Trump Hysteria


Well-Known Member
We don't live in a world of "should be's". The history with China/Taiwan and US relations is very fragile and China is probably the 2nd most powerful nation on Earth behind the US. I don't understand why Trump would actively rock the boat like that (when he didn't have to) and cause tensions between China and the US, other than to brag about it. That's not a quality I want in a president
Not to mention the fact that our nation voluntarily entered into this arrangement which Trump thoughtlessly broke.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
We don't live in a world of "should be's". The history with China/Taiwan and US relations is very fragile and China is probably the 2nd most powerful nation on Earth behind the US. I don't understand why Trump would actively rock the boat like that (when he didn't have to) and cause tensions between China and the US, other than to brag about it. That's not a quality I want in a president
By accepting a phone call? By cowering and bending to every demand we make america weaker in the eyes of the world.


Well-Known Member
We have plenty of friends who work at the VA and friends who rely on their services.
but again you won't have to worry about your husband because he was booted out the service. Seriously what kind of man can't fulfill 4 years of military service ? You sure know how to pick them. I guess that is one of the reason you want the next mans penis...oops sorry @see4

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Ben Carson will do more for detroit and all cities with high black populations in poverty then Obama.

Actually the bar is pretty low. Ben carson will actually help the black communities of our inner cities instead of making empty promises.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
but again you won't have to worry about your husband because he was booted out the service. Seriously what kind of man can't fulfill 4 years of military service ? You sure know how to pick them. I guess that is one of the reason you want the next mans penis...oops sorry @see4
I can still worry about the VA and how they treat veterans.


Well-Known Member
Ben Carson will do more for detroit and all cities with high black populations in poverty then Obama.

Actually the bar is pretty low. Ben carson will actually help the black communities of our inner cities instead of making empty promises.

Ohhhhhh Pie....still allowed to 'post', I see....

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
You should worry more about how your husband is about to be treated and if that welfare check is going to get smaller. You do realize you should be working trying to help your family. Allow abuela to watch her grand-baby
Allow her? She has no time to watch her. Neither does my mother. I am not paying a babysitter. We do pay for private school for my daughter. Once she goes full time I will get a job.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Yep. And just wait until China realizes they can consume their own shit. We're in for a world of hurt then.
China is becoming more and more aggressive. They are building army bases in the south china sea and threatening all who disagree with that.

They are poised to control the trade of that entire region and smaller countries will be screwed.

They attempt to dictate who we talk to? That is nonsense. Trump will not stand for it.

If they start war with Taiwan (who, btw is more democratic than china) because of us communicating with them, they are in the wrong.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
The East China Sea is one of the most potentially volatile flash points in East Asia. China, Taiwan, the Philippines, and Japan all have islands in close proximity to one another, while China has made vast territorial claims in the region at its neighbors' potential expense.

Beijing has also tried to demonstrate its military superiority in the East China Sea in ways that appear calculated to unsettle its rivals. On November 27, China carried out an aerial exercise in which two bomber groups flew within a few miles of Japanese airspace before proceeding hundreds of miles deep into the western Pacific, according to IHS Jane's 360.


Well-Known Member
Allow her? She has no time to watch her. Neither does my mother. I am not paying a babysitter. We do pay for private school for my daughter. Once she goes full time I will get a job.
:roll: Your husband joined the military. He was booted out due to evilness. you were on welfare early part of this year still are. Your child private school is when you send her to the room to draw. Keep it real or keep it moving. Get your lazy chubby boy looking self to work.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
:roll: Your husband joined the military. He was booted out due to evilness. you were on welfare early part of this year still are. Your child private school is when you send her to the room to draw. Keep it real or keep it moving. Get your lazy chubby boy looking self to work.
He was booted for bringing home materials meant to be recycled. Almost all of hasmat was doing that. He was on a temporary assignment there and everyone else was doing it. He took the fall for the whole hasmat crew. He was a dumb ass who thought the rules didn't apply to him. He has since learned.