First Democratic Debate on Tue. Oct. 13, You guys tuning in?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Hilldawgs could walk out on stage, squat down and take a massive turd then leave and she'd STILL get the nomination.

Hey! Please make at least some small reference to Wendy's when employing scatological humor. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Well, after reading through the pundits prognostications today, the consensus among the cognoscenti is that the debate will be a powder puff event.
Even Bernie will not lay a glove upon the anointed one.
A far cry from the entertaining donnybrook provided by the GOP wannabes.
'tis a pity.

In the meantime, it appears that the Moderator of tonight's festivities is not entirely unbiased...
CNN Debate Moderator Was Member of Clinton Global Initiative

Shocking I say, how could this be...a Clinton shill moderating!!!...shocking indeed!
Something is rotten at the core of the Democrat bud blight, but even more insidious...

The Democratic Party’s Decline

Even the DNC’s own vice chairwoman, Hawaii Democratic Representative Tulsi Gabbard, was reportedly disinvited from Tuesday’s debate because she had the temerity to criticize the coronation process.

“It’s very dangerous when we have people in positions of leadership who use their power to try to quiet those who disagree with them,” the Iraq War veteran and popular Democratic congresswoman said of her own party’s leadership. “When I signed up to be the vice chair of the DNC, no one told me I would be relinquishing my freedom of speech and checking it at the door.”



Well-Known Member
Bernie just said " I'm the only candidate that's not a billionaire" No body in the panel corrected him- Everyone on that panel is a billionaire?


Well-Known Member
It hasn`t aired in Boston that I know of, if it did, it was way to early,.....I wanted to see it but missed it.