I Have A ? For You Religious People.



Your self serving spin on my post not withstanding...... what do you find ironic?
How you said "your argument is not rational" then admitted you believe in God because it's easier than not.

Whose arguement is not rational?

That is ironic.

Just to make this clear, you don't accept evolution, is that true?


Active Member
How you said "your argument is not rational" then admitted you believe in God because it's easier than not.

Whose arguement is not rational?

That is ironic.

Just to make this clear, you don't accept evolution, is that true?

I have no idea what you are talking about. I didn't say that. Maybe if you responded with a quote from that post in which you are referring?

I remember saying that believing no God exists because you are angry at your parents isn't rational. Is that what you mean?


I remember saying that believing no God exists because you are angry at your parents isn't rational. Is that what you mean?
Yes, exactly. I agree, but then you go on to say why you do believe in God, because it makes you feel better, which is also, completely irrational. Right?


Active Member
..... then you go on to say why you do believe in God, because it makes you feel better, which is also, completely irrational. Right?

Sounds rational to me. What's irrational about wanting to feel better, or good...what ever? By that logic, it's irrational for me to smoke weed, too.


Sounds rational to me. What's irrational about wanting to feel better, or good...what ever? By that logic, it's irrational for me to smoke weed, too.
There is nothing irrational about wanting to feel better. What is irrational is when you believe in God because you want to feel better.

What if believing that it'll never rain again is what made me feel better? Is simply believing that going to make it happen? What happens to my belief when it does rain again?

What's irrational is believing something exists for any other reasons other than direct, observable, verifiable proof that said object or being exists.


New Member
Most religious ppl are only religious with the snippets of the Bible they agree with.

An indication that no one REALLY believes it.

So the Bible is TRULY NOT the word of G*D.

It's a convenience, comfort and social networking tool, nothing more.


New Member
There are NO self proclaimed Atheists at the national level of politics.

Half the Christians freaked out over Mitt Romney being a Mormon. Imagine that. A guy with Romney's business and political background having to go on national television to explain his faith.

It's a big problem in this country. The church needs to be cut away from the state and filtered out of politics.


Let me rephrase that then... "without belief in the Abrahamic God"

Since he's Jewish and still religious.

Show me an elected atheist and I'll be impressed.

I believe there is a single atheist congressman. Could be wrong about that, but I'm almost positive there is, I remember that because I remember thinking "how the fuck did an atheist get into politics in this day and age?!"

But yeah, 1 out of 435... :roll:


New Member
I believe there is a single atheist congressman. Could be wrong about that, but I'm almost positive there is, I remember that because I remember thinking "how the fuck did an atheist get into politics in this day and age?!"

But yeah, 1 out of 435... :roll:
:lol: really? I'll check that out.... that's amazing.

Such tolerance!!! 1

Here's a good link to find public ppl who are brave enough to suffer the stings and barbs.



Well-Known Member
I think that equates pretty well, Considering Religion of the World Population
32% Christian,
19% are Islam,
13% Hindu,
12% Agnostic,
6% Buddhism,
6% Chinese Folklore
4% Tribal/Shamanism,
2% New Age (ie Scientology),
with the Rest of Relgions making up <1%,

Atleast Athiesm isn't last making up 2%....

I think that is an overblown # 1 out of 435 considering this is a Christian Nation where as 75% of the people are Christian...

I don't see how 1 slipped through the Cracks, :lol:

I think Quota was Made :mrgreen:


Active Member
Your anger at your parents justifies not believing that God exists? That's not very rational. Or, is it because of your superior wisdom? Are you a teen ager? Personally, I don't care what your beliefs are. That's the beauty or freedom. Think what you want. Say that some of the most brilliant men and women I've ever met are ignorant because they had faith, then we have something to talk about. I find your beliefs no different from the christian churches, at least in sentiment. Based on what you wrote, its as if you became the people in your religious experiences (you and your friends, I mean).

Really, you think every nation that ever existed is ignorant because they knew there was a God? You are no different than a church that says you are the ignorant one because you can't see what is in front of your face. No one likes to told their entire life is all wrong, even you evidently. But you do the very thing to others you say has harmed you in the past.

I don't claim to be christian (too much bull shit tied to that word) but I agree the christian churches are filled with all kids of darkness, greed, pettiness, selfishness, molestations (sorry CJ for the bending over the couch comment. I didn't know all you were children. It makes scene, though). Kind of like all the things you'll find in life, regardless of the personal beliefs. Rage against the christian church all you want. I may even join in. We all have our horror stories. But, you hold you are better than me and most of the people on this site........... shit, in the entire world and throughout all history! There aren't many people who would agree with your superior wisdom. Wise in your own eyes.

So, stop your whining. You got your feelings hurt? Welcome to life! Just a tip...... it gets worse. Wouldn't it be nice if you knew there was someone who was very patient with you, and didn't want you to be alone in your struggles? I may be waisting my breath.
Mr. Mauihund,

My suggestion to you is start reading my posts starting at post #307. You obviously don't know anything about me and do not understand what what I am trying to say. My words are said through experience because I have been there, done that and have met with so many others that share my feelings as if I was speaking their hearts for them. I'm not going to say that I am super wise but wise enough to know how I feel because of the life I have lived... so how or why are you going to talk smack about me if you have absolutely no clue what it is like to walk in my shoes? I would suggest to read my posts when you are sober so that you can chew slowly and swallow with water what I am saying because I don't think you grasp my mentality and are skipping a few words or you are simply skimming my messages. I'm no idiot, God has been one of the most debated subjects of my life and I am not simply talking to gain browny points, I am talking my life just to share my views... I am no teen, lol, I'm older than you I bet. 1977 4 life!


Well-Known Member
That number of athiests sounds wrong. Only 2%? Someone has seriously dropped the ball education wise.
Europe has a metric shitload of atheists (that's about 1/4 of a fuckton). But Europe doesn't have a lot of people in comparison to the rest of the world.

Countries with lower education tend to have high religious stats. So you've got Asia and Africa totally padding the other half of the world.
Plus in Middle Eastern countries, and others with fundamentalist Islam the atheist stats are skewed because admitting to it is almost certainly a death sentence.


Active Member
I believe there is a single atheist congressman. Could be wrong about that, but I'm almost positive there is, I remember that because I remember thinking "how the fuck did an atheist get into politics in this day and age?!"

But yeah, 1 out of 435... :roll:

Just keep preaching the good word. You'll get more converts in time. People are just bound to realize the righeouseness of your cause.

It's been fun, gentlemen. God bless you all.


New Member
It's not about converting ... that's what the church does. It's about creating an atmosphere so that real atheists can run for office and be accepted by the mythers who preach tolerance, but have very little for anyone outside their myth.


Well-Known Member
Guess what happens if you don't teach children to believe in Santa Claus.
They don't believe in him.

Can you guess what happens if you don't teach them to believe in God?

If God makes them, why doesn't he instill the belief in them from the beginning?
Atheism doesn't convert. It's the natural state.

No indoctrination needed.


New Member
Exactly why the church is so INTENT on getting their hands on the children (no pun intended, tho I'm sure it's already crossed ur mind).