Traveling to find genetics, I need some advice (old thread had 400 replies)

Every time I think you can't get any dumber......

You prove me wrong.

You literally have zero idea what you're talking about. I'd school you again but you're a lost cause and don't deserve the free knowledge.

I could name a ton of breeders working with land races. I've grown them and most were weak and ugly as fuck. There's a reason landraces have been worked and bred into different modern strains. I could go one for hours about this but fuck you.

Do you even understand what landrace means or did it just sound cool to you?

What landraces have you grown and why do think "landrace" equates to "good"?

Let's say you do get a bunch of landrace seeds from some country? Then what? You gonna make F2s? Do you know think that is stable or an ibl?

Help me out here man. Cause the more you talk the more ignorant you're making yourself appear.
I just brought the cannabis breeders bible and dam breeding for stability for certain traits takes years and years, I DNT understand a tenth of it, I'm getting some foundations but it's a bit deep, some great info tho it's helping me understand more