First Grow Journal (indica)


Well-Known Member
Hello All once again a little update of my babys
with some questions :)

some of the leaves are curling up
i gave them water and the day after they were better
but once again they curling i only water once a day and today i didnt water at all cuz the rockwool is still humid in the bottom and completly dry at the top

im using a 430w Hg lamp
also blowing a fan in the room
Temp : 82F
RH: 45%
light : 18/6

i also have a 1000W Hps
Should i use the 1000W Hps instead off 430W Hg ?
cuz for the Hps one i have a cool Tube and maybe less heat

the Hydroponic shop didnt receive my growbox yet told me another 2 weeks so im just doing my best here.

All suggestions are welcome.



Well-Known Member
I don't know much about flood and drain, but that don't sound like enough. Try 3 times a day for 15 min. ----don't let humidity get in the way of feeding!!


Well-Known Member
Guys my humidity is at 25%
my rockwool is wet . have 4 babys growing and 2 of them have some curling leaf ...
any idea how to bring my RH up ?
What about the curling problem ?
like you see in the second pic this little girl is just doing great
Thank you RIU :)

