Protein shake


Well-Known Member

so trying to improve my physique somewhat.

i'm going to bring my fitness right up and generally get in shape.

i'm not trying to lose weight though, in fact i wish to put some on. not a huge amount but enough so my ribcage doesn't resemble a xylophone.

will protein shakes help?

i do a hell of a lot of cycling and walking. i'm also going to be taking up running soon.

what 'cha reckon?


Active Member
oh boy can i help you out.
i am going to need a bit more information.
how tall are you, how much do you weigh, and are you out of shape?


Well-Known Member
Protein is what rebuilds your muscle after your muscle bonds break after exercise, running, etc. So if you want to put on some muscle mass and weight, have some protein directly after.

Here's my recipe for one glass of a protein shake with 35 grams of protein (plenty).

-8 oz skim non fat milk
-1 scoop (20 grams) Whey protein (this is the best kind of protein, anything other than whey is shit)
-1 tablespoon penutbutter
-a few ice cubes

This taste just like penute butter ice cream, it's pretty tasty in my opinion, but it smells like shit, but don't let that drive you away.


Active Member
mass xxx is so expensive!! i'd take it though... i personally get the protein from costco and have one before sleep on off days and one post workout and one before sleep on workout days. never substitute it for food... you need to eat a meal post workout and try to eat more and more as your body's metabolism goes up. dont freak out about minor details like bodybuilders do - the body responds to the body's needs.


Well-Known Member
yeah its pricey, Costco works. GNC also offers a 2200 calorie shake with 55g protein. Its like 10 bucks cheaper and its what im gonna get next.

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
I should have mentioned that Max's is an Aussie product and the prices on that site are in Aussie dollars. As I said there are many good brands available and price doesn't necessarily say much for the quality.

If your looking to gain more muscle then creatine is also a good product to add to your training program.


Well-Known Member
I see that you're in england so don't know if it is available to you, but if you are planning on buying protein I'd get All The Whey - Cinnamon Bun Whey Protein Blend. It's really cheap and is one of the best tasting proteins out there.

However if you are trying to gain weight you will need to eat a lot more on top of the protein; protein is just a supplement. Also, if I were you I'd start weight training if you are trying to gain mass...

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
im trying to gain weight making protein shakes with icecream and milk not the right thing to do?
I use skim milk powder and water to mix with protein powders because I find the body will absorb it better so you can get the maximum benefit out of it.

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
For gaining weight it would be ok but its not the best way. You should have a regular diet aswell and include lots of meat and carbs combined with regular excersise and or weight training.


Well-Known Member

thanks for all the replies. :)

i shall now rep those who were supplied useful info

and answer those questions about my height, weight etc.. as soon as i measure myself.


Active Member
just approximations. within 10lbs and within 2inches.
All the protien and weight ganers are good, but when i started lifting, i started with protien, did nothing, then i went to weight gainers with prot. and i still didnt gain anyweight or look any better bec my metoblism(sp) is crazy high, i eat like 4-5K cals a day and have since i started. If you want to put on weight i would seriously try to get you to lift weights, running and the bike is going to make you smaller. my advice to you is find a friend that is bigger than you and see if he wants to work out with you. have him push you and get some competition going. you will put on weight... my best week was 10 lbs in one week.

get thoes measurements


Well-Known Member
Good Health sells a tub of 6 pounds of Whey protein for $45. It's a pretty good deal and it's all natural protein, so each scoop has 20 grams of protein and 0 grams of fat. Very healthy for you.