Get Edumacated ... Vote Smart ...


Well-Known Member
Ok folks ... this is really necessary ... corporate media is going way out of their way to make sure you don't make an informed decision ... therefore here is a link to the votesmart site with all the presidential candidates ... plus links to their voting records ... and that's what you need to see ... not what they say ... but what they do ...:arrow:




Well-Known Member
I just spend like an hour reviewing both McCain and Obama's voting records.

From the looks of it, Obama isn't a bad choice AT ALL. All this bullshit about "hes a socialist" and "fisa, that's the proof hes a socialist" "hes G000na turn this country into russia 2 two!!11!one!! "

MCCAIN voted for the same FISA bill. But fisa isnt even a big deal. Our 4th amendment isnt at "RISK" like most of u crazy mccain lovers claim.

Obama is all for less federal penalties (crime), (and a lot of other good crime related votes which seem fair)

I dont understand, can somone just post atleast 5 reasons why picking mccain over obama is a good choice FOR THIS COUNTRY. HONESTLY no tricky or missing info. There has to be a reason why one would choose a fool like mccain and palin over Obama and biden.

IF my vote even mattered (hope it does) I would vote for Ron Paul or Charls Baldwin.



Well-Known Member
Well I'm glad some people are checking it out ... I mean is it going to kill us to be informed on what these assholes are doing? ... Is it such a hardship for americans to know what the hell is going on in government? ... that is what they (Nazis) fear the most ... A WELL INFORMED PUBLIC


Well-Known Member
Well I'm glad some people are checking it out ... I mean is it going to kill us to be informed on what these assholes are doing? ... Is it such a hardship for americans to know what the hell is going on in government? ... that is what they (Nazis) fear the most ... A WELL INFORMED PUBLIC
Grow rebel did you just rent Conspiracy Theory or what?!? It's an imperfect system we have but it's a lot better than most around the world. I think it's also important to mention that right now the 2 candidates are more tranparanet than they will ever be, regardless of their attempts to spin their own and each others records...


Well-Known Member
Grow rebel did you just rent Conspiracy Theory or what?!? It's an imperfect system we have but it's a lot better than most around the world. I think it's also important to mention that right now the 2 candidates are more tranparanet than they will ever be, regardless of their attempts to spin their own and each others records...
What ... have you been living in a cave or what? ... this isn't a conspiracy theory as you people who believe and trust the lies feed to you by corporate news love to call the truth .... it's FACT ... and we DON'T have a lot better system than most ... countries have stood up to election fraud and got new elections ... many countries won't allow the voting machines we are using because they can easily be cracked and have been ... nor will they allow their votes to be counted in secret as we do ... transparent :lol:... what a joke! ... what kind of shit are you smoking ... it make you ... :dunce:


Well-Known Member
Look, i wouldn't say our government is always lying to us, but they have to sometimes to keep people calm. I know it would be great to know EVERYTHING that goes on in the government, but if this were to happen, the world would look a LOT different, maybe even towards the negative side.

there is a reason why secrets are kept from the public. Because the majority are STUPID and wouldnt know how to comprehend.

but i do agree on the fact that this country has been in the hands of people with major capital.

Its funny, it almost feels like this county (from the inside government) is crumbling, kind of like the banks are going against the government, and even the news is starting to show things i wouldnt see before. maybe im just trippin, or maybe some truth is finnaly sinking inside the government

Or maybe the guys with major capital just stopped paying for the propaganda. I actually heard somone on CNN say, " I DONT TRUST THIS GOVERNMENT, PEOPLE NEED TO STAND UP AND QUESTION EVERYTHING" some shit like that, and out of this 8 years of bush i have never heard ANYONE say that on CNN.

Where are all those mccain/palin lovers? no one has "corrected" me yet... does this mean i was right? (for the first time? :) )


Well-Known Member
Look, i wouldn't say our government is always lying to us, but they have to sometimes to keep people calm. I know it would be great to know EVERYTHING that goes on in the government, but if this were to happen, the world would look a LOT different, maybe even towards the negative side.

there is a reason why secrets are kept from the public. Because the majority are STUPID and wouldnt know how to comprehend.

but i do agree on the fact that this country has been in the hands of people with major capital.

Its funny, it almost feels like this county (from the inside government) is crumbling, kind of like the banks are going against the government, and even the news is starting to show things i wouldnt see before. maybe im just trippin, or maybe some truth is finnaly sinking inside the government

Or maybe the guys with major capital just stopped paying for the propaganda. I actually heard somone on CNN say, " I DONT TRUST THIS GOVERNMENT, PEOPLE NEED TO STAND UP AND QUESTION EVERYTHING" some shit like that, and out of this 8 years of bush i have never heard ANYONE say that on CNN.

