Video taping government buildings/check points


New Member
Politics today is about choosing the lesser of 2 evils. Depending on your views, you could fall either way....


Well-Known Member
You know what's funny?

IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER. Both of them are involved in screwing Americans in the ass. So were other crooks before Bush and after Kennedy. They all did something to get us where we are at, which is falling off a cliff with the gov. prodding at our necks.

I hope you people understand what is going to happen with this "Right wing extremism". I hope you all understand that these people who are labeled terrorists, who love freedom and know the constitution, are going to be hunted down and imprisoned eventually.

Are you... "lefties" happy now? The other team loses, you win. You are the winner and they are not. Be proud of yourself, delve in your awesomeness.


New Member
Politics today is about choosing the lesser of 2 evils. Depending on your views, you could fall either way....
That was my assesment on the 2008 elections, the lessor of the 2 evils. The president, no matter which party, can only accomplish so much before the opposition steps up, although, the opposition to Bush never did. I have been pissed off at the dems for not stopping the war by refusing to send a funding bill. That would have stopped the war, and if Bush had let one soldier get in harms way over it, the country would have torn him apart. He'd of been forced to start pulling troops out of harms way. I'm also appaled at how long Obama is taking to start removing troops, and totally disagree with his Afghanistan policies.


New Member
You know what's funny?

IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER. Both of them are involved in screwing Americans in the ass. So were other crooks before Bush and after Kennedy. They all did something to get us where we are at, which is falling off a cliff with the gov. prodding at our necks.

I hope you people understand what is going to happen with this "Right wing extremism". I hope you all understand that these people who are labeled terrorists, who love freedom and know the constitution, are going to be hunted down and imprisoned eventually.

Are you... "lefties" happy now? The other team loses, you win. You are the winner and they are not. Be proud of yourself, delve in your awesomeness.
This has to be the most agregious attack on lefties on this forum. I am a "lefty" and no, I don't want anyone hunted down and killed, although some of those skinhead types might deserve it. You righties are the most paranoid bunch I've witnessed on this forum. The big bad government is coming looking for you, PULEEZE, don't flatter yourselves, you're not all that important. My advice, don't go out in public waving guns around, might get the local storm troopers upset. I see the intrusiveness of big brother, it's been coming on for some time, since Nixon, it's been getting much worse, in fact your beloved "Bush" fucked the people more in his tenure than all the presidents before him. It remains to be seen if Obama will lessen or strengthen our rights.


Well-Known Member
This has to be the most agregious attack on lefties on this forum. I am a "lefty" and no, I don't want anyone hunted down and killed, although some of those skinhead types might deserve it. You righties are the most paranoid bunch I've witnessed on this forum. The big bad government is coming looking for you, PULEEZE, don't flatter yourselves, you're not all that important. My advice, don't go out in public waving guns around, might get the local storm troopers upset. I see the intrusiveness of big brother, it's been coming on for some time, since Nixon, it's been getting much worse, in fact your beloved "Bush" fucked the people more in his tenure than all the presidents before him. It remains to be seen if Obama will lessen or strengthen our rights.
That was not an attack on lefties. Obama is Bush on SUPER STEROIDS. Obama has already lessened our rights serveral times. Funny you mention storm troopers. If you Watch Revenge of the Sith it's basically the exact same as the situation we are in. There is no left and right. We will be fighting for our lives within the next year and our country for that matter.
Go check out


Well-Known Member
That was not an attack on lefties. Obama is Bush on SUPER STEROIDS. Obama has already lessened our rights serveral times. Funny you mention storm troopers. If you Watch Revenge of the Sith it's basically the exact same as the situation we are in. There is no left and right. We will be fighting for our lives within the next year and our country for that matter.
Go check out

What? Have you been in a cave the past 8 years? No president has wiped their ass more times with the constitution than Bush. Name one thing Obama has done that compares to Bush's wiretaps, Cheneys torture camps, outing CIA ops, media control and I could go on and on.

Medicineman is right, I've never seen so much paranoia and delusional thoughts.


New Member
Quite honestly, you guys need to take some unrevised history lessons.

You all seem to have Bush down pat, but Bush (both father and son) were nothing more than a secession of presidents who have carried the fascist baton in the race for an over powering, over reaching central government.

Starting with Teddy Roosevelt, then Wilson's Federal Reserve Act and the Income Tax, then FDR's New deal ... Social Security, confiscation of gold, the military draft and the withholding tax. Then came LBJ and his War on Poverty. Enter Clinton's attempt to nationalize the health care systems. Then the Bushies ... foreign intervention, wire tapping, expansion of government debt. And now, we have Obama ramping things up at warp speed.

Fascism is alive and well in the United States of America ... and all you guys can do is pit Bush against Obama? Time to wake up guys.



Well-Known Member
Quite honestly, you guys need to take some unrevised history lessons.

You all seem to have Bush down pat, but Bush (both father and son) were nothing more than a secession of presidents who have carried the fascist baton in the race for an over powering, over reaching central government.

Starting with Teddy Roosevelt, then Wilson's Federal Reserve Act and the Income Tax, then FDR's New deal ... Social Security, confiscation of gold, the military draft and the withholding tax. Then came LBJ and his War on Poverty. Enter Clinton's attempt to nationalize the health care systems. Then the Bushies ... foreign intervention, wire tapping, expansion of government debt. And now, we have Obama ramping things up at warp speed.

Fascism is alive and well in the United States of America ... and all you guys can do is pit Bush against Obama? Time to wake up guys.

Vi, why don't you shutup and DO something about all these terrible wrongs instead of waisting time posting here?


New Member
Is that what you are doing too by being a smart ass?
I'm taking a comical angle because this is amusement for me.

Its the internet and bottom line is anything we debate here is not going to change shit.

Realize that, enjoy other peoples viewpoints, and learn about perspective. I mean really, your going to change this guys views by telling him not to post? I'm just here for shits and giggles.

As "The big toe" said in Stripes... "Lighten up Francis"


Well-Known Member

We can't change the world from this site, but we can open the eyes of people who are still in denial.

Many people view this website, you know. ;)

And no, the sky isn't falling. We're just witnessing big change.


Well-Known Member
"No president has wiped their ass more times with the constitution than Bush. Name one thing Obama has done that compares to Bush's wiretaps, Cheneys torture camps"

Give him a minute, LOL. Bush had 8 years to do all that. In 8 years tell me what you think. I would be willing to bet by the time hes done he will have beat bush 3-2. If there was some way of scoring the "who can destroy the constitution faster" game. See Bush already put in all the police state stuff for him. Now Obama can change all the social and economic stuff. See they just hand it off let the other team in. And when we get sick of that team we "elect" the other team.

I will give you something that compares with "Bush's wiretaps" How about not investigating and prosicuting Bush for it. That at least compares. If Bushes wiretaps were a "home run" in the "Who can destroy the constitution faster game" then this was at least a single.


New Member
I won't even open that because its from Faux News, sorry. They are entertainment, not news...

So I'm not sure whats in the video. Yea, we are witnessing a big change. People don't like change. They will vote for it at the poles but when it comes they bitch and whine. Well America voted (don't matter who you personally and if you don't understand that then i dunno what to say), and now change is coming. I see it as some good some bad. Change, yes. End of the US being a super Power etc.. I don't think so...

Everyone feels strongly about whatever they feel. Shocking statement there.. So they will say, "If we go dow this road it will end in (insert doom and gloom here)." I say bullshit. There is more than one way to skin a friggin cat and if people do not think the human survival instinct is not that strong, then I got news for you. I'll sit back atnd watch each side tear each other apart while I weigh the merits of both.. Whatever happens America will continue on, always the leader, always succeding. I think when I was growing up more people felt this way... Makes me feel old, LOL!


Well-Known Member
I won't even open that because its from Faux News, sorry. They are entertainment, not news...

So I'm not sure whats in the video. Yea, we are witnessing a big change. People don't like change. They will vote for it at the poles but when it comes they bitch and whine. Well America voted (don't matter who you personally and if you don't understand that then i dunno what to say), and now change is coming. I see it as some good some bad. Change, yes. End of the US being a super Power etc.. I don't think so...

Everyone feels strongly about whatever they feel. Shocking statement there.. So they will say, "If we go dow this road it will end in (insert doom and gloom here)." I say bullshit. There is more than one way to skin a friggin cat and if people do not think the human survival instinct is not that strong, then I got news for you. I'll sit back atnd watch each side tear each other apart while I weigh the merits of both.. Whatever happens America will continue on, always the leader, always succeding. I think when I was growing up more people felt this way... Makes me feel old, LOL!
Well said n00b. :bigjoint: