Why are there so many Trump supporters on RIU?


Well-Known Member
The initial post is puzzling. The question seems to indicate an assumption that all (most) pot smokers are lefties. Pot is an amazing plant with proven medicinal properties and extensive (thousands of years) of recreational use. Anyone, regardless of politcal beliefs, can benefit from this plant in some way.

Perhaps it is true that the majority of opponents to pot are right-wing, but this does not necessarily inform one about the feelings of all non-left people.

Evidence of this is playing itself out in Canada and some of the States right now. In Canada's case, there is pretty much a 50:50 split in red vs. blue votes. Yet a solid majority agrees that cannabis should be legalized - so it is happening.

This isn't a win for the left. It is a win for everyone who wishes to enjoy cannabis. And there are alot more "non-left" people enjoying cannabis than the OP realizes.
you are an illegal


Well-Known Member
Don't think that's gonna happen. But the endless trump shit parade from both sides is really annoying. And fuck PC culture.
I happen to like my PC. Plenty of memory, virtual drive, didn't pay too much for it. It's Windows 10 which is odious but I have legacy software and don't want to build new files on an Apple. Yeah I'm old school.

I guess you prefer to shout into a cell phone or something?


Well-Known Member
The initial post is puzzling. The question seems to indicate an assumption that all (most) pot smokers are lefties. Pot is an amazing plant with proven medicinal properties and extensive (thousands of years) of recreational use. Anyone, regardless of politcal beliefs, can benefit from this plant in some way.

Perhaps it is true that the majority of opponents to pot are right-wing, but this does not necessarily inform one about the feelings of all non-left people.

Evidence of this is playing itself out in Canada and some of the States right now. In Canada's case, there is pretty much a 50:50 split in red vs. blue votes. Yet a solid majority agrees that cannabis should be legalized - so it is happening.

This isn't a win for the left. It is a win for everyone who wishes to enjoy cannabis. And there are alot more "non-left" people enjoying cannabis than the OP realizes.
Point noted but why would anyone who is pro-cannabis vote against their own self interest by voting for Trump? He's lined his cabinet with the most anti marijuana people imaginable starting with Sessions. Please don't tell me Trump is for medical, he only brought that up during the campaign because the polls are heavily in support left AND right. He's also entirely for civil asset forfeiture in the strongest way possible. Republicans fight legalization in every way, Dem's are progressing the issue. Gimme a break!


Well-Known Member
Apparently one who can read.....

Nowhere in my post was that said. And it was the girl who bullied him.
you said the guy who shot up a school was a victim of bullying

you also said the kids who survived the gun massacres were "torturers"

in what world is a gun massacre perpetrator a victim and the gun massacre survivors villains?

that's just retarded


Well-Known Member
Nah their all pussies who hide behind something (most of the time a keyboard but sometimes masks too). I aint fucking scared of any of you unicorn fairies. No sack all talk, or else they would have enlisted.

Look around this joint? Your leader unclebuck is about as scary as they come, and he aint too scary that's for sure. I ain't scared of being called a racist. Its like water. Brush it off, its all they got to say.
trump's campaign manager steve bannon ran a "news" outlet which had a "black crime" section
Hmm, blacks don't commit an extraordinary amount of crime in the states, only explanation must be racism...


Well-Known Member
trudeau is very popular in canada and respected all around the world

tell us more about the globalists. what religion are they?
Trudeau is the laughing stock of the world and his approval rating is free-falling in Canada. The guy is a vacuous, nutless fool who has driven the economy into a 30 billion dollar deficit. He'll be gone in 2019 and sanity will be restored.

Regarding the globalists, people have different opinions about their motivations. Some say religious - based on the writings of Helena Blavatsky. I cannot confirm this and I don't put much thought into it.


Well-Known Member
Hello thanks for the welcome.

Not new to forums, as GC mod Jmick can attest to.

Also not new to people who would stoop to any level to try and defend flimsy ideals based on nothing but minor observation and popular opinion.
I bet you have several more fake stories made up by Breitbart and other media organs for the right about the survivors of the Parkland shootings.

I'm up for a good laugh.

Tell us more.

That gun nuts would attack these kids with obvious lies only shows how much they fear them.