need to know which led is better


Well-Known Member
You say you wouldn't suggest to buy Chinese lights but you do realize about 90% of "NA" lights are straight out of China right? And you know where ALL the diodes come from right?


Well-Known Member
For each of those Gavita's I could have 2 bar lights per in 4 5 by 5 area's and i'm pretty sure my yield would end up better..Could also Co2 every area buy the tent intakes and fans for all cheaper then your 2 Gavita. Also what are the chances those lights aren't made in China?


Well-Known Member
For each of those Gavita's I could have 2 bar lights per in 4 5 by 5 area's and i'm pretty sure my yield would end up better..Could also Co2 every area buy the tent intakes and fans for all cheaper then your 2 Gavita. Also what are the chances those lights aren't made in China?
You do you buddy, but don't come back complaining about being shocked, lol.


Well-Known Member
Why would someone come on here to complain about themselves being stupid? Lol I have touched all my lights a total of a couple times in the year I have had these ones. I don't make out with my lights like the sounds of some people in here. You know what else can shock you? Pretty much touching anything that is plugged into any current.


Well-Known Member
Why would someone come on here to complain about themselves being stupid? Lol I have touched all my lights a total of a couple times in the year I have had these ones. I don't make out with my lights like the sounds of some people in here. You know what else can shock you? Pretty much touching anything that is plugged into any current.
You're a lost cause. You obviously didn't read that the light was shocking the shit outta the poor guy. It was obviously fucked up, and not grounded probably. He's just lucky he didn't burn his house down with that piece of shit.


Well-Known Member
That's when you talk to someone and send it back. You will get defective stuff from literally any company QC isn't perfect.


Well-Known Member
Why would someone come on here to complain about themselves being stupid? Lol I have touched all my lights a total of a couple times in the year I have had these ones. I don't make out with my lights like the sounds of some people in here. You know what else can shock you? Pretty much touching anything that is plugged into any current.
People come one here and complain about being stupid all day every every day.

Have you not seen the constant influx of "HELP, MY PLANTS ARE DYING WHAT DID I DO WRONG" posts, that usually end up beingnthe result of someone's stupidity?

With that said, its not that every component made in China is bad. Hell, majority of the LEDs people buy are build are based on Samsung diodes and Meanwell Drivers both of which are massively produced in Asian countries.

The difference being, American companies with good reputations aren't going to use a low bin diode, or a knock off samsung diode and try to pass it off as something it isn't. They also don't purposefully mislead customers by naming their products "super cool light 2000w" to trick their customers into buying sub par lights.

Its not that every company and every product out of China is bad, its that unless you get it from a reputable dealer, its hard to know whats good or bad, until after you've spent your money and recieved your product


Well-Known Member
People come one here and complain about being stupid all day every every day.

Have you not seen the constant influx of "HELP, MY PLANTS ARE DYING WHAT DID I DO WRONG" posts, that usually end up beingnthe result of someone's stupidity?

With that said, its not that every component made in China is bad. Hell, majority of the LEDs people buy are build are based on Samsung diodes and Meanwell Drivers both of which are massively produced in Asian countries.

The difference being, American companies with good reputations aren't going to use a low bin diode, or a knock off samsung diode and try to pass it off as something it isn't. They also don't purposefully mislead customers by naming their products "super cool light 2000w" to trick their customers into buying sub par lights.

Its not that every company and every product out of China is bad, its that unless you get it from a reputable dealer, its hard to know whats good or bad, until after you've spent your money and recieved your product
Well said... and I'll be the first to admit, I come on here often and complain about my stupidity. I'm not too proud. I need to make mistakes, and be taught the right way, to learn. I very much appreciate the people on here who take the time to listen to my complaints and teach me the right way!


Well-Known Member
I dunno if you're from China or not, but i do know shipping between here and there is a nightmare. Good luck when your light takes a shit and you want a replacement.
It took my light less time to get here then it took them to drive my tent 8 hours... And that's through flight or boat + a longer drive then 8 hours.


Well-Known Member
I work for a company that ships and receives items from all around the world. China is by far the worst shippers. Customs doesn't make it any better though.