$26-$32 / gram


Well-Known Member
Hypothetically, if they can actually get people to pay these prices in a legal setting - there's no way they'd ever fuck with the BM.

Grams on the BM are closer to a couple dollars if you're buying or selling in bulk than they are to 30.
If they have product. They have to off it. Simple rithmetic!
"Offing" is "profit" weather they see it sell for 32 or 3 dollars/gram
This market is the easiest of them all to see from start to finish and every spin off in every direction.
Who do they think they are fooling?


Shwag in a jar... You'd think the glass would act like a micro scope and show off..the LACK OF ANYTHING GOOD on that shwag???!!! :)

Pure Shwag!!!
They can't grow medication and the proof is right in front of you in that little wee glass jar of shwag.


Well-Known Member
ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah, now that that is out of the way. Good luck never sealing your poorly grown, over priced dollar store glass jar weed lol.


Well-Known Member
I would buy it to try it, hope those arent the containers to carry around, cop would really believe that


Well-Known Member
You know whats worse then a black lady suckin hur teef at ya? French Canadians. I hate those arrogant priks.


Well-Known Member
This guy strikes me, without any real evidence at all, as one of those people who got an MBA and decided that the world owed them something, so instead of going to work for someone they just keep punching ideas out until one sticks. He has co-founded, run or managed many companies, but none of which seem very successful.


The prices are ridiculous and I think him and his brother-in-law might have been a bit too high when they committed to this business plan.


Well-Known Member
Did some digging on them old internets and here's what I found:

THC Premier Access
(yes, they call themselves THC)

Premier Access - Canada's Most Exclusive Medical Marijuana
Call to Apply 1-844-406-1852

Welcome to Premier Access
Hydropothecary caters exclusively to clients who care deeply about the quality of their medical marijuana.
But even among those with the appreciation and means for buying the best, there are a few who want something more.
So for a short time, we’re inviting select individuals to join our new Premier Access program, Canada’s most exclusive group of medicinal marijuana patients.

A Unique Guarantee

You should never have to go without the medicine you need.
As a Premier Access member, you enjoy the same guaranteed supply that we extend to all of our clients.
Furthermore, we go to great lengths to ensure your medicine is as dry as possible to reduce water weight.
This way, you’re paying for medicine, not water.*
*For optimal consumption, we recommend gently increasing the humidity in our products prior to use. For more information, please refer to our handbook.

What Your Membership Includes:
  1. Early Access: Try our Time of Day line of products before anyone else.
  2. VIP Starter Kit: Get helpful guidance and accessories to enhance your experience with our products.Your VIP Starter Kit includes a sleek top-of-the-line portable vaporizer, solid rosewood grinder, and an acclaimed medical marijuana cookbook.
  3. Exclusive Products: Access our Vault Reserve, including un-released products and specialty lines.
  4. Dialogue: Connect with our master growers and team of medical professionals about product specifics.
By Application Only
Premier Access is an exclusive group of people who care deeply about the effect, efficacy and taste of their medication. And who appreciate – or want to develop an appreciation for – the best medical grade marijuana in Canada.
Whether you’re accustomed to using marijuana for medical purposes or have yet to try marijuana as a health supplement, we welcome you to apply.
If you meet our criteria below, you’re a potential candidate for the program.

Is Premier Access Right For You?
Do you appreciate an element of luxury in your day-to-day life?
Are your standards for customer service higher than most?
Do you want to contribute to the craftsmanship of products that you’ll use and love?
Would you like early access to the highest quality medical marijuana in Canada?

Then apply to Premier Access today.


Well-Known Member
Concierge Service for Every Customer

Count on Concierge Service, Whenever You Need It

Your premium experience doesn’t end once your product is shipped to you in our custom designed glass jars.

In fact, it starts the moment you first contact us and continues for as long as you’re a client of Hydropothecary.

We strive to provide whatever assistance you may require to ensure you benefit fully from our products. Just contact our friendly customer service concierge whenever you have questions about our products, your order, or anything related to medicinal marijuana.

Easy Ordering, Online and By Phone

You should be able to order your medicine without hassles or delays. To ensure this, we’ve developed a streamlined ordering process that you can access either online or by phone. In minutes, you can place your order.

