Mobile urban jails? What the hell?


Well-Known Member

Mobile prison cells will cage criminals on the beat

Police will be given mobile cells to target offenders in crime hotspots and shopping centres under plans by the Conservatives to free up officers.

By Tom Whitehead, Home Affairs Editor
Last Updated: 5:53PM GMT 27 Feb 2009

Police will get mobile cells to cage criminals quickly away from the station

The "mobile urban jails" will be used in targeted areas such as those rife with knife crime and anti-social behaviour or where there is no police station nearby.
They will allow officers to process criminals, fingerprint them and issue, on-the-spot fines, bail or court summons without having to go back to a police station.

A satellite link will even allow a custody sergeants to charge offenders via video while offenders could be held for up to six hours.

Similar but permanent facilities will also be set up in shopping centres - dubbed "retail jails" - to allow police to deal with high volume, low level offending, such a shoplifting and drunks, without having to go to and from police stations.

In 2007, the Home Office raised similar proposals with short term holding facilities to be set up in shopping centres or major sporting venues, nicknamed at the time "Tesco jails".

The Tory proposals are part of a series of measures to reduce police bureaucracy and give officers more time on the streets.
Other moves include reforming a "disclosure form" that officers have to fill out for crown prosecutors listing all non-sensitive material relevant to the case as well as unused material that has not been examined.

The document also repeats pledges to restore more charging powers to police sergeants and scrapping of rules under the Regulatory of Investigatory Powers Act (Ripa) which makes officers fill out multiple forms just to carry out standard operations, such as staking out a known burglar's home or carrying out a plain clothes surveillance.
The Tories also promise to cut the paperwork surrounding stop and search recording.

David Ruffley, Shadow Minister for Police Reform, said: "The public want the police back on the beat and that is where the police also want to be. We need to take the handcuffs off the police and put them on the criminals.

"Twelve years of Labour red tape and bureaucracy have wasted police time, keeping them away from front line crime-fighting. Labour have a criminal record - antisocial disorder, gun crime, violence, robbery, knife crime and stabbings are all up on their watch.

"The public want the police back on the beat and these proposals are a start in achieving just that."
Building mobile jails is preparation for mass arrests. The global leaders seem to be gearing up for something big. But for now these are meant for the EU.

Reminds me of Children of Men.


Well-Known Member
Get a rent-a-crowd, pass around the laxatives and get the group arrested.


New Member
Hey, we've had these mobil jails for years. They are used for prostitution stings, riots and celebrations like Madi Gras. No big deal at all, really. The police use them as a convenience and out of efficiency so they don't have to take offenders back to the station one by one ... and can take them in all at once.



Well-Known Member
viredd you seem the only smart guy here, thanks these people on here watch scifi channel to much righton bro jo from philly


Well-Known Member
no i agree with his posts been to 23 countrys in war in 3 and i havnt found nothing that was better than ours on our worst day