

Well-Known Member
Why are the advertisments on this sight letting them show ads for cocaine and meth related products..Sorry but 99% of the people who do these drugs are pieces of shit..Think that this ad client needs to be banned from advertising such devastation
anyone agree?


Well-Known Member
you remember when the server said

please wait?

server too busy

do you remember page not found

you got someone better to pay for our trolling around here ?


New Member
Why are the advertisments on this sight letting them show ads for cocaine and meth related products..Sorry but 99% of the people who do these drugs are pieces of shit..Think that this ad client needs to be banned from advertising such devastation
anyone agree?
you are the only piece of shit i smell around here. :finger:


Well-Known Member
lmao i get it Your tweakers..still got your teeth? doubt it..Know i wont be back if you care to support people who rip people off, steal from family and hock there kids...This group has gone to shit.
Your telling me if Osama bin laden gave you cash to run adds you'd do it.....I dont see any differance..this shit is ruining a generation of our kids..but once again you really dont give a fuck about our most precious resource.Your a flake..Dont need people who are like this.
color me gone toothless one


Well-Known Member
anyone think its weird to hear someone bitch about a service they're using? ooh i get it he is the one paying the bills for this site so we can all ENJOY one anothers company. thats why he has the right to throw rocks, right? ----> :joint: smoke one


Well-Known Member
Using? Ya gotta give me some advice..for that to happen..Count on one hand the expert growers in this group and im one of them sheep dip.. Throw rocks all day at toothless tweakers..condon.. the use of meth and cocaine..I can see where you'll end up..Osama bin ladens selling nukes on another grow sight.Would this be ok in your eyes..shit where talking about is just as destructive..Sad thing its not if...its happening(meth,cocaine ruining a generation of kids)...what do you want for your childrens future?
I came here because I had never built a stealth cab looking for insight...Got very little help..I'd donate glady to get this shit off this site..would you donate anything at anytime ,anywhere to insure your childs security??


Well-Known Member
btw..if people dont speak up its unproductive..Things change..No why..cause someone stepped up to the plate..
Why hide behind the truth..get out in front of it..dont be scared


Well-Known Member
...sheep dip.. Throw rocks all day at toothless tweakers..condon.. the use of meth and cocaine..I can see where you'll end up..Osama bin ladens selling nukes on another grow sight.Would this be ok in your eyes..shit where talking about is just as destructive..Sad thing its not if...its happening(meth,cocaine ruining a generation of kids)...what do you want for your childrens future?
as a matter of fact i grew up in Merced California. if you aint heard look it up. METH ruined my family because my mother decided to marry a meth addict. what i am doing? I bust my ass 24/7 to live in santa cruz co so that my 2 year old daughter can grow up in a descent enviroment. so if you want talk shit fine.. but dont throw rocks at me and dip in to kool aid you dont know the flavor! I dont condone the sell/use of meth cocaine opiates, i personally dont even take asprin. so i will tell you once sir... bite your toungue next time you want to say something to belittle me the name is SK3TCH3. remember it

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
I'm an old fart with kids myself, major...and I'm standing tall beside ya.

But don't fault em for their lack of's something that comes along with the territory of being a kid with a brain that isn't fully formed yet. The key to youth is being smart enough to make it through...and some of can tell that that just ain't gonna happen from the shit they post on this board...

one thing is for sure.,.the self-destruction from these substances is set in stone, Meth was around when I was in HS in the 70's...and we had pounds of coke on the mirror and thousands of Quaaludes in the jar in the 80's in college...but we learned...and now we know better. These kids will have to figure it out from experience...from addiction...from watching their friends die...just as we did.

You can't tell em can only sit by and watch as they walk the same path...thinking all along that *they* are blazing the trail and the older folks around 'em have no clue whatsoever what they're talking about....

LOL...the funny thing is that we know how fast it's gonna creep up and bite em in the ass though...and then..they take THEIR place at beiong the old fucks who know nothing!!! LOL.

bt dt


Well-Known Member
I threw the rock at the threw the rock at me
if it wasnt for the ads there would be no site and thus nowhere for you to get you info on building your cab. i nor you can control what people put up on the internet and do squabble over it is useless. i agree with you 100% about the troubles with drugs and our youth (i am only 22 by the way) and would love to share ideas in a positive tone with you. like bd td says we have learned by watching our friends die, im sure i might be able some insight for you from a younger persons point of view.


Well-Known Member
Its different though..we didnt rob steal,, kill for our drugs...This crap is destructive and fast,,by time they learn there lesson its to late..quality of life medical and mental,dental is shot..Lot different then trying to walk down the street on a hand ful of 714 lemons..lmao only problem i ever had on ludes was walking home..doh

Gotta find away around shit..instead of fueling the fire..
what would it take to get the meth related stuff gone..
Id be willing to donate monthly to this site if they'd pulled it..This is how adament i am about this shit..
Ever been fucked over by a tweaker or coke head?? give them the chance they'll do it in a heart beat


Well-Known Member
Just need the cab while construction was going on in my house..inspectors...subs running around..Ive got my old room set back up
Thx for opening a postive channel sk3tch3


Well-Known Member
i see crack pipes and shit in my local bong shop (tabacoo use only :P) and i see it being the same as these drug related advertisements (im not talkin weed, we all know thats not a drug)

its there because there is a demand for it... and if people aren't able to figure out whats good and bad for them, then people will take advantage of that

the moral of the story, if you dont support it, dont buy it! advertising is the black plague on todays world, but without it we wouldn't have the strength to out live government & corporation subliminal brain washing.

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member

Major nuggz passion is experience driven. I know it's hard to see across this generation gap thing...but believe me...the difference between my folks and me growing up was MILES WIDE...wheras the things going on today ARE THE SAME as they were when we were in school in the 70's. You guys may not believe it and think we're full of shit cus we could be your parents....but it's true. As I told my kids..."there's nothing you can do I haven't already done and you WILL have a hard time foolin the old fool if you try to go "there"".

They didn't believe me..but the first time my son came home high i knew. (and yes, I FUCKED WITH HIS MIND rather than bustin him like my parents woulda done to me)

one other thing...DON'T ever think that this site is THE ONLY cannabis site out there. There are TONS of 'em...and this is no knock...but I can honestly say that I've never been to another site that has the "noob factor" (kid factor) that this site has. Half the members here seem to be in high school...
and the whole "CFL" thing is something that just WOULDN'T FLY on the other boards. Don't believe me??? Give it a try!! Go to PG, HG, CW, TCC, TY, or any other site and look around. You WON'T see too many threads on CFL "grows" on the boards where experience levels are quite a bit higher across the board.

And...NONE of those boards have to resort to advertising cocaine and meth related products to stay that argument is fairly weak.

It should also be noted that CW/HS went down because of the seed sales..not because there was a discussion board propmoting cannabis. The more you advertise for these "questionable" products..the more likely the authorities will step in and stop what is going on and shut you down completely.


Well-Known Member
i dont do well with negativaty, that is why i left merced. anyway you are right. it felt like i was amoungst the living dead. the smell, rotting tissue and teeth is repulsive. education is the key. self enlightenment. that is a huge reason why cannabis is illegal, it is the gateway drug. the gate way to freedom through self progression. if the government wanted a society of free thinking pot heads, i think these "hard drugs" would not be popular. but instead we are bred and raised to only use 10% of our brains and are subject to corrective consequences when "out of line". humans controling humans. are kids are the future and through them is our freedom from our past. we are in the age of enlightment. change can be made in numbers.