Medua DWC CFL/400w HID

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Well-Known Member
Well guys, it's that time again.

Time to start up another grow.

My last grow was interrupted due to certain alcohol related complications. :wall:

So for this grow, I will be using CFLs for veg, and a 400w HID lamp for flowering.

The setup is a pretty simple DWC design as you can see in the attached image.

It basically consists of a 10 gallon fish tank, on some plastic shelving from a local hardware store.
The lights are threaded through the top, and positioned over the growing area.
This allows me to raise or lower each light individually.

The seed I will be using for the 1 plant grow is a Medusa strain 100% fem.

The nutes I will be using are Foxfarm Grow, and Bloom.

I will begin the germination process later tonight.

So wish me luck! :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Ok guys, we have baby cannabis. Now the fun begins.

Im just using the CFL untill it is out of the seedling stage.

In 2 weeks, I will introduce its first nutes as well as the MH 400W balast setup. May be sooner depending on how fast this little gal grows.



Well-Known Member
Day 2:

Well guys, its been about 4 days since I started this little gal.

Appears healthy so far.
Any questions, or thoughts are always welcome.



Well-Known Member
Alright, I just ordered the 400W MH/HPS system, and should be here in about a week.

Be the first time I have been able to afford a balast setup.


Well-Known Member
Day 6.

Well, This is day 6, and so far so good.

Also, the Ballast I ordered should be here next friday. I am stoked about that light.:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Day 8.

Ok guys, here is the next update.

As always I am open to any thoughts and suggestions on this grow. Open Questions.



Well-Known Member
Day 10:

Ok guys, here is the next update.

I introduced the first nutes yesturday, and already there is a big increase in growth.

Also, I rearanged my floating platform to allow less light into the tank, and thus reducing the algea that can grow in the tank.


Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
Brah, we have different set up's but yer growin the same as I am w/yer lighting on this 1, nothin but good thoughts!
+Rep, BTW.
Feel free to hit up my grow in my sig


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah. haha I am doing DWC, and you are doing soil.

How you liking that light btw. I just got mine and so far, love it.

Thanks for the +Rep :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Wow, such a big difference in the way the gal is growing. So much greener, and thicker.

I have to say I am loving the MH setup. I had a little issue with having the lamp too close, but that's just me being a nub with high power light haha.

I'll have some pics up later tonight. The light fucks with my cell phone camera, so I will wait till they turn off.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for not updating last night, I feel asleep waiting for the timer to turn the light off haha.

So with out further delay, here is the next update to the journal.

As you can see on that right side leaf that there are some signs of heat stress. After I moved the light up, all the new growth looks green and healthy.
The res temp seems to be giving me a little trouble. It is border line 78F, and the room temp seems to border around 74. Thankfully it is still pretty chilly outside during the day, so if heat becomes too much for the little gal, I can always crack a window.

As always, comments, and or suggestions are welcome.


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