ever try MDMA?

Damn I wish I had some MDMA now. E sucks in comparison. The only time I was able to get it I bought a gram and it was damn close to pure white. Me and my girl friend took some and ended up tearing each other apart. Best sex of my life. Then I went back and bought the last 4 grams the guy had because he told me up front that he rarely get's any. Ended up taking about half of it spread over a weekend and the other half the next. I love MDMA almost as much as I love acid. If I ever find another connection I would probably max out my credit cards :)


Active Member
Right there with you! LSD+Molly = ultimate awesome night.

last time me and the girl had 1g we did it all in a few hrs (burned like HELL) then we went out to a park.. and i got arrested for some other shit years ago!! (which was a stupid tresspassing charge due to offroading in my truck) The dumb cops never noticed.. so i spent a night in jail, completely fine with it.. :D (till the morning of course..)


New Member
Damn I wish I had some MDMA now. E sucks in comparison. The only time I was able to get it I bought a gram and it was damn close to pure white. Me and my girl friend took some and ended up tearing each other apart. Best sex of my life. Then I went back and bought the last 4 grams the guy had because he told me up front that he rarely get's any. Ended up taking about half of it spread over a weekend and the other half the next. I love MDMA almost as much as I love acid. If I ever find another connection I would probably max out my credit cards :)
ya when you take mdma, then take e
it doesnt even feel the same, e is just a duller effect.
and sex on mdma. ahaha its the best
mdma is acctually used in divorce therapy for couples lol


Well-Known Member
ive had mdma before and its amazing but these brown star rolls were better than any mdma ive ever had. they smell like vitamins. if you ever come across these i suggest you pick them up.



New Member
ive had mdma before and its amazing but these brown star rolls were better than any mdma ive ever had. they smell like vitamins. if you ever come across these i suggest you pick them up.

whats the trip like? how long does it last? lol


Well-Known Member
Hey guys.. as a pretty experienced roller/ molly popper I would have to agree with everyone saying that once you take molly you will never like rolls again. But I'm finding it quite weird that everyone thinks that pure mdma is a white powder. Pure mdma should look like the tinyest pieces of a broken bottle. little glass shards if you will. The white and offwhite powder are all things used to cut your mdma such as ground up pills, baby laxatives, acetominiphin, etc. This is most likely why it burned so much when you snorted it. If you get real pure MDMA, a capsul filled with .1g would be way too much. Half of that would have you fucked up out of your head for hours. I have only known one person to have taken something this good so I know it is EXTREMELY rare.(Unless of course you know the right people) The white powder that most of you have gotten is what I usually can find, and is nevertheless extremely fun. To have the most fun I would say Hippie Flippin is the key. (Acid or Shrooms with MDMA)


New Member
Hey guys.. as a pretty experienced roller/ molly popper I would have to agree with everyone saying that once you take molly you will never like rolls again. But I'm finding it quite weird that everyone thinks that pure mdma is a white powder. Pure mdma should look like the tinyest pieces of a broken bottle. little glass shards if you will. The white and offwhite powder are all things used to cut your mdma such as ground up pills, baby laxatives, acetominiphin, etc. This is most likely why it burned so much when you snorted it. If you get real pure MDMA, a capsul filled with .1g would be way too much. Half of that would have you fucked up out of your head for hours. I have only known one person to have taken something this good so I know it is EXTREMELY rare.(Unless of course you know the right people) The white powder that most of you have gotten is what I usually can find, and is nevertheless extremely fun. To have the most fun I would say Hippie Flippin is the key. (Acid or Shrooms with MDMA)
thats what mine looked like, i dont know what these people are talking about white powder lmao

heres the effects and how long it lasts cause im to lazy to write it out http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/mdma/mdma_effects.shtml

but those brown stars are like nothing ive ever had. i took one then took the other about 20 mins later. i was really fuked up didnt even want to listen to music. i just remember laying outside on my tramoline for hours.
ahahahah sounds like fun. but pretty intense


New Member
Pure Mdma Is Crystalline. This Pictures MDMA Was Pressed. Cocaine Is Crystals. But Its A Powder.


This Is Also Relatively Pure MDMA HCl


It's Off-White. I Synthesized XTC Before And It Was Quite Similar To The Above Picture.

i agree ganj that looks like the mdma ive had before...
mine was like this
a yellowish crystal
butttttttttt. in like a brick


New Member
I Just Really Don't Think Yours Was Pure. At Least Not Completely. Nearly Pure Is More Like It. But I've Never Seen Anything Like That In Person.