what happened to people helping anyone on this site?


Well-Known Member
used to people accually helped me with my grows.. lately i cant even get a single answer? i mean come on people..

please.. anyone that knows anything about my other post please help me

here is the link:


to anyone that can help me.. i would appreciate it more than you know :) and thanks in advance
Threads requesting help are passed over for a number of reasons. Sometimes the thread title is too vague, too general, or simply misleading. Perhaps the time of day a thread was started can factor in as to why a thread has no responses. Sometimes a thread is ignored if it originated in an inappropriate section.

There are many veteran growers here who grew fatigued seeing the same questions over and over, day after day. Sometimes it is abundantly clear that the OP did not do any research prior to starting their grow and simply wishes to be spoon fed.

Sometimes growers simply become jaded. They try to help someone who absolutely refuses to follow advice, yet continues asking for assistance. Case in point: https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/61641-my-35-day-old-mid.html

I'm not attributing any of the above listed qualities to you. I am simply answering your question.

Although starting a second thread to promote a previous thread is pretty lame.

Good luck and good growing.


Active Member
Threads requesting help are passed over for a number of reasons. Sometimes the thread title is too vague, too general, or simply misleading. Perhaps the time of day a thread was started can factor in as to why a thread has no responses. Sometimes a thread is ignored if it originated in an inappropriate section.

There are many veteran growers here who grew fatigued seeing the same questions over and over, day after day. Sometimes it is abundantly clear that the OP did not do any research prior to starting their grow and simply wishes to be spoon fed.

Sometimes growers simply become jaded. They try to help someone who absolutely refuses to follow advice, yet continues asking for assistance. Case in point: https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/61641-my-35-day-old-mid.html

I'm not attributing any of the above listed qualities to you. I am simply answering your question.

Although starting a second thread to promote a previous thread is pretty lame.

Good luck and good growing.
So true.

Thanks for sticking around, people like me need your help

Now can you tell me- how much weed am i gunna git off of dis plant i got its bagseed and i flowered it last week no nutes and i got these bulbs at home depot will they work plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz?



Well-Known Member
why dont you go wash your mouth out with fdd's cock?
Because unlike you I am not interested in FDD's cock. I am certain you assume everyone is as fascinated with it as you are. Never fear. You have no competition in that area from the dudes here.

The only cock I am interested in is the one that has been dangling off me since I was born.


Well-Known Member
i reread, and dont get it. you all need to grow up. have a nice day:finger:
i wasn't trying to be a tool
i just didn't want to engage the poster who started the bad vibe on this thread - he is the troll and doesn't deserve any responses from anyone at RIU
he obviously hates RIU and is rude to all
must be pissed at RIU for loosing all his +reps or something
he only has 20 posts, his login name is an obvious ploy and the other RIU members who were posting in this thread have lots of posts and are contributing members at RIU

the best way to handle the trolls is to completely ignore them and they will just get bored

i was attempting to convey that message without actually soliciting a response from an asshole

sorry if I sounded like a prick - I didn't have that intention

peace and cheers

p.s. troll wins


Junior Creatologist
This shit is fucking rediculous. I mean, RIU is one of the best resources a learning grower could have in his/her corner when learning the ropes of growing cannabis. Lately there has been a HUGE influx of people who really have made shit sort of intolerable for alot of the more serious growers on here -- and by "more serious" i mean people that either TRULY want to learn how to start and maintain a grow operation, or people who already have a SERIOUS grow op going, and want to either pass on knowledge, or share pics and compare with other growers.

I have nothing whatsoever against Noobs at all. I love most of them because it means that the greenthumb is spreading all across the country. Its awesome to see that shit, but in the same hand, you have a bunch of other newbs that come here to do nothing but try and either cause bullshit trouble for everybody, or try to find the easy way into growing. They dont take the time out to do the research, to read everything thats been laid out for them for the taking. Everything that everybody in these forums knows about growing is stored in this database as a collective. All you need to do is search for it. -The fact that alot of people dont want to do that before asking somebody to take the time to answer a question thats been answered 1,000 times already, is why alot of the Veteran growers have stopped taking the time out to help people. It just gets old after a while, thats all. Its not about being mean, being snobby. Its about the fact that all you have to do is a tiny ass bit of research, and the answer will fall into your lap, just like that.

I know the thread went OT when that douchebag came in, and thats just another example of why we should have some type of "entry exam" for people that want memberships. That user obviously pissed somebody off and didnt have the common sense to just shut the fuck up, or apologize and move on (the mods really dont fuckin run around banning or giving infractions for no reason...if you get an infraction, then chances are you deserve it) - he was a child, and decided to do what Computer forum people do, and start a little kiddie Bitch-War with whoever the fuck he wants to.

This is NOT a fucking Chatroom. This is NOT just something to do when your bored. 95% of the people on this site wanna stay anonymous, so theres no fucking point in networking, your not gonna meet any of us, lol. So with that said, theres no reason for you to be here if your not going to get serious about growing pot. We come here and we socialize, yes, but it aint the fucking same as facebook or god damn myspace, or any of your other god damn forums out there. So stop treating it like it is.

If your not serious about fucking growing pot, and this is just a little side hobby, or little experiment that you dont take seriously -- By all means, look in our database. There is a wealth of knowledge there. Find the info you need, and move on. You dont need to make shit more hectic than it is already in here. If you want to become a serious grower, then by all means, delve into this thing whole heartidly and make a shit ton of friends. But if this isn't in your heart, then you need to just move the fuck on.

-- By the way, that wasn't directed towards the starter of this thread, nor was it intended to insult anyone in particular. In my case in particular, im still considered relatively new to all of this even though ive been growing for a while now, but still, ill help just about ANYBODY that asks me for it. Im happy to pass on anything that has been imparted to me by a wiser grower. But seriously, i hope that all you new people out there get my message, and dont take it as an insult, so much as a word of caution. I consider this my home. Stop making a mess in here, and most importantly for all you fuckin trolls and assholes who just wanna cause trouble - STOP shitting in my house. Im out of lysol and i cant stand the fuckin smell you awful fucks.

Many thanks,



Well-Known Member
p.s. troll wins
I disagree. We're all still here.

The troll will be forced to find another way to sneak in tomorrow.

I'd much rather shovel shit to a worthless troll than to a fellow member. If the troll wastes his time engaging members then he is not creating worthless threads.

Meanwhile the mods seek and destroy. Another avenue of ingress closed.


New Member
the funny thing is all you dramanauts who are still posting on this shit... I just looked at it, and saw that the dude who posted it put it up like an hour after he posted his question, then I went and answered his question. and that was 3 days ago. pull the stick out of your asses this isn't even a worthwhile discussion, the dude was just angsty about something he wanted an answer on.

I all too often see the

"blablabla experienced blablabla newb question"

bullshit around this site...

you typed 8x more talking about how you "don't have time" than you would have to say that is a male plant. I mean jesus goddamn christ he didn't ask if hes a newb or if a pro can help he asked a stupid little question. just answer it and get on your way don't get all defensive about an entity that you patronize. fucking fanboys. lighten up.


New Member
I doubt this was the kind of assistance the OP was requesting. :roll:

Why don't you go wash your mouth out with a 12 gauge?

btw referring to thread started as OP is mislead and misleading. OP is operator or administrator. thread starters have no operational control over the thread, they are just the starters.