30 Proof Alcohol In A Week


New Member
Ok so recently I invented a recipe for well... its like undistilled moonshine and it tastes great! I did it because I personally HATE beer... probaly because it gave me alcohol poisoning a long time ago.

Anyway, here are the steps.

1. Take a gallon jug and fill it with water.
2. Add a package of frozen strawberries. The more, the better.
3. Add about 3 cups of sugar and two tablespoons of yeast.
4. Put in a warm place and wait for maybe just a little over a week.

Also, you need to make sure you keep the cap on the jug slightly loose or it will explode. It's also a good idea to add another half cup of sugar after about 5 days, and another teaspoon of yeast.

When you're done letting the stuff do its work, just pour it through a strainer into some water bottles. One bottle is a buzz and two is a good stopping point. =]

It's not that I'm cheap and cant afford my own vodka or tequila, but this stuff just taste really good and I'm addicted so I though I would share it. =]


Well-Known Member
lol my friends though this was cool... crazy bastards they brew their own beer and extract their own spice... One said he was going to add distilling to it...

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Hahaha thats basically how they make it in jail except strawberries would be hard to come accross in there so they use oranges instead.


Well-Known Member
haha thats sick!!! im gonna give it a go! +rep for giving me something new to try out while coming down this weekend! hahah


New Member
haha =] its not even close to jail hooch.. lol thats made with ketchup and stuff and from what I've read it taste like fermented poo.

But yeah, I was really surprised at how high the alcohol content was after a week. The measurements arent' exact so I'm going to redo this today and give everyone exact measurements.

Oh, and you can probably use other fruit besides strawberries, but I only tried that once, and that was with mangos, and it tasted kinda bad.


New Member
lol my friends though this was cool... crazy bastards they brew their own beer and extract their own spice... One said he was going to add distilling to it...
Tell him to market it... It taste like soda. I would buy it any day over beer or wine.


Well-Known Member
Awesome +rep

My dad used to make plumb cordial every year with some special plumb that's only in season like two weeks out of the year. Seems like he let it go a couple of weeks and used vodka instead of water - lol. Not a big fan of plumbs or vodka but it tasted great and went down easy like juice. I think because he used vodka and left it in longer it made it a lot stronger.

The jail one I heard of used potatoes.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
I don't usually brew or produce alcoholic beverages, so this might be a stupid question, but heck, this sounds like some nice drink, so here goes:

Does the bottle have to sit in a warm room in light or in darkness for a week?


Active Member
Congratulations you just invented hooch. Just got back form prison and there is no way in hell we would ever use ketchup or tomato sause where I was staying tastes like shit!!!! we used fruit cocktail. same thing though enjoy your hooch hah


New Member
Doesn't matter if its light or dark... just store the jug away somewhere. It's best if its a warm place because it speeds up the alcohol process.


New Member
Jaw420 you are, um how do I say this... WRONG! prison hooch is made by fermenting fruit cocktail in a plastic baggy for a few days and then mixing it with water (somtimes from the toilet) and some bread. The process in which the alcohol is created is somewhat similar but it is in no way related to my little recipe lol. lol look up how to make prison hooch on the internet for the next time u go to jail... *no offence I dont know what you were in for*

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
If I may, one more question: dry yeast or fresh yeast? I don't really know what difference these two make when it comes to cooking or brewing, but I know dry yeast works best for making a co2 generator for your plants.


New Member
If I may, one more question: dry yeast or fresh yeast? I don't really know what difference these two make when it comes to cooking or brewing, but I know dry yeast works best for making a co2 generator for your plants.
That's funny cuz I was actually thinking of using this for a c02 generator for my plants... cuz it makes alot of c02. I could just stick in the bottom of the closet where I keep my plants...

But anyway, use dry yeast. There is specialty yeast at wine shops for reducing the yeast flavor, but I found that regular dry yeast works fine.


Well-Known Member
Jaw420 you are, um how do I say this... WRONG! prison hooch is made by fermenting fruit cocktail in a plastic baggy for a few days and then mixing it with water (somtimes from the toilet) and some bread. The process in which the alcohol is created is somewhat similar but it is in no way related to my little recipe lol. lol look up how to make prison hooch on the internet for the next time u go to jail... *no offence I dont know what you were in for*
lol how is that any differnt from what you did, maybe you should do some research hahahaha


Active Member
i have heard putting a balloon over the top of the jug instead of a lid can help the process keeping all the gasses in.


New Member
[quote="SICC";1887167]haha same thing they do is prison, not too special, but thanks[/quote]

yeah similar but this taste just a little bit better lol.


Active Member
prison hooch is made by fermenting fruit cocktail in a plastic baggy for a few days and then mixing it with water (somtimes from the toilet) and some bread. The process in which the alcohol is created is somewhat similar but it is in no way related to my little recipe lol. lol look up how to make prison hooch on the internet for the next time u go to jail... *no offence I dont know what you were in for*
LMFAO how many times have you had prison hooch hahahaha

still LMFAO about the toilet water hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

where did you learn to make prison hooch? what they don't have sinks or water fountains just toilets for your water? if your source where you do your research at tells you they sometimes use toilet water I would seriousely question that source. hahahahahahahahahahaha that is great.

ok our hooch was made in a new trash bag not a plastic baggie you can make gallons at a time that way. and the water was added at the same time as fruit cocktail and bread and we got really wasted.

ok the only major difference I can see between your method and prison hooch is that we used bread instead of yeast but that is not much of a diffrence pluss I know somebody that got ahold of some real yest once from the kitchen.

don't have to look up how to on the net. I am speaking from experience. and apparently if i search it out on the net good chance of getting some wrong info like you did with the toilet water haha I am still rolling about that one. thanks I really needed tahat laugh I will have something to go on for a week now.

I am not knocking your method at all. I am just saying it is rally just the same basic thing. And I am sure yours tastes alot better than ours did. I am thinking of trying this with the strawberries with a balloon on top of the jar. should be great for adding to smoothies.
