She F'n killed him! Are you F'n blind! Yes!


New Member
Yeah, changing diapers on her challenged child. Will someone please tell me why aborting a child like that is a crime. That child does not even know it is alive. All you religious nutcases must agree, it would be better for all concerned to have sent this spirit on to God, no?

And you credit your miserable existence to ...???



New Member
Yeah, changing diapers on her challenged child. Will someone please tell me why aborting a child like that is a crime. That child does not even know it is alive. All you religious nutcases must agree, it would be better for all concerned to have sent this spirit on to God, no?
And what is Obama gonna' do with another aborted spirit?


New Member
And you credit your miserable existence to ...???

That was a little personal, don't you think? My existence is just fine asshole. I'll still be on here giving you shit untill the day I expire, or you expire, which ever comes first, hopefully it'll be you. I see you've exposed your true racial stance here again. A true rascist.


New Member
And what is Obama gonna' do with another aborted spirit?
Let it rest in peace. If you believe in this religious stuff, then you must believe that an aborted child passes on to God, No? I mean if the fetus is a real human, then it has a pure spirit and must be sent to God, Right?


New Member
Let it rest in peace. If you believe in this religious stuff, then you must believe that an aborted child passes on to God, No? I mean if the fetus is a real human, then it has a pure spirit and must be sent to God, Right?
Let me play Soros's advocate.....if the fetus has a spirit, doesn't that change the abortion situation?

You believe in God, heaven and hell?


Well-Known Member
Will someone please tell me why aborting a child like that is a crime. That child does not even know it is alive. All you religious nutcases must agree, it would be better for all concerned to have sent this spirit on to God, no?
i'm going to do you the favor of considering this a bad joke. if it isn't, you've shown a side that even i didn't suspect you had.


New Member
When a parent has a handicapped child they receive social security for the child and a second check for the parents as "caretakers" I'm guessing she's probably pulling down about 2 grand a month in benefits for that child. Who would run out and abort their ATM machine?

The woman should have figured out what a condom was instead, we all know she didn't run out giving them to her daughter.


Well-Known Member
my problem w/ pro life is this i don't see them doing for unwanted children . also u r entitled to opinion not facts and the facts r , when dems control policy abortions go down and when repubs set policy they go up . there r worse thing to do to a child , how bout lie urself into an ill eagle war and kill and mame whole families . then forgive urself because that is what happens in war . how bout holding signs and talking shit w/ hungry babies living off garbage dump scraps in3rd world . buying pot and computers w/ hungry babies in every u.s. city . if u truely cared u'ld sell all ur worldly goods and take care of unwanted children . also why dont u pretend there is no soul we have learned alot in the last few thousand years an we now know we r not the center of the univerce .


New Member
Pro-lifers don't want to help raise the kids, they just want to keep their noses in the business of everyone else.

Pro-lifers never have much to say about how child neglect and murder are on the rise either.

Pro-lifers are just concerned with the baby being born, once the kid pops out, they don't give a flying fuck if it has food, clothes or a place to live. :roll:

my problem w/ pro life is this i don't see them doing for unwanted children . also u r entitled to opinion not facts and the facts r , when dems control policy abortions go down and when repubs set policy they go up . there r worse thing to do to a child , how bout lie urself into an ill eagle war and kill and mame whole families . then forgive urself because that is what happens in war . how bout holding signs and talking shit w/ hungry babies living off garbage dump scraps in3rd world . buying pot and computers w/ hungry babies in every u.s. city . if u truely cared u'ld sell all ur worldly goods and take care of unwanted children . also why dont u pretend there is no soul we have learned alot in the last few thousand years an we now know we r not the center of the univerce .

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
Pro-lifers don't want to help raise the kids, they just want to keep their noses in the business of everyone else.

Pro-lifers never have much to say about how child neglect and murder are on the rise either.

Pro-lifers are just concerned with the baby being born, once the kid pops out, they don't give a flying fuck if it has food, clothes or a place to live. :roll:
Then obviously you don't know many people who are genuinely pro-life. I'll give you, there are politicians that fit this mold, but they're typically pro-life to score points with voters, not because they actually believe it.


New Member
Pro-lifers don't want to help raise the kids, they just want to keep their noses in the business of everyone else.

Pro-lifers never have much to say about how child neglect and murder are on the rise either.

Pro-lifers are just concerned with the baby being born, once the kid pops out, they don't give a flying fuck if it has food, clothes or a place to live.
Palin and her husband are ProLife and they seem to be walking the walk, wouldn't you agree?



New Member
I meant pro lifers want to keep others from aborting, but they don't want to step in and take care of the kids themselves. All pro lifers should adopt a kid per year.


New Member
Coo Coo we all know you are embarrassed to learn the truth about your tin god. We will forgive all of the nasty, hurtful, hateful, blind, racist things you've said if you just admit that we were right and you were WRONG.


New Member
really? So you just can't admit she fucked up. How about when she is impeached? What if they put her in prison, then can you believe it?

Don't make me spend the night copying and pasting all the stupid shit you've said in her defense. I'm feeling a bit manic tonight, I could easily to it you know.


New Member
really? So you just can't admit she fucked up. How about when she is impeached? What if they put her in prison, then can you believe it?

Don't make me spend the night copying and pasting all the stupid shit you've said in her defense. I'm feeling a bit manic tonight, I could easily to it you know.
Palin is the positive future of this country. I can't wait until she is President!