Where are all those mccain/palin lovers? no one has "corrected" me yet... does this mean i was right? (for the first time? :) )
I don't really watch CNN.

Though reading the text of some of the bills really is self-defeating. There is no concise, and clear cut definition of what it is, or isn't going to do.

They are very obtuse and obfuscated which means their real aims are hidden.

As far as Obama vs. McCain. It seems to me that Obama is against economic freedom, and McCain is against personal (lifestyle) freedom.

But if forced to choose between the two my vote would go for McCain, because I have a greater desire to be free economically than in my lifestyle (which is Right of Center anyway, and thus not under threat)

Ironically, despite his claims to supporting Education Obama does not realize that his stance of increasing taxes on "the rich" is a tax on education. Most households that make more than $100K and more than $250K are people that hold PHDs, and people that achieved some sort of success in their lives.

Thus, despite his claims of being for Education Obama is actually against Education, because he wants to reduce the benefits of having an Education.


New Member
Obama = Continued growth and power of the federal government.

McCain = More transparency and less spending.

Obama = No constraint on congress.

McCain = A resisting force against out of control spending by an out of control congress.



Well-Known Member
Obama = Continued growth and power of the federal government.

McCain = More transparency and less spending.

Obama = No constraint on congress.

McCain = A resisting force against out of control spending by an out of control congress.

Ok perfect, where on the net (at gov site or maybe some good credible source) can i read on obama creating more fed power and mccain on less spending?


Well-Known Member
Ok perfect, where on the net (at gov site or maybe some good credible source) can i read on obama creating more fed power and mccain on less spending?
:arrow:Vi is in his own dream world with it comes to politics ... you would think he would be smarter considering ... but he isn't ... I highly doubt he will be able to produce anything creditable to back his claims ... to anyone with half a mind knows what Vi spouts couldn't be further from the truth ...



New Member
:arrow:Vi is in his own dream world with it comes to politics ... you would think he would be smarter considering ... but he isn't ... I highly doubt he will be able to produce anything creditable to back his claims ... to anyone with half a mind knows what Vi spouts couldn't be further from the truth ...




Well-Known Member
the shit for brains twenty something posting unrelated bullshit ... but what do you expect from someone with shit for brains?


New Member

Obama's Trillion-Dollar Spending Plan

February 14, 2008 01:37 PM ET | James Pethokoukis | Permanent Link

What does "change" cost? About a quarter of a trillion bucks a year, according to Barack Obama. But first, this: "I wish Obama would go further than that, but it's a start," was the reaction of one DailyKos poster to Barack Obama's economic plan unveiled yesterday in a campaign appearance in Janesville, Wis. Some hard-core liberals may be underwhelmed by the scope of Obama's agenda—after all, there's no single-payer healthcare plan or Scandinavian-style "flexicurity" worker benefits program in the mix—but my guess is that the average person would find it all pretty aggressive. Here are the priciest parts:
  • A $65 billion-a-year health plan
  • $15 billion in green energy spending
  • $85 billion in tax cuts and credits
  • A $25 billion-a-year increase in foreign aid
  • $18 billion a year in education spending
  • $3.5 billion for a national service plan
Put it all together, and we are talking about a $200 billon plan, $800 billion over four years. And that does not even include fixing the alternative minimum tax, a $50 billion-a-year item that will assuredly get passed. A few thoughts:

1) Let's put aside for a moment whether the Obama plan will actually increase our standard of living, enhance productivity, or encourage innovation. As a matter of accounting, I don't get how Obama will pay for his plan. Now he claims he's paid "for every element of this economic agenda—by ending a war that's costing us billions, closing tax loopholes for corporations, putting a price on carbon pollution, and ending George Bush's tax cuts for the wealthiest 2 percent of Americans."

But I don't think that adds up. Take, for instance, eliminating those Bush tax cuts on top earners. That might gain $50 billion a year, assuming no negative economic effect. But Congressional Budget Office estimates already assume that the Bush tax cuts expire at the end of 2010. So Obama gains nothing beyond, perhaps, a one-year bump in 2010 if he repeals the tax cuts a year earlier.