No Contracts

It’s wrong to force anyone to buy something they don’t want. So we don’t. To purchase our medicinal products, you’ll never have to sign a contract of any kind. Instead, you purchase what you need and remain our customer for as long as you like.

Free & Discreet Shipping

You won’t pay shipping charges, no matter how much or little you order. And importantly, your medicine is delivered to your door in packaging that will in no way reveal the contents. So your privacy is always ensured.

24/7 Medical Marijuana Hotline

You can access our hotline twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. With one quick call, you’ll be connected to a live person who can verify for others that you’re legally permitted to use medical marijuana.

Tax Credit Status on Each Invoice

Purchasing medicinal marijuana may entitle you to a tax credit. So each of your invoices are clearly marked to ensure you can do so.

Ready to improve your quality of life? Take the first step. Give us a call.

Ready to improve your quality of life?

Take the first step.

Give us a call.


Well-Known Member
In Their Own Words
Holistic Nutritionist & Certified Cancer Coach

Watch the video and hear her story.
Personal Stories - Michelle Thibodeau from Hydropothecary on Vimeo.

Husband & Restauranteur
Watch the video and hear his story.
Personal Stories - John Armstrong from Hydropothecary on Vimeo.

Consultant & Business woman of the Year
Watch the video and hear her story.
Personal Stories - Angela Sutcliffe from Hydropothecary on Vimeo.

Watch the video and hear her story.
Personal Stories - Katy from Hydropothecary on Vimeo.

Watch the video and hear his story.
Personal Stories - John Wells from Hydropothecary on Vimeo.

Will medical marijuana work for me?

Continue your tour here.
Could medical marijuana help someone you know?
Share these stories with them.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Gee Whizz...I'm a gonna run and join up right away...............this is gonna be like being on Let's Make a Deal.....I pick door number three....yeah...yeah...yeah


Well-Known Member
Medical Marijuana, a Viable, Legal Option
If you’ve come to this site, you’re likely suffering (or sometimes suffer) from discomfort, stress and/or pain due to issues with your health.

And if you’re on a pharmaceutical regimen to treat these issues, there’s a good chance you live with side effects of your medication – and worry about the long-term consequences these drugs may have on your health.

However, you don’t have to deal with your health issues unassisted or treat them only with pharmaceuticals.

Unsure About Medical Marijuana? You’re Not Alone
Of course, if you’re reading this particular section of the site, then you’re also probably a little unsure about medical marijuana.

You may not really know what it’s all about. You may not fully appreciate what it can do for you. You may even have some concerns about using it as a medicine.

You’re not alone.

Tens of thousands of people living with varied health issues have yet to try medical marijuana, either because they have specific concerns or are unaware of its benefits.

(If you consider yourself savvy about medical marijuana, then feel free to jump directly to our products page right now.)

Is Medical Marijuana a Viable Option?
When it comes to medical marijuana, times are changing. Laws have been revamped and attitudes continue to shift.

To put it succinctly, medical marijuana is:

  • fully legal and supported by the Canadian government;
  • socially acceptable; and
  • prescribed to patients to treat many conditions.
In other words it’s a viable option that could, if used responsibly, improve your quality of life.

You’ve Got Concerns, So Let’s Address Them
Still, you may have specific concerns. That’s fine; your concerns are all legitimate. There’s quite a bit of misunderstanding about medical marijuana. It’s still a new industry and laws have recently changed.

So let’s address some of the main concerns.

Won’t I be doing something illegal if I use marijuana?
Not if you use marijuana as a medicine. In fact, the government has created an entire regulatory system to oversee medical marijuana. Growers must be licensed and patients need requisitions from their doctors. In other words, it’s perfectly legal to use medical marijuana in Canada.

How do I know that the quality of the product is good?
In Canada, only producers licensed by the government can grow medical marijuana. In order to get a license, producers have to meet rigorous standards of quality. This ensures your medical marijuana at least meets the government’s minimum standards. The better producers exceed these standards.

Do I have to smoke it? I’m worried about the health risks (and the smell) of smoking.
No. There are different ways to take medical marijuana. Some people smoke it, but many others take it in a tea, as an oil tincture (liquid placed under tongue) or in a vaporizer. With any of these options, you won’t have to worry about inhaling smoke or any lingering odour.

