First grow, in greenhouse, from bag seed


Active Member
wow these pics are tottaly different from the ones on page 1 ;). Those plants are lookin real nice and big :O. so i read your journal and sounds like the usual crap that happens (lol at the mutant one). Its even hot where i am now! (switzerland) for my indoor grow with 2 exhaust fans and 2 huge fans; yet its still 100° in my basement >_<.
Im moving to texas soon and was planning on using a greenhouse, my idea was to just throw an a/c in there with 1 exhaust fan bringing air from the bottom in and one at the top pulling the hot air out; with a carbon scrubber to take that smell away!! The thing is that in texas it never goes below 10 hours of sunlight per day so ill be growing all year round. During winter i will use flourescent lights to grow them to a decent size then taking them outside to the "controlled temperature" greenhouse to flower. Having grown in greenhouse do you think it will be ok (tempeture wise) with 2 fans + an a/c? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Having grown in greenhouse do you think it will be ok (tempeture wise) with 2 fans + an a/c? Thanks.
Hi there! Depending on the size of your greenhouse, you can figure out the square footage and how much time it would take to either bring the temps down w/ cooled air (w/ ac) or bring it up (depending on the ambient temperature) w/ heat. I think most AC units have some sort of rating for that. I'm sure one decent window unit would cool a 10x10 without problem, especially if you can vent the heat out during the day when you choose to.

One thing I know for sure is that you can do all of the research in the world, but your plan will always be altered once you start...there's always something new to learn or deal with - or both! :)


Well-Known Member
Sorry it's been so long - I've just been watching some big growth and now I know it was all in prep for blooming to start.

One of my ladies has PMS - it's just starting to show female with preflowers, but has been very tempermental. I'm assuming it needs some good nutes since it may have been a little while.

Here they are - starting to get BIG. One of them is looking male - if in the next 2 days it definitely is, he's getting the axe. I put the leaves in the compost bin. :)

Close up of the long tall one (I know - shoulda woulda coulda FIM'ed but it was too late. Should have also put in bigger pot, but it was happy in there and it was too tricky to transplant). Yep, those are girl hairs! Hooray!

Plus, one of the ones in the Earth Box is definitely female. Now that my husband is home again w/ the good camera, I'll get some difinitive photos of male and female parts to post in my gallery for other people's reference.

And boy oh boy - do they smell nice out there!


Well-Known Member
I'll get photos up sometime today (might be time for the really GOOD macro lens) - but I can now confirm that I have 4 females, 1 may be (may go hermie - watching closely), 1 almost sure and one no sign of sex yet.


Well-Known Member
Like your new avatar joebuck, looking forward to the pics. That plant not showing sex yet is a good sign it may be female.


Well-Known Member
All plants are sexed FINALLY. Good god, this has been a long road! Who says pot smokers can't see a project through?!?!?

I might have to take back all the shit I was talkin' about the Earthbox. The girl in there is TOTALLY happy. You'll see in the pics. Moving the Earthbox back to the greenhouse tonight after we remove the 2 boys.

Here are the lovely ladies! Time to name them! (I didn't want to jinx it.) I'm going to use female blues singers as an inspiration.
1) Etta

2) Bessie

3) Trixie

4) Maime and her little sister, 5) Millie

Here's a little peek at some of the goodness Mamie has hidden among the folds of her dress...

Because of her sister's proximity in the Earthbox, I had to influence Millie to stretch over a bit. I'm going to do a little more about this issue once we move them to the greenhouse. Obviously, Millie needs a little light! are the boys, too bad - they looked so nice. :(

I would LOVE any comments you've got - I've learned so much since sprouting them in April - and most of it has been by working with these plants and reading, reading, reading on RIU. Without all of the experience here, I doubt I could have gotten to this point, so thank you!


Well-Known Member
Hi all -

Here they are as of's aleady 96 in the shade, well over 100 where my plants are, WITH a fan on, micro-mist given to cool them down. Hopefully the rain that is supposed to be on the way will give them some relief from this heat. I know they can take it but me, the caregiver, can't!!!

I put some more compost in their pots last night - Etta is always slow to absorb and tends to be fussy. She's still droopy from it. The smell in the greenhouse (even with no roof on!) is delicious!


Bessie (look at Etta stretching her arm in the picture)

Mamie and Millie


All 5


Well-Known Member

SpiderMites, flowering - help! How can I treat them?

I have spidermites on two female plants (Mamie and Millie) I'm almost 1 month in to flowering and have to control them NOW.

Is there anything that I can do that won't make my girls nasty to smoke...if they live?


Reaching out in plant problems, but I don't have much hope. Mamie and Millie have a bad case of spidermites. I know I should take them out of the greenhouse, but UGH! That's where they are safe from deer, nosey people.

Here's Mamie and Millie w/ the spidermites -


Closer...(sorry, not such a great macro on this camera)

the poor leaves.

On a happier note (but still scared of a spider mite infestation)
Here's some of Trixie's trix:

Trixie after the rain:

Mamie's branch not yet too harmed by spidermites (YET.).

Etta after the rain:


Well-Known Member
Hey Joebuck, try Neem oil for those spidermites.
Hey crackbaby! Good to hear from you! Did you harvest yet? (I have to look at your GJ and see!)

I am neeming, but it just smells SO nasty. It won't affect the taste if I've got a few more weeks of flowering? (I am in week 5.)


Well-Known Member

I'm happy to say that all of the plants survived the big rain we had last week and are filling's wild to go through the grow process because to see your plants take the shape you've seen on other plants is very trippy! It's been a LONG process but I can see why people get addicted to growing. It keeps you on your toes in so many ways.

All the girls are doing well - here they are!


MAMIE AND MILLIE (in the Earthbox)

Mamie with her little leaves singed from the spidermite treatment, but filling in verrrrry nicely!

and the two superstars, Bessie and Trixie:


Comments welcome! :) :weed:


Well-Known Member
Hey loadeddragon - I'm in week 8, but I'm not sure when the official start is. I counted from the time I could REALLY tell sex.

My camera is being peculiar with my backup PC (good one crashed hard before our vacation), but I will post more pics soon. The girls are getting HUGE.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone!

Sorry for the delay. My computer died and my other one didn't like the memory card in my camera. My computer is still dead (using a back up machine) and a different memory card. Technology blows sometimes.

The girls are lovely. I think I'm getting pretty close to harvesting (time to do some studying on how to do that! Anyone w/ good advice, please speak up!

Let me first say that they smell soooo good! A dense, sticky smell. They all smell a little different though. It's pretty interesting. I'm pretty pleased overall. This has been a long, long, process with lots of learning! Next year will be so much different!

I don't have a microscope, so I'm kind of winging if they are ok to harvest. By my count I'm in week 9 of flowering. Again, speak up and let me know what you think.

Buds galore!

Trixie: I think she got too much water over the last few days. She was a nice emerald green and as of last night/today she's looking a little yellow. I'm wondering if she's about done. She seems tired.

Hand for scale. (Damn, I need some sun!) ;)

Etta: Etta survived all of her troubles and is pretty bushy on the one side. She's probably least ready in terms of her trichs.

One of the clones I attempted off Etta when a couple small branches got snapped. Isn't is a cutie? (Don't make fun of my short nails and need of manicure...I've been working in the garden too much!)

Bessie: Mmmmm, Bessie...she's still gaining mass - funny thing is that she's in the smallest pot. Maybe it's how she dries out that is working so well?

Maimie and Millie: These two were most damaged by spider mites, so please excuse the slight yellow of their leaves. They seem to be kind of leveling off growth-wise.
