Bernie Sanders 2020

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Well golly you got the inside scoop then, huh? No one can tell you anything- which is the problem.
Nope not an inside scoop at all just easily sourced quotes from pilots that have actually flown the aircraft, not one called it a “piece of shit”. It is you that has “deep state” contacts that turn out to be relatives that work in the military, so golly, pretty much everyone in your country has “deep state” contacts. I actually stated I don’t know anything about the aircraft but you seem to know more than the pilots that actually fly it and call it a piece of shit.....amazing. Also I have yet to see you produce working NASA plan to start drilling holes to save the world from impending doom....... moron lol.


Well-Known Member
Nope not an inside scoop at all just easily sourced quotes from pilots that have actually flown the aircraft, not one called it a “piece of shit”. It is you that has “deep state” contacts that turn out to be relatives that work in the military, so golly, pretty much everyone in your country has “deep state” contacts. I actually stated I don’t know anything about the aircraft but you seem to know more than the pilots that actually fly it and call it a piece of shit.....amazing. Also I have yet to see you produce working NASA plan to start drilling holes to save the world from impending doom....... moron lol.
Britain and Japan are designing carriers specifically to operate the F35. The Queen Elizabeth class (British flagship) is complete and now the British are helping to refit the Izumi class into fully functional carriers. People make a big deal of US Nimitz class carriers, which are on paper the mightiest ships on the planet excluding the Ford class which is in sea trials. RT likes to point out that only one of the Nimitz class carriers is ready to deploy F35s but nobody seems to remember those Wasp class ships that are already deployed near the SCS, regularly launching F35s.


Well-Known Member
Britain and Japan are designing carriers specifically to operate the F35. The Queen Elizabeth class (British flagship) is complete and now the British are helping to refit the Izumi class into fully functional carriers. People make a big deal of US Nimitz class carriers, which are on paper the mightiest ships on the planet excluding the Ford class which is in sea trials. RT likes to point out that only one of the Nimitz class carriers is ready to deploy F35s but nobody seems to remember those Wasp class ships that are already deployed near the SCS, regularly launching F35s.
What's the damn point now that Russia has the Khibiny?

Tty's right, we shouldn't even try any more. I guess we can't stop Russia from getting what lies beneath the Black Sea.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Intellectual property is becoming increasingly more valuable than tangible assets making "war" and "conquering" much less economically appealing with each passing decade. I suspect we will see less and less over time, especially in 1st world countries...


Well-Known Member
The F-35 is a POS flying compromise that has never performed up to any expectations other than separating taxpayers from their money. The lifecycle cost of the program is $1.6 trillion. Total outstanding student debt is... $1.6 trillion.

Sometimes the solution really is easy.
Have you ever seen an F35 ? have you ever seen one fly ? do you know the armament pay load that it can configure to hold ? do you know the highest Mach speed reached ? at what altitudes ? do you know the ceiling height ? Can you explain the stealth tech onboard ? If asked the difference between fly by wire and power by wire you would respond by saying ? Can you explain the OODA technology onboard ? Can you discuss any of the sensors or avionics on this bird ? In short please STFU


Well-Known Member
Have you ever seen an F35 ? have you ever seen one fly ? do you know the armament pay load that it can configure to hold ? do you know the highest Mach speed reached ? at what altitudes ? do you know the ceiling height ? Can you explain the stealth tech onboard ? If asked the difference between fly by wire and power by wire you would respond by saying ? Can you explain the OODA technology onboard ? Can you discuss any of the sensors or avionics on this bird ? In short please STFU
No, but he pimped out his girlfriend at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
sad to use a females low self-esteem as a tool to abuse her... but when you are fugly as fuck, that is shit you do
I just can’t believe a marijuana industry consultant with leading edge techniques would have to resort to such debauchery and moral bankruptcy.........hmmm. I guess the world just isn’t ready for such innovation..................:roll:.


Well-Known Member
The NYT did a piece where various "experts" analyzed the winners of last night's debate. Bernie was only mentioned once and only to say he failed to make an impact.

Of course it’s rigged! Nothing scares the wealthy like someone with ideas on how their money should be spent. Capitalism is a pyramid scheme requiring constant inflation. But just the right amount of inflation. Rising wages are not even a part of any capitalist “formula”. Sanders would ignore a lot of the rules established by the wealthy to protect the wealthy.


Well-Known Member
Of course it’s rigged! Nothing scares the wealthy like someone with ideas on how their money should be spent. Capitalism is a pyramid scheme requiring constant inflation. But just the right amount of inflation. Rising wages are not even a part of any capitalist “formula”. Sanders would ignore a lot of the rules established by the wealthy to protect the wealthy.
So you don't think it had anything to do with his poor performance in the debates that failed to resonate with many people?