2) Obama clearly advocates jacking up payroll taxes as a way of creating long-term solvency for Social Security. Check out this chunk from his campaign press release:
Obama will be honest with the American people about the long-term solvency of Social Security and the ways we can address the shortfall. Obama will protect Social Security benefits for current and future beneficiaries alike. And he does not believe it is necessary or fair to hardworking seniors to raise the retirement age. Obama is strongly opposed to privatizing Social Security. Currently, the Social Security payroll tax applies to only the first $97,500 a worker makes. Obama has consistently said that we may want to include a "doughnut hole" to ensure that lifting the payroll tax cap does not ensnare any middle-class Americans. Obama supports increasing the maximum amount of earnings covered by Social Security, and he will work with Congress and the American people to choose a payroll tax reform package that will keep Social Security solvent for at least the next half century.
Taken at face value, Obama is proposing no benefit cuts at all. None. He won't cut future benefit increases by linking them to the inflation rate rather than wages, nor will he extend the retirement age even as life expectancy increases. Retirement accounts, a way to make Social Security a better deal for younger workers but not a way to directly deal with the solvency issue, are also out of the question. I will update all this after I chat with Team Obama about its candidate's ideas.


New Member
Government Reform: Senator McCain

Integrated solutions help increase efficiency for public operations.

Sen. John McCain

The Republican Convention is underway and while there are many caught up in the hoopla and breathing a sigh of relief over how New Orleans received only a glancing blow from Hurricane Gustav, the question of how Senator John McCain would govern is being explored.

As of the time of the convention, he has laid out a series of proposals and made a number of statements that provide an outline. Government Executive magazine has devoted its cover story this month to Senator McCain’s possible priorities in managing the government. His campaign website also has several specific statements, and his interview last month with the Washington Post’s Joe Davidson provides additional insights.

Government Executive’s article observes that “McCain’s penchant for reform likely would influence his management style.” Interviews with several observers conclude that he would likely turn away from the use of checklists and scorecards, which are prevalent under President Bush’s management approach. His top economic policy advisor, Douglas Holtz-Eakin, says that McCain’s promise to conduct a top-to-bottom review of all federal programs would be conducted in 6-8 months and be built off of OMB’s existing Program Assessment Rating Tool.

Ethics and Transparency

Like Senator Obama, Senator McCain offers a series of commitments related to ethics and transparency. These include:

Seal the Pork Barrel. Senator McCain says he “would shine the disinfecting light of public scrutiny on those who abuse the public purse,” and exercise the veto pen.

Stop the Revolving Door and Restore Ethics. Senator McCain will promote “greater transparency regarding the official activities of lobbyists,” and fight the “revolving door” when officials leave their posts and become lobbyists.

Campaign Finance Reform.

Senator McCain wants to enforce prohibitions on corporate and union political contributions, set sensible limits, and foster greater disclosure of how campaigns are funded.

Fiscal Discipline

Senator McCain says he would institute “comprehensive spending controls” starting with a “one-year spending pause. Freeze non-defense, non-veterans discretionary spending for a year and use those savings for deficit reduction. A one-year pause in the growth of discretionary spending will be imposed to allow for a comprehensive review of all spending programs. After the completion of a comprehensive review of all programs, projects and activities of the federal government, we will propose a plan to modernize, streamline, consolidate, reprioritize and, where needed, terminate individual programs.”

He also vows to “take back earmark funds. The McCain Administration will reclaim billions of add-on spending from earmarks and add-ons in FY 2007 and 2008.”


New Member
Blonddie07 sez:

"Ok perfect, where on the net (at gov site or maybe some good credible source) can i read on obama creating more fed power and mccain on less spending?"

GrowRebel sez:

"Vi is in his own dream world with it comes to politics ... you would think he would be smarter considering ... but he isn't ... I highly doubt he will be able to produce anything creditable to back his claims ... to anyone with half a mind knows what Vi spouts couldn't be further from the truth ..."

I was wondering ... do you two Doofuses have any further questions? :weed:



Well-Known Member

Obama's Trillion-Dollar Spending Plan

February 14, 2008 01:37 PM ET | James Pethokoukis | Permanent Link

You provided nothing more than an op-ed ... he doesn't show anything that Obama stated directly ... just his opinion of what he thinks Obama's plan will be ... where is the link of Obama actually making the statements you claim? That's what we want to see ... and to be fair to the other candidate ... you already did McSame though I haven't check it yet to see if it's acurate ... post the records (spin is all you're capable of) of the other candidate for the folks to see ...:clap:


Well-Known Member
So I am pretty sure that Foxnews has implanted a microchip receiver in ViRedds brain. I can't prove it, but the content of his posts support my claim.


Well-Known Member
Blonddie07 sez:

"Ok perfect, where on the net (at gov site or maybe some good credible source) can i read on obama creating more fed power and mccain on less spending?"

GrowRebel sez:

"Vi is in his own dream world with it comes to politics ... you would think he would be smarter considering ... but he isn't ... I highly doubt he will be able to produce anything creditable to back his claims ... to anyone with half a mind knows what Vi spouts couldn't be further from the truth ..."

I was wondering ... do you two Doofuses have any further questions? :weed:

I'm not one them, but I do have a question.

What do you think is a better place to move, S. America, Ukraine or Ireland?