Newly transplanted clones not doing well


First time grower so bear with me.

Got 3 clones from a friend and transplanted them into FFOF ~36 hours ago. Have only given them 6.5ph water (tap with pH down) and starting to see curling, twisting and discoloration.

Planning on getting some distilled water today to make sure the pH wasn't off, but otherwise is the soil just too hot for these clones? Should I try moving then into different soil until they get a little bigger?

Tent is about 70 degrees and humidity was down around 37% but added a humidifier and have it up to 43% now. Running 3 quantum boards about 2ft off the plants.

Thanks in advance



Well-Known Member
thursta shock from low humidity

jack up to 70-80% humidity and give them a spray with water

FFOF should not be too hot but I am sure there are a few strains that might not like it


Running 3x QB288 V2 LED boards about 2ft away from the pots. Plenty of space to lower and raise if needed. I have some other clones in there that have not been transplanted yet and they are doing fine so I assumed the light was ok. They're in rockwool right now and I've been keeping it damp


Ah ok, so you think I might've transplanted too early? I have another clone I could put into a solo for now in case one of these doesn't make it. Have my humidifier running all day and turned the fan down so I'm hoping that and a good feeding of distilled water can help get these guys looking good again.


Well-Known Member
Running 3x QB288 V2 LED boards about 2ft away from the pots. Plenty of space to lower and raise if needed. I have some other clones in there that have not been transplanted yet and they are doing fine so I assumed the light was ok. They're in rockwool right now and I've been keeping it damp
I do not know those lights ( I try to look at specs later) but I would think they are too close for now

likely a combo of low humidity and too close to lights without enough root mass

If you can raise humidity and look into proper height for clones for that board or just set i a room with natural light

If you feel they are watered enough then its hard to tell by pics then look more into light height


Well-Known Member
Ah ok, so you think I might've transplanted too early? I have another clone I could put into a solo for now in case one of these doesn't make it. Have my humidifier running all day and turned the fan down so I'm hoping that and a good feeding of distilled water can help get these guys looking good again.
You can transplant with no roots or one root shoot or a massive root cluster IF you set in perfect condition and not in direct like

But the best way is to get nice established root mass like TINT mentioned above

Then they can handle not ideal conditions better


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, going to use all this info to make some adjustments and see how these respond
We all learn and that is exactly what you need to do constantly adjust and learn

Many years ago and i set my first set of clones outside in direct sun light on 4th of july

I killed 18/24 of them and the rest were hurting very bad

The beauty of this plant is they are super strong very forgiving and do a decent job repairing themselves

You plants should be fine but get the lights at correct height or set them by a window not in direct light until they recover

You dont really need much light right now for next few days anyway

I would suggest learning the temps and humidity for each stage of life

Once you get the temps down less problems occur and things become easier


Well-Known Member
I agree raise the lights. Same thing just happened to new clones, my first run under 6xqb288s and the light was too much for them. Raised it up above 40 inches and the plants responded right away. Probably closer to 48 inches atm.


Raised the lights, gave them plenty of distilled water, and ended up pulling the roughest looking one and putting it into a cup with different soil (all done 2 nights ago). I also ended up bagging the two I left in pots for extra humidity. Seems like I'm getting newer healthy leaves in the middle but the bad looking leaves don't seem to be improving. Is this normal or to be expected? I had 3 more clones I moved into cups with the same different soil and they seem to be getting along fine, leading me to believe the FFOF was a bit too hot for these. These pics are from today, so about 48 hours after making the changes. Let me know if anyone has any additional advice or if I should continue to let them do their thing now

Edit: Just to be clear I'm talking about the rough looking one in the 3rd pic. The other two are clones I hadn't transplanted so they're in cups as backups now, hoping everything survives so I can give a clone to a friend who wants to get started



Well-Known Member
otherwise is the soil just too hot for these clones? Should I try moving then into different soil until they get a little bigger?
Hi Greezy,
I just wanted to comment on this. Clones are different then seedlings. They are essentially adult plants...or rather as old as the Mother plant they were cut from. So the whole hot soil thing really isn't an issue. If they have roots, then they should be able to handle it. Maybe get yourself some clear cups and do like Tint does.


Edit: So I'm reading that apparently pH up and pH down in the same solution could have been the issue?

If that's the case then the only other thing I'm thinking is I sprinkled the roots and the hole I transplanted them into with Roots Organic OregonismXL (can't post a link but ingredients below)

If I had to guess I'd say I did maybe 1-2 teaspoons each with most going directly into the soil. The only other thing those 3 got different was tap water with some pH up and pH down (less than a tablespoon each), which after a few hours read a pH of 6.5. Since then I have only been giving distilled. Otherwise I don't see what could be causing this with all other variables the same for all 6 clones.

Glomus Aggregatum, Glomus Etunicatum, Glomus Intraradices, Glomus Mosseae, Pisolithus Tinctorius, Scleroderma Cepa, Scleroderma Citrinum, Trichoderma Harzianum, Trichoderma Koningii, Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, Azotobacter Chroococcum, Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens, Bacillus Azotoformans, Bacillus Coagulans, Bacillus Licheniformis, Bacillus Megaterium, Bacillus Pumilus, Bacillus Subtilis, Bacillus Thuringiensis, Paenibacillus Durum, Paenibacillus Polymyxa, Pseudomonas Aureofaciens, Pseudomonas Fluorescens
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Well-Known Member
Apparently it was something that you did. Sheesh dude...this is a soil grow right? Why all the hoopla over ph?


My tap was 8.2 so I though I should take it down a bit, went too far and thought I had to compensate into an acceptable range. I guess this is how ya learn though!