Bill Clinton Love Thread


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I kick Bill clinton off a cliff to a shoreline filled with rusty nails and 12 inch dildoes lol


New Member
ya i liked bill.....well i like most democrats.....jedediah bartlett for president!

ever thought about what would happen if hillary gets elected?

opening scene oval office by the desk:

Bill: (said in slow arkansas drawl) hey baby, woold you like me to come over there and rhub on those tired shoulders for you my lovely madam president?

hillary: bill, if you ever try and touch me sexually in the same room you let that fat whore touch you i swear to god i will have you killed and we'll call it a heart attack!


Well-Known Member
hey, what's going on in here? :)

oh my g............ :spew:

in all fairness, he was the most conservative liberal president we've had in the last 20 years... quite an accomplishment. lol



New Member
Bill did some wonderful things for America, he also did some huge F-ups, like NAFTA. But overall he was 100 times better than the current regime. There was a period of time in my life (When I was young and dumb and full of cum) that I actually voted Republican, (Nixon) Oh how I regretted that vote. But overall, the way it works (I'm starting to wonder) Democrats are for the working class, Republicans are for the ownership class. Seems like nowdays, they are all for themselves and screw the people. The gutless Dems won't even cut off the war funding because the lobbiests for the war profiteers keep them on a hook. I've never seen a sadder state of affairs in our government since I've been alive. It is bought and paid for.


New Member
Bill did some wonderful things for America, he also did some huge F-ups, like NAFTA. But overall he was 100 times better than the current regime. There was a period of time in my life (When I was young and dumb and full of cum) that I actually voted Republican, (Nixon) Oh how I regretted that vote. But overall, the way it works (I'm starting to wonder) Democrats are for the working class, Republicans are for the ownership class. Seems like nowdays, they are all for themselves and screw the people. The gutless Dems won't even cut off the war funding because the lobbiests for the war profiteers keep them on a hook. I've never seen a sadder state of affairs in our government since I've been alive. It is bought and paid for.

I kick Bill clinton off a cliff to a shoreline filled with rusty nails and 12 inch dildoes lol
he's been there, done that, dude.


New Member
Dank ...

Hey you Quazy Wabbit ... this isn't a Bill vs Shrub thread. Now go jump back into your wabbit hole you Quazy Wabbit!

Med sez ...

Fuck you.......... I don't do homework for retards.

Just as I thought, Med. You make statements like "Bill did some wonderful things for America," and when asked, you cannot even name one freakin' thing!

How about: Incinerated 80 men, women and children in their church in Waco? How about pardoned Marc Rich, a large campaign donor, who was a fugitive from justice, who owes the IRS 24 million dollars? How about showing such disrespect and disdain for the American institution that he rented out the Lincoln Bedroom for campaign donations? How about doing NOTHING regarding terrorist attacks against this nation? How about selling our tecnology to the Chinese for money? How about accepting campaign donations from that Hsu character ... a known felon on the lam? How about firing 93 U.S. Attorneys? How about being an accused rapist? Oh yeah ... and how about violating his marriage vows in the Oval Office? File that one under more disrespect for the American Institution. Let's not forget the impeachment for lying to a grand jury under oath and the loss of his law licence for that little caper. There's enough to write a book about Clinton and his misdeeds.

Now surely you can find just one little old wonderful thing that Bill did for America, no?



New Member
Dank ...

Hey you Quazy Wabbit ... this isn't a Bill vs Shrub thread. Now go jump back into your wabbit hole you Quazy Wabbit!

Med sez ...

Fuck you.......... I don't do homework for retards.

Just as I thought, Med. You make statements like "Bill did some wonderful things for America," and when asked, you cannot even name one freakin' thing!

