Carly Fiorina is set on repeat


Well-Known Member
So you are calling me selfish now? Lol wow.
Yes. If you cared at all about other people that are struggling you wouldn't consider for even one second casting your vote for any one of these Republican clowns. You're getting yours though, so who cares about other folks, right?

What exactly is it that appeals to you about Ben Carson? How would your life be enriched if he were POTUS? I can kinda wrap my head around a multi-millionaire voting for a Republican. It's in his/her own best finical interests. What does a young, struggling family stand to gain from this though?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Yes. If you cared at all about other people that are struggling you wouldn't consider for even one second casting your vote for any one of these Republican clowns. You're getting yours though, so who cares about other folks, right?

What exactly is it that appeals to you about Ben Carson? How would your life be enriched if he were POTUS? I can kinda wrap my head around a multi-millionaire voting for a Republican. It's in his/her own best finical interests. What does a young, struggling family stand to gain from this though?
You don't know who or what I care about.

You didn't bother to find out. You just immediately wrote me off.

Let's get real here. You all can't have a simple discussion without it turning into bashing the other person.

I created this thread to poke fun at the Republican candidates. I was looking for a bit of fun getting along and having a laugh over the missteps and gaffs during the debate.

The only person who responded to my OP without hurling insults or attempting to troll was @schuylaar .

Thanks again.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
based on your post in the government shutdown thread, i can say with certainty that medicaid is important to you.
Like I said, I currently support Ben Carson.

In the same link you gave me, it said he Did NOT want to shut down medicare. He is providing an option out program. Not the same thing as closing down medicare.

I even posted a quote direct from the same page you posted.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
How can you claim to know so much about the Republican candidates if you don't watch the debates?

I watch the Democrat debates.

I also don't come on here bashing anyone for their political beliefs. Except the sasquatch guy. He's a little out there.


Well-Known Member
Like I said, I currently support Ben Carson.

In the same link you gave me, it said he Did NOT want to shut down medicare. He is providing an option out program. Not the same thing as closing down medicare.

I even posted a quote direct from the same page you posted.
do you realize what he means when he says he will reallocate the funds that keep medicaid alive into his pipe dream of health savings accounts, which you will have to supplement with insurance (which you have stated you cannot afford)?

do you realize what he means when he says he does not want you to be dependent on medicaid?

i'm seriously not even trying to bash you anymore.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
do you realize what he means when he says he will reallocate the funds that keep medicaid alive into his pipe dream of health savings accounts, which you will have to supplement with insurance (which you have stated you cannot afford)?

do you realize what he means when he says he does not want you to be dependent on medicaid?

i'm seriously not even trying to bash you anymore.
Why would you have to supplement. 5000 divided by 12 is 400+. An individual could buy good insurance with that.

We will get a look at the plan he has if he gets nominated. Or maybe in a month or two.

Then it all be out on the table and we can examine it.
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Well-Known Member
You don't know who or what I care about.

You didn't bother to find out. You just immediately wrote me off.

Let's get real here. You all can't have a simple discussion without it turning into bashing the other person.

I created this thread to poke fun at the Republican candidates. I was looking for a bit of fun getting along and having a laugh over the missteps and gaffs during the debate.

The only person who responded to my OP without hurling insults or attempting to troll was @schuylaar .

Thanks again.

Then enlighten me. What is it that you see in Ben Carson? How will he improve your life? How will he be good for the country?


Well-Known Member
Why would you have to supplement. 5000 divided by 12 is 400+. An individual could buy good insurance with that.

We will get a look at the plan he has if he gets nominated. Or maybe in a month or two.

Then it all be out on the table and we can examine it.
Did you watch the Fox News video of Ben Carson being questioned about his stance on Medicaid/Medicare and his savings account idea? The guy doesn't even know what his own plan consists of!

He's a bigger joke than Sarah Palin was


Well-Known Member
Like I said, I currently support Ben Carson.
I honestly do not understand how anyone supports this guy. He's lied about almost everything. He struggles to explain his own ridiculous policies. He changes those policies literally between debates. I've tried to understand the appeal, and the only thing that I can come up with would be insulting. I honestly don't get it.


Well-Known Member
I honestly do not understand how anyone supports this guy. He's lied about almost everything. He struggles to explain his own ridiculous policies. He changes those policies literally between debates. I've tried to understand the appeal, and the only thing that I can come up with would be insulting. I honestly don't get it.

Wait, you aren't claiming that stretching the truth isn't part of the political game, are you?
Are you saying Obama or Clinton have never lied, streched the truth, or what exactly?
I can understand you saying that you just don't like his politics ... that would be honest.


Well-Known Member
Wait, you aren't claiming that stretching the truth isn't part of the political game, are you?
Are you saying Obama or Clinton have never lied, streched the truth, or what exactly?
I can understand you saying that you just don't like his politics ... that would be honest.
you should go pet a bear.


Well-Known Member
Medicaid is not, in its entirety, waste.

But to assume there is no waste within Medicaid is foolish.
As long as human nature exists there will be abusers of the system, any system.

All simply cannot be penalized by uber restrictiveness at the cost to the recipient for which program is intended.


Well-Known Member
Did you watch the Fox News video of Ben Carson being questioned about his stance on Medicaid/Medicare and his savings account idea? The guy doesn't even know what his own plan consists of!

He's a bigger joke than Sarah Palin was
Evidently Carson is an idiot-savant with respect to brain surgery because he sounds like a complete ignoramus when speaking about anything else.


Well-Known Member
I can't believe Carson is in the front with Trump.
I cannot believe he is a brain surgeon either. I wonder if his brain is infected with prions
These politicians are struggling with conflicting facts; the fact is that their candidacy now depends more on attracting dollars from the donor class than their level of popular support. Those donors are already well insulated from the problems of the rest of America, so when the candidates are pandering to THEM, it sounds a little weird to the rest of us.

In other words, the right wing is showing the cracks in their facade of 'democracy' run for the benefit of the mobs.


Well-Known Member
Evidently Carson is an idiot-savant with respect to brain surgery because he sounds like a complete ignoramus when speaking about anything else.
This is not an uncommon affliction amongst doctors and other highly specialized technology workers; they think that because it was so hard for them to learn their profession, that understanding the rest of the world is easy by comparison.

They don't like to be told they're wrong, either- their egos have a lot of trouble with it.

Carson sounds like any other asshole doctor addicted to his own power- and prescription pills.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Carson reminds me of the Fonz - he walks in, smiles, says "heyyyyyyyyy" and everyone wants to shake his hand and be a part of his plan. I don't think he nor Trump will get the nomination, but, the good doctor has my vote and my donations.

I'd like to see Carly in a debate with Hillary. Carly would wipe the floor with that lieing cunt. She'd catch her lieing every which way but Sunday and just mop the floor. Carly is quick on her feet, sharp as a tack, and knows her biz. ;)