

Well-Known Member
I've been following it. Still all pretty dry stuff, the best part was about Duffy questioning his eligibility at the onset, and Harper telling him he was qualified. The rest has been about rules and stuff. They are in a break for a trial-within-a -trial (I forget what it's called) cause someone wants to use new evidence. I haven't heard when Nigel is due to testify...but I've heard rumblings Harper will be called to answer as well. Let's hope they can drag it out till September...I want to watch the bunch of them squirm.


Well-Known Member
rotfl.....chris...that conjures up images...that my brain....does not want stored in there...
that is the definition of nasty....
though....every Canadian...should get a chance to crack a whip on old harpie's frame....as part of his lengthy prison sentence....say like life in prison and 35 million lashes....


Well-Known Member
yup if you have ever watched Spartacus! you will know the definition of whipping and slave torture. loved that series


Well-Known Member
One or two juicy revelations per week should make for interesting times on the CON election trail. Watch for Stevie 'Jong-Un' Harper to be conveniently out of the country until the writ is dropped. The coward makes me puke.


Well-Known Member
I'll be watching the election and fervently hoping Canadians can show an ounce of sense and send the Harpie and his cronies packing.


Well-Known Member
Guess who's in town this coming week? Nigel....can't you just feel Stephen puckering...warms my soul...
Grab some popcorn, this could get interesting. Will Nigel throw Harper and the pmo under the bus or will he perjure himself? Maybe he can explain why he wasn't charged with bribing a senator when the senator is charged with receiving it. Or maybe tell us what Harper knew and when. Watch for the CONs to drop to a distant 3rd in the polls after this week.


Well-Known Member
He will perjury himself because of the payout they will buy him the judge will slap on wrist and he walks away a rich asshole