Do the wealthy practice endogamy


Well-Known Member
Gee, I'm glad you are not willing to say. LOL.

The Kennedy assassination was pure SUICIDE.

That's right. Although a conspiracy is probable, I am not willing to state categorically that LBJ had any knowledge of it.

Keep up the LOLs. I'll join you. You're all over the map.


New Member
Well it stands to reason that if the conspiracy was 'probable', then it had to involve somebody right?! So how many % pts under ur "probability" is LBJ? 2, 3, XX% ? Funny stuff.

Kennedy screwed over so many people, he might as well as just pulled the trigger himself. That was my meaning. I just wasn't trying to be obvious about it. It was suicide.

One thing is for sure, Jack Ruby was a stone cold killah. Never uttered a word the rest of his life about it, and he knew a lot.

Conspiracy takes only 2 people. So, yes it is probable. As most crimes are conspiracies by definition.

Oh yah .. LOL



Well-Known Member
You're back. I guess you were not really 'out' after all.
Well it stands to reason that if the conspiracy was 'probable', then it had to involve somebody right?!
No one is disputing that. However, somebody could be anybody.
So how many % pts under ur "probability" is LBJ? 2, 3, XX% ? Funny stuff.
Re-read my statement.
Although a conspiracy is probable, I am not willing to state categorically that LBJ had any knowledge of it.
Regarding LBJ, I have not stated any probability whatsoever. I think there is probability of a conspiracy. I simply have not been convinced LBJ was involved in the conspiracy. It's possible, but I have not seen any evidence.

The only thing funny is that you can't seem to grasp this stuff.
Kennedy screwed over so many people, he might as well as just pulled the trigger himself. That was my meaning. I just wasn't trying to be obvious about it. It was suicide.
JFK made many enemies. It is true. But it was no suicide. Suicide is an individual act. Assisted suicide is a conspiracy. But there is a huge distinction between the suicide and assisted suicide. The assassination of JFK was neither because there is no evidence JFK wanted to end his life.
One thing is for sure, Jack Ruby was a stone cold killah. Never uttered a word the rest of his life about it, and he knew a lot.
I agree. He was a mobster and he kept his mouth shut. Some theorize that his death was part of the larger conspiracy.
Conspiracy takes only 2 people. So, yes it is probable. As most crimes are conspiracies by definition.
Then we agree. Though I question if 'most crimes are conspiracies.' That suggests conspiracies outnumber individual crimes.
Oh yah .. LOL
Except for the misspelling, I could not have put it better myself.
Are you sure you are truly 'out' this time? When you write 'out' it implies you are finished. It would be more accurate for you to write 'over' since you are obviously not 'out.'



New Member
:peace:I grasp it just fine, but like most I skim when I should not. As for the misspelling, it was on purpose.

I use yah instead of yeah, no difference, both slangs.

Jack Ruby could indicate anyone from Hoover to LBJ to Castro, Mafia, or even Jackie O who was tired of the Jack boy, to just plain ol Jack Ruby.

I didn't mean suicide in the self afflicted way. Re-read my post about it. Don't skim this time .. somebody will try and rub your nose in it.

About the "out" bit.
I started that years ago on a blog as just a sig and just became a habit. It's a little funny how people will comment as to their awareness neg or pos of it. Simply put, when I am posting, i am in. When i am done, i am out. Of course this does not preclude myself from coming back in at a later junction. I could use another phrase but it's merely semantics.

out. (for now)

I don't do it to annoy, just a habit. :peace:


New Member
Ah yes, the "cash" society. In Vegas there are a lot of cash society folk. Most are due to some glitch in their credit or checking accounts though, and then there are those that never had a checking account for whatever reason. Some live payday to payday and are bonafied drug addicts,. others arent addicts but dabble in drugs, enough to keep them broke. I can see the benefits of a cash society as in they have a harder time tracking your purchases, but it always seemed easier to me to have a checking account, to pay the utility bills etc. I guess if you're that paranoid that you don't want "them" tracking your spending, then cash would be a plus. They have a plethora of check cashing places in Vegas, that and Hock shops/Car title loan shops. It seems there are quite a few fringe dwellers in Vegas. Speed (Crystal meth) has hurried that along.


