another problem.

Mr. Shine

Well-Known Member
Okay so when I asked about yellow spotting on the leaves one of the homey said to just lower your nute if you're giving any give it some time in veg on a flush with some good clean water


Well-Known Member
Okay so when I asked about yellow spotting on the leaves one of the homey said to just lower your nute if you're giving any give it some time in veg on a flush with some good clean water
Yea some of my leaves look nute burned but some are looking defficient. i dont get it.

Mr. Shine

Well-Known Member
So just give it time on a clean water flush and see if everything evens out it could just mean that the plant isnt dispersing the newts correctly so just give it time and nice clean water and light :)
you know!
do the plant thing brother :D


Well-Known Member
So just give it time on a clean water flush and see if everything evens out it could just mean that the plant isnt dispersing the newts correctly so just give it time and nice clean water and light :)
you know!
do the plant thing brother :D
Yeah I guess I'm just going to stop feeding unless they start looking worse.


Well-Known Member
Please help this plant is looking terrible i have two plants i feed a half gal a piece from a gallon jug so they get the same water one looks good and then ther is this. and my Last three waters have been clean waters.CAM00538.jpg CAM00537.jpg CAM00536.jpg CAM00535.jpg CAM00534.jpg


Well-Known Member
Too many nutes in too hot a soil causing burn and antagonistic lockouts (why it looks like defs) you said you're watering with just water, did you flush it ???


Well-Known Member
Yeah the soil I use is pro mix so there is no newts in the soil. I usually water a half gallon per plant I flushed with a gallon per plant. My last 3 feedings have been nothing but water and the three feedings before that were only 1 teaspoon of Fox and farm Tiger bloom per gallon. Which is one third strength I recommended dosage


Well-Known Member
Too many nutes in too hot a soil causing burn and antagonistic lockouts (why it looks like defs) you said you're watering with just water, did you flush it ???
I'm two weeks from harvest so I'm using Nothing but water I am planning on pulling them on the 31st


Well-Known Member
one gallon is not a flush, you need to run 3 times the pot size thru it example if a 1 gallon pot you flush with 3 gallons of water, if it's a 5 gallon pot you do 15 gallons of water

If you only have 2 weeks left and never flushed, it could be a build up of nutes in the promix

then there is that terpinator snake oil you mentioned ???


Well-Known Member
one gallon is not a flush, you need to run 3 times the pot size thru it example if a 1 gallon pot you flush with 3 gallons of water, if it's a 5 gallon pot you do 15 gallons of water

If you only have 2 weeks left and never flushed, it could be a build up of nutes in the promix

then there is that terpinator snake oil you mentioned ???
Yea i have been using terpinator. so u think i need to flush now? Even if I won't be adding anymore newts befor harvest? And the other Plante I have in the room looks nice