What will people think of me? I don’t want to be seen as a “stoner” or “pothead”.
First, attitudes have changed drastically in recent years. Most people today have no problem with someone using marijuana to treat health conditions. And if used in a tea or tincture, no one will know anyway.

Will I be high all the time?
No. In fact, there are strains of medical marijuana grown to have a stimulative effect that don’t make you high. In other words, these give you a boost when you need it, much like a cup of coffee. Your ability to function won’t be affected. Other strains will of course relax you, but the degree and duration of this effect are both within your control, since you can choose how much to take and when to take it.

How do I get it? Will I have to make a shady deal in a back alley or in public view of nosy neighbours?
No and no. First, you purchase medical marijuana from a licensed producer. These are reputable companies that adhere to strict government standards. Second, you can make your purchases online or by telephone and have the product delivered anonymously to your residence.

Will medical marijuana cause complications with the existing medications I use?
You should always consult with your doctor before altering your medications in any way.

What if my employer finds out I’m using marijuana for medical purposes? Will I be fired?
No. It’s against the law for an employer to fire an employee for using a necessary medication prescribed by a doctor, provided it doesn’t inhibit your performance or pose any risk to you or others. That being said, as a medication, medical marijuana should never be used in conjunction with certain types of work.

I'm uncomfortable raising this subject with my family doctor. Who should I speak with instead?
Please call the Hydropothecary and we will do our best to connect you with a qualified health professional in your area who would be happy to discuss medical marijuana with you. Our number is 1-844-406-1852.

How do I know which strain to take for my symptoms?
In consultation with a health professional, you can try a strain or strains of medical marijuana and at a dosage best suited to your condition. As you get a feel for what works best, your health professional can refine your regimen. To assist your health professional, Hydropothecary provides all clients with a handy Reference Guide for Physicians – developed by our Chief Medical Officer – that outlines dosage, different products, consumption methods, and other key factors related to taking medical marijuana.

I have more questions; is there someone I can speak with?
Yes, of course. Please connect with one of our informed customer experience representatives, who can answer any questions you might have, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Call 1-844-406-1852.

Still have some concerns?
We’d be happy to address them.

Call us. Click here.
Speak by phone with one of our medical marijuana experts



Well-Known Member
— Our Unique Process —
From Science & Nature to Craftsmanship
The Secret Behind Our Premium Medical Marijuana
Hydropothecary grows the best medical marijuana.

Our secret? A unique process designed to produce – and continually refine – a truly premium product.

Here’s what we do to make it happen.

  • Integrate research-based science and advanced technology at every stage of the process.
  • Apply the same rigorous standards of quality control common across medical industries.
  • Plant and grow our products in cutting-edge facilities custom built for this purpose.
  • Follow a unique, natural growing process to nurture our product, from seed to storage.
Focus on the Science: Applying Research & Technology to Refine Our Products
At every stage, we follow industry best-practices.

But we raise the bar even higher by applying our own innovations to cultivation and harvesting of medical marijuana.

These innovations include:

  • Custom designed nutritional programs
  • Intentional use of cold snap technology to produce unique strains
  • California hand trimming™
  • Phytotronic pods to precisely control all environmental factors
  • Use of pesticide free, biological solutions, including predatory insects, to prevent pest issues before they arise
  • Specially designed glass storage/shipping jars to prevent contamination
It’s through innovations like these that we’re able to produce our premium product. And we’ll continue to innovate our growing process.

Exacting Standards to Ensure Medical Level Quality
At Hydropothecary, we take seriously the fact that people depend upon medical marijuana to improve their quality of life.

Being a medicine, it should be developed under rigorous standards to ensure consistency and quality.

We’re committed to this principle. We apply the same exacting standards of quality control that apply to the pharmaceutical industry in Canada.

You can rest assured that your premium product will always be the best.

Cutting-edge Facilities to Maximize Nutrients, Soil & Sunlight
Like any plant, medical marijuana derives the most benefit from natural light. But ensuring quality usually requires being grown indoors.

Our innovation is to bring together the best of both. We’ve built facilities that allow us to grow under natural light while controlling all elements needed to ensure consistent, premium quality.

Every aspect within the facility is monitored by computer sensors and centrally controlled. Nutrients, soil, sunlight, air flow, humidity: nothing is left to chance.

Natural Growing Process, From Seed to Storage
Premium medical marijuana can’t be grown by following the typical approach. To create the best product, we've combined science and technology with expertise in modern horticulture, allowing us to improve the process of cultivation.

All of our medical marijuana is:

  • Grown in a natural, rural setting away from urban and industrial pollution
  • Exposed to direct sunlight in special facilities designed to maximize photosynthesis
  • Fed using our customized nutrient program
  • Free of pesticides and hormones; completely GMO free
  • Harvested with care using “Californian hand trimming” methods
  • Cured, stored and shipped in glass jars to prevent contamination
And the Expertise to Make It Happen
Our entire process is overseen by two key people: our operations manager, an expert in cultivation and horticulture; and our vice president of quality, who has over two decades of experience in pharmaceutical manufacturing.

They lead a team of experts who first and foremost see themselves as craftspeople. Artisans creating a premium product, they’re proud to be cultivating the best medical marijuana available.

You don't just get a great product. You get a superior customer experience.

Continue your tour here.


Well-Known Member
Adam Miron
Adam is the co-founder of Hydropothecary.

For nearly a decade, his arena has been the world of media, both old and new.

News Cloud Overseas, an online network of fourteen newspapers worldwide, is one of Adam’s creations.

Canada's first and only exclusively online political newspaper, iPolicitics.ca – of which he is co-founder and former CTO – exists in large part due to his vision and leadership.

And nearly every major publisher in Canada has at one time called on him to create and implement media strategies.

Adam uniquely combines business acumen with tech savvy and a knack for getting things done. HIs skills are directly responsible for the standout brand that is Hydropothecary.

Through his leadership, Hydropothecary continues to tap the latest technologies, exploiting traditional and online media to grow the brand and the company.

Sébastien St. Louis
Co-founder & Chief Executive Officer
Sébastien brings sharp insight into what’s needed to create and build successful businesses.

First as a regional manager at EDC (Export Development Canada) and then as a senior account manager at BDC (Business Development Canada), Sébastien provided financing and consulting advice to hundreds of businesses across almost every industry.

He also served as CFO for a manufacturing firm, doubling sales to $10 million in a single year while preparing it for public sale.

All of which gave him an intimate understanding of cash flow analysis, econometrics and business strategy.

Dry stuff to some, but for any business – especially one with the long-term vision for growth of Hydropothecary – critical to success.

Sébastien’s fluent bilingualism means he’s comfortable speaking in English or French with health professionals, business leaders and government officials.

Ed Chaplin
Chief Financial Officer
During Ed’s eighteen years working within high growth companies, he learned a thing or two about corporate financing and governance.

He’s been actively involved in the due diligence and integration of six acquisitions worth a total of $378 million. He led the financial integration of a $220 million acquisition and developed a global finance organization to meet the needs of the new company.

And through multiple financing initiatives, he helped raise $480 million in debt and equity while managing an SEC registration statement for a cross-border IPO on both the NASDAQ and TSX.

Ed oversees the day-to-day financials of Hydropothecary, as well as the journey towards a potential IPO.

His goals? Establish the company as a leader in financial transparency while ensuring that it’s managed professionally and with integrity.

Dr. Michael Munzar
Chief Medical Officer
Our clients can count on our commitment to the science thanks in part to our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Michael Munzar. In fact, Hydropothecary is the only licensed producer in Canada that has established such a role.

With over three decades as a licensed physician, Dr. Munzar has been published in numerous peer-reviewed journals, managed medical facilities, and designed and conducted pre-clinical studies and clinical trials. All while working in areas spanning health care, from geriatrics to psychiatry.

Since 1996, Dr. Munzar has also been a Director of Nymox Pharmaceutical Corp, and since 2012, a Director at Osta Biotechnologies

Both the quality of production and direction of our research programs depend upon Dr. Munzar’s leadership. Put another way, his knowledge and experience are critical to our providing customers with effective medicine while continually innovating our product line.

Pascal Sauvé
Chief Technology Officer
Hydropothecary relies on Pascal’s wizardry to maintain and expand its various technology systems, including IT, communications and security.

