Bagseed 70w 1 x 2 Micro Closet Grow..First Time!!


Well-Known Member
yessuh... lookin mighty nice there bruh. i was having heat prollems wid my shit and i hadda harvest at eight and a half weeks. all cured out tho, shit smokes fucking amazing...and left me room for sum purple kush. imma keep checking on ur shit tho mayne, i like that you dint give up on that shit...good life decision


Well-Known Member
hey man sorry i haven't stopped in for a while... but im glad i came back... your lady is looking beautiful brah! today is day 35 of flowering for me so we are really close on the flowerin time, and for a 70watter thats not doin too bad at all dude not bad at all... isn't it amazing how u can realize the difference on these babies sometimes after just one day u can see new growth?? i love it...well keep it goin man and ill be checkin in more often now...thanks for stoppin by my shit bro...take it easy and happy growin :)


Well-Known Member
Wow, I have to say that I'm extremely jealous.
Thanks for stopping in!
Im still in shock I got this far.

Didn't this start off as a "micro closet grow"? lol! Amazing, man. Nice job.
Yes it started micro haha but it just got too big!
The pics are when I took it out of the closet.
Thanks so much for the comments!

sweet, subscribed.
word, thanks for stopping in as well!


Well everyone heres a few Bud Porn shots, after discovering the macro feature on my camera..




Well-Known Member
What up TAEM!!! Shit is coming along mighty nice. I am about at the same point as you, I am 42 days flowering as of today, I think that is just where you are at. Start of week 6 is today. I would go to radio shack and get the microscope magnifying glass. It cost me 13 bucks after tax, and is 60x-100x. Only thing I don't like is you gotta put the damn thing on the object your lookin at. And I dont like sittin it on my buds to get a look. All in all your lookin real good. Keep it up bro. Come check me out sometime, my pics will shock you. lol. Peace.


Well-Known Member

Long time no see, looking very nice, hope mine are looking that good in a few more weeks!


Well-Known Member
day 47 flowering.

pics taken today the 31st of july.

more and more orange hairs.. waiting on my radio shack 100x zoom scope =]

I plucked a little nugget and set it to dry =]

here we go!



Well-Known Member
damn dude lookin good for sure... you'll have to let me know how your sample bud was...keep up the good work, ive got about two weeks until harvest i think, so they are gonna get water only from this point on.. well take it easy bro...peace


Well-Known Member
After much anticipation, backing down and finally getting the courage, I chopped her last nite.. She lived from about May 1st 2008 to August 18 2008!

Flower time : 69 days

Wet weight: 66.8 with the stems

Happy With: the knowledge gained and the buds!!

Heres some harvest pictures for you all!.

They are currently hanging in the closet to dry.

I have not smoked since May 23rd and have been waiting for the lady to finish before I break the lungs back in.

I cannot wait

My plan is to dry for 7 days then do a week or so of Jar curing.

Then its game on! :joint: :blsmoke: bongsmilie :eyesmoke: :peace: :mrgreen:

Lemme kno what you think!

Bagseed is what it is..

I have a chance to grab a nice clone or 2 of some bomb strains but sadly, I can't continue growing where Im living anymore, so until next time!

Ill post pics of dry buds weight and smoking experience later!

Thanks everyone for the support so far :peace:


