Check out my first sprout


Well-Known Member
The pound thing is a joke on every grow forum. Newcomers always ask what they will yield 2 weeks into their grow when really theres no way of telling that early on. So we just fuck with them and tell them a pound haha

What's your setup? Lights, tent, soil, nutes. Fill us in!


Lmao that is a good way to mess wit all of us new growers but I had to build my grow tub lol has emergency tent lining I have 2 usb mini fans in there as well...I have a ugly thermometer but it wrk, and bout the light thing, I have one bulb goin rite now and it's a 23w wit 1650 lumens...think thts wer I'm fuckin up at cause only 1 seed sprouted


Well-Known Member
You're gonna need a fuck ton more light than that buddy. Get yourself at least a little 150w hps. That should cover one or two plants. You can find one for about 60 dollars on Amazon. Look for sun system 150w hps or some shit like that.

It got me through my first grow. I yielded about 2oz with two plants.

If you don't want to go the HPS route and want to do CFL I would still aim for about 5000 lumens per square foot.

With the amount of light you have now you'll be lucky to get 5 grams of the fluffiest worst weed you'll ever smoke.


Lmao tru I have two more cfls but it seemed lyk my box was too hot wit all 3 of em...all 3 together gives me 4,025 lumens all together so I should put all lights on and get more lumens? I appreciate the help man very helpful


Well-Known Member
Put as much light in that box so long as you can while keeping temperatures down. I would just try to do 1 plant from start to finish with your setup as 6 plants would require a LOT more light. Get an extracting fan to move that hot air out, as those little usb fans are just pushing hot air around.

If stealth is of any importance to you I would also get a carbon filter with that extractor fan. These ladies will reek and your whole home will stink if you're doing it right. Having a house that reeks of weed is an excellent way to have cops knocking at your door.


Yea I was thinkin bout jus doin the two plants tht are actually doing something and I've been look for those type fans and can't find anything is there any other way to push hot air out?


Another thing I'm trying to get my humidity at normal how can I do tht my thing says its dry and I don't want tht at all

Zig-Zag Blue

Well-Known Member
Day 3 guys what do you guys think? Let me kno thanks
Now its looking more like 3 times bigger than when you started this thread good job keep it up looking good!should pull some nice yield off that "baby"!Keep us updated! gonna sub this one !