Why would I pay a doctor 100s to have the prieledge to order over priced mids from a corporation?


Well-Known Member
Lol. Yeah, here's my $500 so you can let me sign up with one producer who charges me more than the teenager down the street charges, but lower quality, and run through a microwave. And If I want to try another producer? That's another $500!!

Sounds like a great deal! Another home run for the Harper regime! Microwaved mids for the yuppies!


Well-Known Member
Lol yes sir u sum'd it up perfectly.
As i asked my dr "shouldnt the lp pay your fee? No ok then....fuk ya both"
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Well-Known Member
True story. But what's your angle? You have been blasting other threads about this, trolling patients who have no choice in the matter.
You seem very knowledgeable in the matter, so what is your solution for this mass ignorance?


Well-Known Member
True story. But what's your angle? You have been blasting other threads about this, trolling patients who have no choice in the matter.
You seem very knowledgeable in the matter, so what is your solution for this mass ignorance?
U asking me or the op


Well-Known Member
It's about profit and all the ways to keep that profit flowing in. !! :)

Who cares if sick people die(hospitals), go to jail(police)(jails) or end up in court(system). etc,,,,, That's all part of doing business!!!!.

So everyone gets screwed and the government wins hands down no matter which way it goes. Tax flows into one hand and they give it away with the other. Usually to themselves. lol

Ya gotta love true BS business!!!!!!! Our government has no ethics.

No hard feels, it's business after all.



Well-Known Member
fuck doctors if i develop some condition that will kill me ill just die from it they arent getting shit from me ill just wait until im dead all they do is steal all your money from you while your dying fucking scam ass earth


Well-Known Member
True story. But what's your angle? You have been blasting other threads about this, trolling patients who have no choice in the matter.
You seem very knowledgeable in the matter, so what is your solution for this mass ignorance?
I'm just following your lead. Seems like you've gone soft and are now okay with people selling out and helping prop up these fucking criminal profiteers feeding off the sick and dying? Who paid you off?


Well-Known Member
I'm just following your lead. Seems like you've gone soft and are now okay with people selling out and helping prop up these fucking criminal profiteers feeding off the sick and dying? Who paid you off?
You seem to think all the MMPR patients are so happy to be in this system. Lol. Just grow your own who gives a shit.. I have a family who comes first. Don't shit on me for trying to get my meds from a legal source. Its not about quality ..I've smoked wayyyyy better bm weed than anything I have gotten from my producer. It's about my FAM and being within the law. Different people, different situations and different priorities.


Well-Known Member
I'm just following your lead. Seems like you've gone soft and are now okay with people selling out and helping prop up these fucking criminal profiteers feeding off the sick and dying? Who paid you off?
Lmao. I'm a sell out?? Dude I'm a patient. If someone was paying me to promote weed do you really think I'd come on some grow site, specifically go through I don't know how many sub forums, to specifically find my country just to troll patients? Seems a little fucking twisted to me. And if I have that much time to waste I've got much better things to do.


Well-Known Member
Sorry guys I see both your points. I too have a young family and also hate everything LP's stand for. I have never spent a dime at one and hope I never have to. But to play devils advocate would I buy from an LP had my mmar ran out not sure. Don't get me wrong NS I totally see where you are coming from, and same with you Diz. Heaven knows me and the wify have been in more arguments than anyone should ever have to halve about there medication. If hitler sorry Harper would have left the mmar alone anyone with medical documentation could have accessed meds or grown there own. I wish I had enough cash to sue Harper for all the unnessisary bullshit he has put me and my family through. Form letters outing me to my community about my medicine choice to letters down right threating my freedom. If I did not comply to a complete violation of my charter rights as a Canadian. Why can't he be held responsible!!!!! Sorry boys rant over



Well-Known Member
I forked out over $400/yr to a skype doc under the mmar. It was a large chunk of change but it bought me the right to grow my own and there's no way I'm giving that up. It was a good investment. This current injunction is actually saving me that money as I didn't have to renew. I can see your point of paying even more for the privilege of buying over price schwagg. Never!

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Sorry guys I see both your points. I too have a young family and also hate everything LP's stand for. I have never spent a dime at one and hope I never have to. But to play devils advocate would I buy from an LP had my mmar ran out not sure. Don't get me wrong NS I totally see where you are coming from, and same with you Diz. Heaven knows me and the wify have been in more arguments than anyone should ever have to halve about there medication. If hitler sorry Harper would have left the mmar alone anyone with medical documentation could have accessed meds or grown there own. I wish I had enough cash to sue Harper for all the unnessisary bullshit he has put me and my family through. Form letters outing me to my community about my medicine choice to letters down right threating my freedom. If I did not comply to a complete violation of my charter rights as a Canadian. Why can't he be held responsible!!!!! Sorry boys rant over

Beautiful Rant .....:clap::clap::clap:


Well-Known Member
Actually that's kind of the sad part about this new system - it doesn't make you legal...it keeps you within the law.
it does not even do that. BOTH markets are equal in regards to the law when people/patients are charged and put forward through the courts.
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Well-Known Member
I will be seeing my clinic next week, for another prescription renewal. I have not been charged anything since the first visit in 2014.

Usually I would see this doc online because I live in a small community. I was recently told by the clinic the laws have changed and they no longer allowed online renewal. I need to renew every 6 months. This renewal is also the first time they want me to bring in a 6 month history of my medical usage.

I supplement my script with much less expensive weed. Never buy indica strains anymore, they sell that around here for 200 an oz. The script is way more $$$.

Besides the pain is my arse having to drive a bit to actually get to the clinic, the prices seem to have gone down. I keep feeling like there's gonna be another charge some time but I don't want to say anything. Like maybe they forgot?

My family doctor did charge me 150 this fall for a medical form for my work. Doctors are just epensive.

Glad I live in Canada though. I can't even imagine what this stuff would cost in the states.

I'm sorry but did I read doctors were charging 500? That doesn't sound legal.