DMT Extraction..


Well-Known Member
Can't see any other way to do it.... appart from a nice large seperatory funnel


Well-Known Member
Oh god no, not unless you have tonnes of money to evaporate in the form of solvents.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, go for the naphta tek first time... you will learn and practice skills like seperating layers etc...

I will add a xylene tek at some stage when I'm less lazy... It is alot more tricky and can fail miserably too.

Also it requires you to prepare some chemicals etc... quite a pain.

Just another note... reduce the 50g to 40g at the most per bottle... the more watery the solution the easier it seperates.

Make the lye solution in a seperate bottle or icecream tub, fill your bottle halfway with this, add the bark, then top it up till you have about and inch and a half available in the neck, you will fill half of that with naphta for pulls. Takes out any nast guesswork.
have some exp with sep layers and chemicals with a previous mesc tek. ill have my eye out for the post. and by all means, take your time ^^

friend tells me plastic milk jugs can be used as containers because the lye cant burn that specific plastic. is that true?


Well-Known Member
have some exp with sep layers and chemicals with a previous mesc tek. ill have my eye out for the post. and by all means, take your time ^^

friend tells me plastic milk jugs can be used as containers because the lye cant burn that specific plastic. is that true?

DON'T use plastics, they leach compounds into your solvents.

You can mix your lye water in a plastic container though, but get glass bottles from where you add the bark onwards.

Also for best results at least let it air out a few hours before adding solvents... even better give it like 3 days...

If you have a probe or suitable papers try to make your lye mix to have a pH of 12.3

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
DON'T use plastics, they leach compounds into your solvents.

You can mix your lye water in a plastic container though, but get glass bottles from where you add the bark onwards.

Also for best results at least let it air out a few hours before adding solvents... even better give it like 3 days...

If you have a probe or suitable papers try to make your lye mix to have a pH of 12.3
Glass... I'll have to find some clear glass bottle...

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
You sometimes get small glass juice bottles...look for one with a metal cap. I use like 2 small 350ml bottles at the same time rather than the one big bottle.
I'm in USA, haven't seen glass for a while, at least with a screw-cap. Can't quite figure how to replace the pop-cap.


Active Member
What's the general consensus on only taking 1/2 the naptha off for a pull, freeze precip-ing and then carefully adding it back to the main "root jar" with the rest of the naptha for later pulls?

I'm thinking of following this tek (it has pretty pictures to makes it easier on my brainium) and it sounds like it might be easier than using a long-necked bottle.

Also any tips on non-US materials (VM&P Naptha in particular) that I could get my hands on in the UK would be verr helpful


Well-Known Member
It probably is, I'd hate trying to seperate those large surface layers though and then to evaporate it.