New Member
Ah yes, the "cash" society. In Vegas there are a lot of cash society folk. Most are due to some glitch in their credit or checking accounts though, and then there are those that never had a checking account for whatever reason. Some live payday to payday and are bonafied drug addicts,. others arent addicts but dabble in drugs, enough to keep them broke. I can see the benefits of a cash society as in they have a harder time tracking your purchases, but it always seemed easier to me to have a checking account, to pay the utility bills etc. I guess if you're that paranoid that you don't want "them" tracking your spending, then cash would be a plus. They have a plethora of check cashing places in Vegas, that and Hock shops/Car title loan shops. It seems there are quite a few fringe dwellers in Vegas. Speed (Crystal meth) has hurried that along.
I use banks for paying utilities and such...I just don't buy anything on credit...everything I own is paid for....if I can't pay cash I don't need it...


Well-Known Member
I use banks for paying utilities and such...I just don't buy anything on credit...everything I own is paid for....if I can't pay cash I don't need it...
This is what I practice as well. I work for tips, so of course I don't claim shit. I pay all my bills at the grocery store for a nominal fee. I have a prepaid credit card to order things online and I use Visa gift cards to buy anything grow-associated online and have them shipped to my dad's house.

I basically do everything I can to stray off the grid financially.

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
The main thing is, don't get too deep in debt. I have a credit card, but I always pay off the full balance every month. But you need a credit card to order stuff online, and not being able to do that would suck. Since I always pay off the balance, the credit card company actually give me money in the form of rewards bonuses. I've gotten more money from them than they've gotten from me, by a lot. (I've been hit with a few late fees when I've forgotten to pay my bill bongsmilie)

As far as the wealthy keeping money in their families, that's only to be expected. Where else would it go? Many families donate most of their money to charities, and others find ways to spend it, but any parent would want to make sure their children are taken care of.

I do support the federal inheritance tax (death tax for all you republicans) since it lowers the number of generations before the children have to start working and contributing to the economy again. :mrgreen:


New Member
There are two outlying communities about 55 miles from vegas that are the speed manufacturing capitals of the Nevada, and maybe other parts of the country, Sandy Valley and Pahrump. Sandy Valley Is rumored to be the headquarters of a large Biker gang, who's name shall remain unsaid by this poster.


New Member
I do support the federal inheritance tax (death tax for all you republicans) since it lowers the number of generations before the children have to start working and contributing to the economy again. :mrgreen:
As one can see by the following statement, no-one has to worry about the estate (Death) tax untill they've amassed over 2,000,000 in assets.

Although the above tax table looks like a system of progressive tax rates, there is a unified credit against the tentative tax which effectively eliminates any tax on the first $2,000,000 of the estate (or the first $2,000,000 on a combination of taxable gifts during lifetime and a taxable estate at death), so the federal estate tax is effectively a flat tax of 45% once the unified credit exclusion amount has been exhausted.
Source- Wikipedia. So all you broke-ass republicans chill out.


Well-Known Member
I do support the federal inheritance tax (death tax for all you republicans) since it lowers the number of generations before the children have to start working and contributing to the economy again. :mrgreen:
As one can see by the following statement, no-one has to worry about the estate (Death) tax untill they've amassed over 2,000,000 in assets.

Although the above tax table looks like a system of progressive tax rates, there is a unified credit against the tentative tax which effectively eliminates any tax on the first $2,000,000 of the estate (or the first $2,000,000 on a combination of taxable gifts during lifetime and a taxable estate at death), so the federal estate tax is effectively a flat tax of 45% once the unified credit exclusion amount has been exhausted.
Source- Wikipedia. So all you broke-ass republicans chill out.
See, the problem is that unlike you Med, I have faith in my ability to easily amass more than $2 Million in assets. Hopefully by then however the limit has climbed to $5 Million.


