Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow


Well-Known Member
Howzit brah, sorry Neva take pics of the GDP I don't like taking pics of sprouts I gotta wait till atleast a week old my camera is shitty. I love my reggae music alpha blondie, yellowman,eekamouse,steel pulse, Aswad and I love greggory isaacs. The list goes on and on.


Well-Known Member
represent!! Rebel Solejahs, Ko'uka, and of course Natural Vibes, shit Pennedean, he's the man. Humbel brudda, love him.


Well-Known Member
Aunty , the chopper just when fly right over me.. I get really good pictures this time..: they trying to scare me ... That's not harrasement??? Oh well, I don't care, let em waste taxpayers money and try to find greenhorns"mythical gardens of Eden.... Lmao:peace: jah is watching over me,, I feel it..

If they found one, I'd be more suprized and shocked then them, cause I'm looking for those gardens myself:hump:
"Now, now"....let's not be paranoid.

If they found one, I'd be more suprized and shocked then them, cause I'm looking for those gardens myself:hump:


Well-Known Member
Flooring guys always get the on their knees jokes hhehehe. Wait till your coworkers start saying " while your down there" LOL that one always cracked me up.


Well-Known Member
excellent man ... its the only way .... take the moment for what it is .... take the pleasure in that moment ... and move onto the next moment ... and enjoy that one too .... my journey has become one of an infinite stream of awesome moments .... with a little reality sprinkled in between ... every moment has a perspective, what is your perspective of the moment in front of you ... at that moment ... fuk that was way way too much Like Mike Meyers in GoldMember .... allow myself to introduce ... myself ... LOL! I fukin love Mike Meyers! LOL!!~~
How bout when there are just too many damn BS moments?
Sprinkle some of those infinite moments my way, ok?
Personally, I attribute your "joy" to good smoke, LOL.
:::cough:::what's up with men liking puffed up beach balls? ;-)


Well-Known Member
hey there ho there how's it goin' there?

hahahaha .... BS moments? ... walk on .... you just walk on .... I worked with an interesting fella over the last couple of years .... and used to say to me when I had a BS moment to deal with .... is anyone gonna die? Will you remember this moment of decision as remarkable in the next 5-10-25 years? Even if either of those are true - you deal with the issue and walk on. We only make our lives as complicated as you want them. Our lives are an expression of our inner self. The energy we hold witrhin ourselves is the energy we project. Simply put - the power of positive thinking is real (or so I believe). This concept has properties that are in perfect alignment with basic and fundamental physics principles. Ok .... Ok .... Ok .... it is the weed - and the weed is good, vry very good. A Big Top O The Monrnin to Y'ALL .... Walking On (in the BS you ALWAYS have a choice to Walk On ..... it's a matter of balancing the consequences).
How bout when there are just too many damn BS moments?
Sprinkle some of those infinite moments my way, ok?
Personally, I attribute your "joy" to good smoke, LOL.
:::cough:::what's up with men liking puffed up beach balls? ;-)