RIU poll Trump VS Clinton


Well-Known Member
trump would appoint Chris Christy as US Attorney General & he is on record saying he would enforce all fedral drug laws even in legal states. Trump would set marijuana prohibition back decades...
nothing will happen. elect Clinton; and I ASSURE you things will get worse. You are being badly duped.


Well-Known Member
hahaa; just like a filthy clinton supporter. Attempting to get others to admit to things that are not true. go fuck yourself you fake liberal.
Sir if trump loses will you admit that you're a common idiot, a slave to ignorance and a likely victim of mental illness?

It would be consistent with your profound analytical skills and your confidence in trumps victory


Well-Known Member
trump would appoint Chris Christy as US Attorney General & he is on record saying he would enforce all fedral drug laws even in legal states. Trump would set marijuana prohibition back decades...
furthermore; If you think 4 more years of LYING loretta lynch as AG is even ,Mildly acceptable; you are batshit crazy. :D

Fuck all fake democrats; i voted repub across the board. death the the DNC


Well-Known Member
I hope you enjoy trumps "Stop & Frisk"....
will never happen. You are being fear mongered into submission. Elect Clinton; and she will make sure our rights start evaporating.I promise. I just PROVED it to you; from HER OWN EMAILS. I have no idea how the fake liberals brainwashed you so badly; but as a Sanders supporter now voting trump ( with hundreds of thousands of others) I hope you re evaluate the choice. I don't think our children need to die in WWIII with Russia; do you?


Well-Known Member
will never happen. You are being fear mongered into submission. Elect Clinton; and she will make sure our rights start evaporating.I promise. I just PROVED it to you; from HER OWN EMAILS. I have no idea how the fake liberals brainwashed you so badly; but as a Sanders supporter now voting trump ( with hundreds of thousands of others) I hope you re evaluate the choice. I don't think our children need to die in WWIII with Russia; do you?
That's "Proof" to you?!.....lol you need help