Well-Known Member
:peace:I grasp it just fine, but like most I skim when I should not. As for the misspelling, it was on purpose.

I use yah instead of yeah, no difference, both slangs.

Jack Ruby could indicate anyone from Hoover to LBJ to Castro, Mafia, or even Jackie O who was tired of the Jack boy, to just plain ol Jack Ruby.

I didn't mean suicide in the self afflicted way. Re-read my post about it. Don't skim this time .. somebody will try and rub your nose in it.
Rub my nose in what? You yourself said you skimmed, so please do not project your own shortcomings onto me. I read your posts just fine the first time. What you meant to say and what you actually wrote are two different things entirely. In point of fact, you used the exact word suicide in two separate posts. I objected to your use of the word suicide. What exactly would you like to rub my nose in, the fact that I was correct?
About the "out" bit.
I started that years ago on a blog as just a sig and just became a habit. It's a little funny how people will comment as to their awareness neg or pos of it. Simply put, when I am posting, i am in. When i am done, i am out. Of course this does not preclude myself from coming back in at a later junction. I could use another phrase but it's merely semantics.

out. (for now)

I don't do it to annoy, just a habit. :peace:
Use of the word 'out' means you are done and the matter is concluded. Use of the word 'over' means your statement concluded, but you will be back. For such a stickler on my use of the word 'probability' and your copious LOLs in response to my posts, you sure are tolerant of your own limitations.
Roger wilco that and ..

FYI, wilco means 'will comply.' :o

You are pretty damn funny. You practice bad spelling and you misuse technical jargon. When called on it, you say it's intentional.

There is a difference between ignorance and stupidity for the purposes of our discussion. Ignorance implies you did not know any better. Stupidity means you do know better, but choose the incorrect path anyway.

Based on your response, you are definitely not ignorant.

Can I get an LOL?


New Member
See, the problem is that unlike you Med, I have faith in my ability to easily amass more than $2 Million in assets. Hopefully by then however the limit has climbed to $5 Million.
Amass away. Since there are way more of us that never will amass that wonderful number, be prepared to pay 45% on the overage, have a nice day.


Well-Known Member
Amass away. Since there are way more of us that never will amass that wonderful number, be prepared to pay 45% on the overage, have a nice day.
Lets see,

Alive, check
Limbs Attached, check
Job, check
Electricity, check

Yeah, I'd say today is in fact a nice day.

What about you med, how's your day going?


New Member
Lets see,

Alive, check
Limbs Attached, check
Job, check
Electricity, check

Yeah, I'd say today is in fact a nice day.

What about you med, how's your day going?
Alive check
limbs attached check
Job, what the fuck is that? no check.
electricity Check.

Well, I'm probably having an even better day as no fucking ass wipe boss has said one word to me today. I call that a good day, Oh Oh, My wife is about due home, there goes the Boss thingy. I call her the warden. Just kidding.


Well-Known Member
Alive check
limbs attached check
Job, what the fuck is that? no check.
electricity Check.

Well, I'm probably having an even better day as no fucking ass wipe boss has said one word to me today. I call that a good day, Oh Oh, My wife is about due home, there goes the Boss thingy. I call her the warden. Just kidding.

You know what Benjamin Franklin said, "Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, half shut afterwards. "


New Member
I don't want to repeat myself further, I don't chew my cabbage twice, unlike u. I cleared up my "suicide" reference without any allusions so it wouldn't escape ur grasp, but it has, so I'll let it go at that.

I am fully aware of the meanings of Roger, Wilco, and Out.
Roger means received
Wilco means comply
out means end of transmission and am turning the channel.

All were used properly.
