Scott Walker...F##K Yeah


Well-Known Member
That's pretty much how the primaries work for either side

What were you referring to being revealed about Clinton that would turn voters away? Obamas presidency was relatively successful considering the circumstances so the democrats will have slight favor going into the election, and there aren't any strong republican candidates. So long as they don't go republican light like they did last election it should be a pretty easy win in 2016
You think there is no dirt the mainstream media has not hammered? Her being dead broke was just a blip for a few days, let Biden start hammering that little bit of unreality and it will matter again. Any little gaff of hers that was overlooked will be magnified. We'll get to hear that the death of Stevens didn't really matter. Just about anything that can be taken out of context will be and used against her.

Study after study shows the negative campaigning works, why do you think Clinton is immune to this?


Well-Known Member

Thats great. I am not worried either. I don't really know much about Scott Walker yet and I certainly don't have a favorite in the up and coming presidential elections. But I do believe that BarryO is going to make it very difficult for a democratic hopeful after two more years of his catering to our enemies the way he has been carrying on. Like letting the most radical muslim extremist out of gitmo so they can kill more people from every race known to man. Good luck with your favorite Democratic hopeful in 2016.

The republican nominee needs to come from a pool of the successful governors. Indiana, Wisc, MI, Ohio and Texas all have track records to run on. I remember when that mattered.


Well-Known Member
That's pretty much how the primaries work for either side

What were you referring to being revealed about Clinton that would turn voters away? Obamas presidency was relatively successful considering the circumstances so the democrats will have slight favor going into the election, and there aren't any strong republican candidates. So long as they don't go republican light like they did last election it should be a pretty easy win in 2016
The recovery was slower than any in history and much slower than predicted. If the public is convinced it would have been better had someone else been in office then it's your opinion against theirs.

There's also the Patriot Act adding cell phones that was a game changer, the NSA spying gone overboard, an approval rating in the 40's and the fact we've dropped bombs in 7, count em 7, different sovereign nations. Sounds like a successful republican term, not a Nobel Peace Prize winning term.


Well-Known Member
"Let's kill the needy" and it usually comes from the left. I don't get it.
i have a solution for you, self-proclaimed freedom lover who just wants to be left alone.

don't get one.

but if you want to be a moral majority nanny state collectivist, which you clearly do, then take away other people's choices.

you freedom lover you.


Well-Known Member
I take it wifey declined the dinner movie of the "medical procedure".
As expected.
cool appeal to emotion!

i only wish it worked when we were talking about classtooms full of 6 year old kids, gunned down by a dude with a high powered semi automatic firearm whose mother didn't lock them up because she didn't have to.

but hey, you types only care about the kid before he is out and you can take away freedom from american women.

after the kid is out, who cares if he starves or gets gunned down. that's called the price of freedom!


Well-Known Member
I tend to agree with paddywhacker about skeletons emerging, though I think simply resurrecting known skeletons will be pretty damning. Together with her tone-deafness on simple issues, "we were dead broke and had to borrow money from our gangster buddy, Terry McCauliff, to afford our two mansions", and her track record of gouging groups ($275K per hour) to hear her screech on for an hour.

I look forward to her public humiliation in 2016. She is not attractive in any way.
no mention of benghazi anymore?

how sad, especially since you instructed us to NEVER FORGET that bodacious scandal.

turns out i was right all along, as always. manufactured non-scandal.



Well-Known Member
The recovery was slower than any in history and much slower than predicted. If the public is convinced it would have been better had someone else been in office then it's your opinion against theirs.

There's also the Patriot Act adding cell phones that was a game changer, the NSA spying gone overboard, an approval rating in the 40's and the fact we've dropped bombs in 7, count em 7, different sovereign nations. Sounds like a successful republican term, not a Nobel Peace Prize winning term.
funny how your posting history on pocketfives, which goes well back into the bush presidency, made no mentions of any of this at all, only excuses for it.

one might think you are a bleating partisan hack.


Well-Known Member
Hillary on marijuana:

"We can't legalize it. There's too much money in it."

That is stupid on multiple levels. She said it with a straight face. The woman is evil.
mitt romney on cannabis (not marijuana, that's a racist slur you shithead):

"i will fight it tooth and nail!"

he said it with a smile on his face. who endorsed that guy while his own daddy was still in the race?



Well-Known Member
Do tell me all about my "type" Carnac.

View attachment 3344586
hundreds of dead kids in classrooms throughout the nation?


citation: "your dead kids don’t trump my Constitutional rights"

-joe the plumber

but a partial birth abortion to save the life of the mother or because a rape victim could not confront the violent abuse she faced?


citation: “He’s [for] health for the mother. You know, that’s been stretched by the pro-abortion movement in America to mean almost anything. That’s the extreme pro-abortion position, quote ‘health.’”

-john mccain

you don't mind dead kids at all. you really don't. it's just a convenient excuse for you types to put more control over women, desperately trying to cling to a vanishing paradigm. insecure and every bit extremist as those big bad muslims you types always rail against.

it's transparent, two faced, and hypocritical.


Global Moderator
Staff member
You know nothing about me.
As usual you make shit up and sling it around hoping some will stick.

Quote me saying any of that crap.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately it has become the modus operandi around here to accuse someone of shit and then attack them for it.

It is certainly easier than having an honest debate.

That is usually followed by claims of racism, bigotry, homophobia, etc. Certain posters have perfected the tactic.


Well-Known Member
I tend to agree with paddywhacker about skeletons emerging, though I think simply resurrecting known skeletons will be pretty damning. Together with her tone-deafness on simple issues, "we were dead broke and had to borrow money from our gangster buddy, Terry McCauliff, to afford our two mansions", and her track record of gouging groups ($275K per hour) to hear her screech on for an hour.

I look forward to her public humiliation in 2016. She is not attractive in any way.
The reason the rates are so high is due to facors. A person gets an influential job in DC, does favors for companies and then after they leave office they are paid huge sums of money as legal bribes for their favors.

You did realize that correct?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
The reason the rates are so high is due to facors. A person gets an influential job in DC, does favors for companies and then after they leave office they are paid huge sums of money as legal bribes for their favors.

You did realize that correct?
Your cynical analysis exonerates the shrew, somehow?


Well-Known Member
Your cynical analysis exonerates the shrew, somehow?
Negative, it just points out how politics is run by people with large sums of money, usually corporations and their interests.

She is likely worse then most republican runners I think.

They are ultimately one and the same though, change the R and D to C, they are all sellout corporatists. Selling liberties should be illegal, both parties continue their march though.