Most recently, Pascal served as CTO of ZeroPi, a firm specializing in managing “big data”. His expertise in this new field will play an important role in Hydropothecary’s efforts to exploit potentially massive amounts of research data while developing new products and services.

Prior to joining the company, Pascal served as CEO of Innovitel, a high-tech consulting firm he founded in 2007. Under his leadership, the company helped businesses simplify their processes through custom technologies that make both workflows and workers more productive.

He’s now achieving the same results for Hydropothecary.

By implementing new technologies, he’s automating and improving the precision of many of our processes; and ensuring that security is best-in-industry in order protect the company’s physical assets, its intellectual property and the personal information of clients.

Magda Farid
VP Quality
Magda keeps a sharp eye on the Hydropothecary’s medical marijuana to ensure it meets all standards of consistency and quality. In fact, her attention to detail is so precise, our product quality consistently exceeds standards.

Her fastidiousness results from over two decades managing operations at the manufacturing facility of a leading medical company. Under her watch, the company produced a range of pharmaceuticals, devices and nutritionals to an exacting level of quality.

Magda’s familiarity with all aspects of quality assurance – from inventory control to regulatory good management practices, and from health and safety to labour relations – plays an integral part in her helping the company grow premium medical marijuana.

She keeps the focus where we and our clients want it: on the quality of our medicine.

Louis Gagnon
Operations Manager
With over thirty years experience in horticulture, including as one of Rona Canada’s main suppliers of plants and flowers, Louis has an unsurpassed knowledge and passion for growing fauna.

He specialized in the cultivation of difficult-to-harvest flowers and plants and is familiar with hundreds of different varieties.

In fact, flowers from his expansive farm decorated every event at the Prime Minister’s residence in Ottawa in recent years.

Louis understands seed production, biological controls, grafting and propagation, and has perfected the process of growing climate-sensitive phenotypes in large scale greenhouses.

All of which he now applies, along with uncompromising standards of quality, to the production of Hydropothecary’s premium medical marijuana.

Julie Beun
Publicist & Communications Specialist
Julie is a connector and influencer with a knack for strategic storytelling. Whether developing media and communications or hosting events, she tries to address issues by looking several steps beyond.

She’s interviewed international celebrities and heads of state, written two books, and as a journalist, lived and worked around the world.

The Hydropothecary looks to Julie for guidance on how to connect through the media with key players and markets. With twenty-seven years experience in magazine and newspaper publishing, she knows who to talk to, how to reach them, and what to say – ensuring the message gets heard and serves our purpose.

Maxime Cyr
Manager, Customer Experience
Hydropothecary differentiates itself in part through its premium customer experience. At every point of contact with the company, from registration through sales and service, clients can count on concierge assistance.

Fortunately, the responsibility to ensure every client has this experience falls on the capable shoulders of Max Cyr.

What makes Max qualified to oversee such a critical component of Hydropothecary’s efforts?

First and foremost, he knows the legislation inside out.

Until recently he was at Health Canada, charged with training and supervising the twenty-four officials responsible for communicating and policing various aspects of the Marijuana Medical Access Program and Medical Marijuana Producter’s Regulations (MMPR), as well as the 24/7 police services hotline.

He dealt with high volumes of inquiries from the public on sensitive issues, work he continues for Hydropothecary.

And to everyone’s great benefit, he’s a stickler for following standard operating procedures, a critical habit in a highly regulated area like medical marijuana.

Motivated by a strong desire to assist people, Max takes seriously his role in helping patients understand and access their medical marijuana.

Max Alsayar
Research Engineer

With a background in both chemical engineering and financial consulting, Max is the perfect fit for Hydropothecary, with its science-focused approach to business.

His main responsibility involves building a team to further progress in cannabinoids research, with an eye to applying this work to Hydropothecary’s production of medical marijuana. As part of this, he’s tasked with developing technologies to improve all aspects of cultivation, storage and testing.

He also coordinates with universities and associations to develop joint research projects.

To Max, there’s something inherently exciting about facing – and eventually overcoming – complex engineering challenges. This enthusiasm is reflected in the company’s ongoing commitment to innovation.

Fluent in English and Arabic, Max also speaks conversational Russian and Japanese.