thats funny i search long and hard all i had to do was pull my ie over to the right a inch and i seen contact haha but they could have easily have responded back with an address but thanks now we can send there bunk back and hope they correct it..
They'll make it good, they always have any other time there has been an issue (which fortunately isn't very often). Everything anyone needs to know is right there on the website -- including specific instructions of what NOT to email them about (They have to cover their asses from a legal standpoint, the same as we do)!!. But they'll do ya'll right if you send the bad seeds (uh.."souveniers") back.

Good luck dude!!!

And tell your little buddy no hard feelings, lol. I was really starting to enjoy his replies!!!
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