How do you know if your buds are ready to chop?alot of pics


Well-Known Member
well idk how long its been, i put her in plain ph'd water, the fan leaves are dyin, and the buds are lookin close to done, how do u really know when u buds are done?



Well-Known Member
Those look done to me man. If like 80 percent of the white pistils have turned brown or red, it's time to clip em. Aside from that the plant doesn't look too healthy, but if it was me I would cut em right now. Hope this helps, good luck! :mrgreen::joint:

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
get a 30x hand scope and look at the heads of the crystals on your leaf/buds. if 50% or more are amber colored you should chop it...


Well-Known Member
Get to " The Shack" and pick up one of these. I like to tell the newer grower that the plants are mature about a week AFTER you think there done. This little tool will give you the abilty to know exactly how mature they are. IMO Much Love.


Well-Known Member
ive got one man, and i cant really tell cuz id have to do all this crazy shit with lighting cuz its not that great of lighting in there to see the trichomes, can i just cut down half the plant and flower the lower half some more???

Freedom Fighter

Well-Known Member
how come his plant looks dead as wood with some healthy looking buds on it. doens't look like it would produce anything more potent anyway.


Well-Known Member
cuz its producin fatter buds by suckin all the energy out of the fan leaves and i guess other leaves. Either way im happy with the outcome :) and its a sativa, and its only been like 50somethin days into flowerin.


Active Member
Looks like your plants had some type of fungus and some other problems possibly poor light, ventilation and nutrients.

Breaking Bad


Well-Known Member
If you do the scope thing, it works best if you clip a few tiny pieces of the upper growth at different spots, then view them flat, like on a saucer. plate.


Well-Known Member
im not messed up about checkin the scope, i just cant seem to get the lighting down enough for me to see if its amber or if its clear, but i do know there is alot, and there are alot of orange hairs now so im thinkin its about damn time to chop this bitch down, now all i gotta do is cover her up for 48hrs, and then im golden to chop her ass down


Well-Known Member

Two factors:
Your lighting is CFL correct?
Typically you need to flower longer
on CFL's, unless you have an excessive
amount of CFL's, but you can still get
great results. Just takes longer.

If your genetics are indeed Sativa, which
I think they might be a hybrid, 50 days is
entirely too early to cut. But again, I think
you might have a indica/sativa hybrid. Come
to think of it, 50 days of flowering is early
for Indica. Closer to an average of 55 days
with good solid lights.

With those two factors alone, it's safe to say
that you should wait. Unless you have already
started cutting, which brings in the stress factor,
and that's a whole 'nother discussion.

If you haven't cut it yet, give it 7 more. And
pull, don't cut, those sad dry leaves off now.
It's not helping the processes and they can
totally be removed.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
well man, first i think its a sativa, idk quite yet, but its ready, and i for one think that its time, so ive went ahead and put her under 48hrs of darkness, so now im gonna make me a dry box, and hope to god i dont get budrot, or it smell like hay, cuz that would be the worst thing ever, im using a 400w HPS, and im pretty sure its around 60 ish days or so, idk, of cours i would have to check my calender and go find old threads, and see how long flowering really took me but around 60 days.


Well-Known Member
I meant no offense on your setup.

You gotta trust your instincts.
I had seen the CFL's and assumed thats
what you were using. I personally flower
with 400w as well, and that's what I was
talking about when I said suitable lighting.

Like I said, go with your instincts.
Good luck man!


Well-Known Member
I meant no offense on your setup.

You gotta trust your instincts.
I had seen the CFL's and assumed thats
what you were using. I personally flower
with 400w as well, and that's what I was
talking about when I said suitable lighting.

Like I said, go with your instincts.
Good luck man!
oh no man, u didnt upset me at all , i was just sayin that ive use a 400w HPS from start to finish, hahaha


Well-Known Member
I think you should have given it longer but it's impossible to tell without pics of the trichomes. Knowing when to harvest is not difficult at all. The other guy was totally correct when he suggested you go buy the 60-100 microscope from Radio Shack (for only 13$). If you choose not to do that, you have no one else to blame but yourself if you don't get lucky and harvest at the right time.