Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
You are one of the people encouraging the pollution so take your 2 cents and go and fuck yourself with it
Another scumbag, i used to beat up bullies in school, too bad these morons werent sorted out when they were young as well.
They all need a punch or three in the head this includes @dopeonarope and @Lucky Luke
Making personal threats, speculating on peoples marriages and fidelity, degrading females on the page. Absolutely juvenile and disgusting. A Man without honor or respect is no man at all, this is exactly why most of you are banned. Then they blame it on other people. Lets ignore them and not give them food or fuel by replying. And by the way my foods getting cold bring me my dinner waiter! Oh you used to be the cool kid!!!!
Now get my food.....
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Well-Known Member
I hope you are all having an early night to wake early for the dawn service in the morning. Don't get too smashed like I do this day of the year every year and miss it.


Well-Known Member
Some wank that will probably get his teeth rearranged if I find it he's guilty.
Yeah that has to happen, you'll find out unless they piss off. Happened to a mate of mine bout 8 years ago, his broke assed mate all of a sudden had money and found out he was selling weed and it didnt take a genius to figure it out from there.


Well-Known Member
How was that bible bashing weirdo today? Like I get the concept of faith but people need to start believing in themselves, thinking for themselves, being responsible and having control over their own selves! Our lives are not our own. And that’s just how “god” and government would have it. We’re not free from the day we’re born.

Im positive I wasn’t born to be lead by someone no different to me. To be educated only with the knowledge the governments and churches want me to have. . What gives these humans the right to allocate the minutes of my life?**The time of My life?

Revolution*is what we need. Sadly it won’t be in my lifetime.

**attributed to George Carlin
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