How about: Incinerated 80 men, women and children in their church in Waco? How about pardoned Marc Rich, a large campaign donor, who was a fugitive from justice, who owes the IRS 24 million dollars? How about showing such disrespect and disdain for the American institution that he rented out the Lincoln Bedroom for campaign donations? How about doing NOTHING regarding terrorist attacks against this nation? How about selling our tecnology to the Chinese for money? How about accepting campaign donations from that Hsu character ... a known felon on the lam? How about firing 93 U.S. Attorneys? How about being an accused rapist? Oh yeah ... and how about violating his marriage vows in the Oval Office? File that one under more disrespect for the American Institution. Let's not forget the impeachment for lying to a grand jury under oath and the loss of his law licence for that little caper. There's enough to write a book about Clinton and his misdeeds.

Now surely you can find just one little old wonderful thing that Bill did for America, no?

Got a blowjob from a 21 year old. That got my approval.


New Member
Got a blowjob from a 21 year old. That got my approval.
OK, I assume then, that you consider getting a BJ to be one of the "great things Bill did for America." Want to stand pat on that one, or can you supply another one?






Mr I Can Do That For Half
lol there isnt 8 things that Bill actually did good. He did live of what Reagan set in motion for him though and the bj from a 21 year old only counts if its from a human not an ugly pig


Well-Known Member
Dank ...

Hey you Quazy Wabbit ... this isn't a Bill vs Shrub thread. Now go jump back into your wabbit hole you Quazy Wabbit!
Is that the best you can do? Still trying to keep up the insults? Of course I would expect that from someone who has no moral standing in his arguments except for his wallet.
Like I said, you can't come up with anything that Bush did for this country.
Oh yeah, he did a lot for his rich buddies, the corporations, he sold us down the river to foreign interest and tried to remove the borders between Mexico and the US and Canada with the SPP. Oh and also gave sweetheart deals to the drug companies. Not to mention driving this nation into debt never seen before. He also let the Credit institutions re-write the bankruptcy laws.
Yeah Bush is really good for the United States, NOT!

Clinton, got a blow job in the oval office(which I will remind you that just about every president has done, Clinton just got caught).
Clinton was not responsible for Waco, that was Janet Reno's doing as the dumb lesbian bitch couldn't stand anyone standing up to her, same with Ruby Ridge. Yeah Clinton did Pardon some real pieces of shit, but just watch who Bush pardons on his way out, I'm willing to bet that he will do worse than Clinton, his record supports this theory.


Well-Known Member
Vi. You’ll get no arguments from me that Clinton had some major fuck ups (NAFTA for example.) But the irrelevant shit you just posted looks like it was copied from a NewsMax article. It’s heart warming to see a person such as yourself proclaim wanton disdain over marital infidelity, yet clearly you yourself have no problems supporting drug related criminal elements... Ok. I'm the pot calling the kettle black, but I'm not the one concerned with what people are doing in their bedroom. I find that the US mindset on morallity usually boils down to either (1) what are people doing in the privacy of their own home, or (2) social morality (are there hungry amoung us, maybe we should send those people in New Orleans some potable water, etc.) It's suprising to me that there are actually people on this website that fall into category 1. Granted, the world is not black and white but WTF???

I agree with a few on a few points, but let’s put things into perspective.

1. Balanced the budget & made a fucking surplus!
2. Unemployment: Unemployment fell by 3.3-million people under Clinton (It fell over 3 points to 4.2%). It’s increased by almost 900,000 people to (4.6%).
3. Real hourly wages have grown 21% slower under Bush. Real median income has fallen $1,273 under Bush (It went up $5,825 under Clinton.)
4. The poverty rate fell 3.5% under Clinton (6.4 million people.) It’s gone up 1.3% to 5.4 million people under Bush.
5. The number of people without health insurance fell during the last two years of Clinton, but has grown by 6.8 million under Bush.
6. Bush's best month in economic growth is equal to Clinton's average.
7. Conducted a full scale military invasion (war) without a single US casualty.


New Member
OK, I assume then, that you consider getting a BJ to be one of the "great things Bill did for America." Want to stand pat on that one, or can you supply another one?




Says I ignoring Vi's request for homework, "Bush wouldn't make a pimple on Clintons ass".