An offer....

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
No I would not stop growing for 1 million dollars and here's why; I'm going to make substantially more than that by growing medicine, I've already saved my grandmothers life with my plants, I love growing, it's therapy for me, I believe in the healing powers of cannabis and that alone is good enough reason, I love marijuana, and because the federal government doesn't like it.


Well-Known Member
If some one offered you 1 meeellion dollars to stop growing would you do it?
This means absolutley no growing ever again. You have to buy other peoples weeed...
I would do it

I think at this point in my life, as much as I've loved the experience of growing, there are more important things to think about

But I would miss it, and I would definitely grow the closest thing to it


Well-Known Member
I've always hated the term "interwebz" who says that?

Like this homegirl I used to have would say "caca poo poo"

Just say SHIT

But I think this was a legit question. It pertains to growing. Made me think about myself and how I feel about growing.

The fact that I have to think about it just shows me that I'm serious about this here. Forever is a longtime. And I only grow mini size at that.

But I would rather buy from an adulteress female than some dude. But then again that's just my natural purvness



Well-Known Member
If some one offered you 1 meeellion dollars to stop growing would you do it?
This means absolutley no growing ever again. You have to buy other peoples weeed...
Hell yeah I would take a million dollars and promise to never grow again with my fingers crossed and then move to an awesome beautiful country where I can grow legally. And never tell whoever gave me two million dollars that I'm growing again